Rating In memory of good old times...

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War Rock Close Quarters Combat 3on3+ Extreme Ladder
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03.05.09 1337 flamer Detail
18.04.09 lachnummer gg Detail
15.03.09 Elite Prnstars Germany gg Detail
15.03.09 In Memory Red Drag0ns gg Detail
13.03.09 Unbelievable Warriors gg Detail
08.03.09 Semper-Fi eSports Legends gg :> Detail
08.03.09 In Memory Red Drag0ns gg Detail
07.03.09 1337 gg ;) Detail
04.03.09 Evolution Gaming e.Sports Regeln sollte man beherrschen!! Detail
18.01.09 TheDeathFighters gg Detail
09.01.09 BRW Warrock Gamers gg Detail
19.12.08 TheDeathFighters gg Detail

War Rock Open Ladder 3on3+ CQC Europe
created to rating comment match
28.04.09 1337 Detail
24.04.09 L33T Gaming Detail
24.04.09 1337 gg Detail
05.04.09 roYality eSports Detail
02.04.09 United Legion.Warrock gg Detail
31.03.09 Army of Death - 2nd WR gg ;) Detail
31.03.09 OX-GAMING unfair players Detail
30.03.09 Army of Death Detail
29.03.09 WorTex gg Detail
27.03.09 Fakkelbrigadiers gg++ :P Detail
26.03.09 RevolutioN hacks, eq off hmmkguys Detail
25.03.09 In Memory of Good Times gg Detail
23.03.09 L33T Gaming gg :) Detail
22.03.09 roYality eSports Detail
22.03.09 UNDiiSPUTED flame etc :< Detail
18.03.09 RevolutioN Detail
15.03.09 Karma Clan of Games gg Detail
14.03.09 Good old times - TerraNex gg ;) Detail
14.03.09 Sakge Gaming VIP whiners Detail
12.03.09 clan of liberty Detail
10.03.09 Army of Death - 2nd WR gg Detail
03.02.09 ZukovIsTheBest gg Detail
25.01.09 RevolutioN gg Detail
25.01.09 TheDeathFighters gg Detail
24.01.09 Inaktive Team camp more pls^^ Detail
23.01.09 FREEESTYYLOOORRRS gg Detail
17.01.09 Authentic-Gaming gg Detail
11.01.09 Dutch Elite Detail
09.01.09 L33T Gaming very good game Detail
06.01.09 EliTe Team-X WarRock gg++ Detail
05.01.09 Good old Germany gg Detail
04.01.09 eXecution insults Detail
01.01.09 InactiveMMM gg Detail
31.12.08 Lutschpuppen.WR gg Detail
30.12.08 Weltherrscher hard lags Detail
28.12.08 Legion.WR gg Detail
22.12.08 L33T Gaming gg Detail
21.12.08 pek-gaming.warrock Detail
17.12.08 Good old Germany gg++ Detail
13.12.08 eXecution buguser Detail
08.12.08 SANITY.WR gg Detail
06.12.08 Inactive K-Othic eSport gg Detail
24.11.08 myGamax.WR spam ingame Detail
18.11.08 Tactical Assassins gg Detail
16.11.08 No Geeks No Fun.inaktiv gg Detail
08.11.08 Illusion eSports gg but horrible pings.. Detail
28.10.08 Elite Prnstars Germany.Wr ++ Detail
27.10.08 Team Prodigy gg Detail
26.10.08 in Memory of aineX aka. FlowerPower gg <3 Detail
23.10.08 In Memory of WIN.WR gg <3 Detail
22.10.08 delete us x3 gg <3 Detail
23.05.08 DeSert-Gaming Sehr nette Spieler! Kein Geflame! Detail
22.05.08 The Nameless Basher Detail
22.05.08 Team NoName WR Detail
14.05.08 In memory of Team LeiSuRe gg Detail
04.05.08 In Memory of P.U.R.E. Squad flamer Detail
02.05.08 French-Squad Espoir gg n1 players Detail
25.04.08 Self Vital Force hard lag, flame, playerchange (acc logs out and then again logs in) Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 3on3+ Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
01.04.09 Newcomer e.Sports gg Detail
25.03.09 Semper-Fi eSports Legends Detail
23.03.09 In Memory Red Drag0ns gg Detail
21.03.09 PiTbullZz gg Detail
20.03.09 Good old times - TerraNex gg ;) Detail
17.03.09 FREEESTYYLOOORRRS gg Detail
16.03.09 Hier ist ein toller Teamname gg Detail
16.03.09 No Geeks No Fun.inaktiv Detail
14.03.09 Good old times - TerraNex gg Detail
08.03.09 ComeGetSome Detail
06.03.09 No Geeks No Fun.inaktiv gg Detail
14.12.08 Kümmel ft. Schümmel gg 1 runde.. Detail
05.12.08 Elite Prnstars Germany Black ringen und dann noch loosen, nice.. Detail
23.05.08 SF at Sommerpause 06.09-07.09 gg Detail
22.05.08 Owned by n0 xD 2runde emul aber sons gg Detail
22.05.08 Aimers.1st.eSports Detail
21.05.08 Remember Team.UnLimited II haben zwar geringt aber trotzdem gg Detail
12.05.08 Owned by n0 xD gg Detail
06.05.08 KRC Special Forces gg, kein lag, kein flame Detail
30.04.08 Team Löschen leave-.- Detail
29.04.08 GEW Warrock Detail
29.04.08 German Splatter Forces flame-.- Detail
27.04.08 NSA eSports oldsql n1 players gg Detail
23.04.08 Suicide Commando gg, netter leute, gute spieler, kein flame, kein lag, kein buguse Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 3on3 Plus Quick Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
15.03.09 Good old times - TerraNex quick is only luck ;) 2 times normal ladder win :o Detail
11.03.09 tulu u nu gg Detail
11.03.09 Sakge Gaming VIP gg Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 3on3+ nightcup4
created to rating comment match
12.03.09 Mission failed. gg Detail
12.03.09 Elite Prnstars Germany gg <3 Detail

War Rock Team Deathmatch 4on4 Ladder
created to rating comment match
05.03.09 Airborne Gaming gg :) Detail
27.02.09 RevolutioN gg Detail
08.01.09 1337 Detail
07.01.09 RevolutioN gg Detail
29.11.08 1337 gg Detail
13.11.08 myGamax.WR gg Detail
27.10.08 Dutch Elite gg Detail
26.10.08 eXception-Gaming gg Detail
26.10.08 1337 gg Detail
24.10.08 delete us x3 gg Detail

War Rock Urban Ops 4on4+ Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.11.08 1337 gg++ Detail