Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating The Banana back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder created to rating comment match 02.09.08 THE CYBORGS Detail 31.08.08 4fungejmers Detail 30.08.08 KARA MUSTAFA Detail 30.08.08 nyguwery Detail 30.08.08 Thunder in Paradise Detail 29.08.08 e-rodzina Detail 28.08.08 Skazani na sukcez Detail 25.08.08 SILKA TEAM Detail 24.08.08 nyguwery Detail 20.08.08 IAM SAYCOM Detail 19.08.08 tim skynet Detail 18.08.08 ZEMBLESS Detail 18.08.08 EKIPA 5on5 Detail 18.08.08 SILKA TEAM Detail 18.08.08 Wez Zostaw Ryska Detail 17.08.08 THEtalents Detail 17.08.08 tim FACEBOOK Detail 17.08.08 Time to PWNJI Detail 16.08.08 NA PELNEJ Detail 16.08.08 Inferno Detail 16.08.08 beCool Detail 16.08.08 AMD Detail 15.08.08 interpowo netowo Detail 15.08.08 ZABIJAKI Detail 15.08.08 nyguwery Detail 15.08.08 THE CYBORGS Detail 13.08.08 MY Detail 13.08.08 zcsczscaad Detail 13.08.08 hot players Detail 12.08.08 theCHAINSAW Detail 12.08.08 headshooters Detail 12.08.08 SZPW Detail 12.08.08 555 Detail 12.08.08 ZEMBLESS Detail 12.08.08 W poszukiwaniu skilla Detail 11.08.08 detox.cs Detail 10.08.08 ZAGLADA Detail 10.08.08 Dobrze Grajacy Konterowcy Detail 10.08.08 Taczka Gaming EU Detail 08.08.08 Talesz Wafluw Detail 08.08.08 tim skynet Detail 07.08.08 nyguwery Detail 07.08.08 13th Division Detail 07.08.08 kolorowe kredki Detail 06.08.08 MADNESS Detail