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War Rock Close Quarters Combat 2on2 winter league playoffs
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14.03.09 myENCORE. 2v2 gg Detail
23.02.09 In memory of cice&tino gg Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 2on2 Winter League 2009
created to rating comment match
15.01.09 ermi and rob gg Detail

War Rock Open Ladder 2on2 CQC Europe
created to rating comment match
10.01.09 Soz4Owned 2v2 gg Detail
09.01.09 Sayeret Matkal gg Detail
08.01.09 In memory of cice&tino gg Detail
30.12.08 VeryInsanePeople WR 2on2 gg Detail
29.12.08 WINT9RTiME gg Detail
27.12.08 K-Othic es gg Detail
27.12.08 myENCORE. 2v2 gg Detail
27.12.08 xcision.13 gg Detail
26.12.08 K-Othic 2v2 KandS gg Detail
25.12.08 Pipz e Rio in Love gg Detail
15.12.08 HJT Hand JoB TeaM 2vs2 flaming Detail
13.12.08 Owned by Hackers' gg Detail
07.12.08 MoRtal 4eVer gg Detail
04.12.08 Steel - GAMING gg Detail
29.11.08 FreaQ feat. exXe0n gg nice guys Detail
28.11.08 n3rdn4p n4pn3rd Good game sorry for F2 Detail
28.11.08 jimbo aka topsecret Without 999 ur nothing. Detail
23.11.08 Tony eSports gg Detail
22.11.08 Happy Two NubzZ gg Detail
22.11.08 ermi and rob wdf... Detail
19.11.08 xcision.14 gg Detail
17.11.08 P0-Gamer 2on2 Inactiv f2 Detail
07.11.08 StraiGht To YouR FaCe gg Detail
28.10.08 Tony eSports gg Detail
27.10.08 challenge us plz. Good Game guys. Detail
26.10.08 Strange_Outsider gg Detail
24.09.08 PippArtoluzzo31 Detail
20.09.08 Baden-Württemberg regelt Detail
02.09.08 Immortal Universal Soldiers DOWNLOADING LOW!!!! Detail
29.08.08 NinuAnDSnow lagalot Detail
28.08.08 VeryInsanePeople WR 2on2 gg Detail
25.08.08 In memory of old team Flamers. Detail
22.08.08 les missionnaires gg Detail
16.08.08 3 2 1 meinz Good players, fair play. Detail
10.08.08 xcision.14 GG Detail
05.08.08 Radiowka OwnZ U Didnt wait when i crashed... Detail
04.08.08 si4mo n0i ... Detail
01.08.08 Ashur Dei Rage quit after 3 rounds. Detail
01.08.08 VeryInsanePeople WR 2on2 gg Detail
26.06.08 X Play Hard gg Detail
24.06.08 OwnedByYou gg Detail
11.04.08 Pwn3D.w8 gg Detail
07.04.08 TheTrueLOVE nC shoot through walls Detail
05.04.08 Alis Zaziki Bude Devildark @ bS Detail
23.03.08 cG. Cr4zY B4sT4rDs Detail
15.03.08 BM 2on2 cheater gg Detail