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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
01.02.11 PROPAGANDA JP Detail
28.01.11 Podmuch Palestyny 5on5 Detail
27.01.11 DEGENERATS 5on5 Detail
27.01.11 FLUX PAVILION /flux/ Detail
27.01.11 theFRATERNITY Detail
25.01.11 GAME.OVER Detail
25.01.11 Zielone Pluca Polski Detail
25.01.11 KLAN NA ESL Detail
24.01.11 World Boxing Council Detail
24.01.11 fala zbrodni Detail
21.01.11 yoda followers Detail
09.01.11 CYGANSKA RODZINA Detail
09.01.11 Ta O.o 2 Detail
08.01.11 run forest RUN! Detail
08.01.11 Big Booty Bitches! Detail
08.01.11 The Format.mix Detail
07.01.11 REMEMBRANC3 Detail
06.01.11 Czterej Pancerni i Taktyk Detail
03.01.11 Elektroniczny mordulec Detail
02.01.11 ZLOTOPOLSCY Detail
02.01.11 WZITY SOSITY Detail
30.12.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail
28.01.10 Go Go Gooo Detail
28.01.10 We Will Never Die.pracc Detail
27.01.10 Team Parter Detail
27.01.10 Nobody-Knows-Us- Detail
27.01.10 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
26.01.10 SMALL SHY BOYS Detail
26.01.10 MADE IN HELL POL MR15 Detail
26.01.10 SZPECE Detail
26.01.10 RETAILED Detail
26.01.10 skillwof Detail
26.01.10 BADA BING Detail
25.01.10 MIX PLUS Detail
25.01.10 team proche Detail
25.01.10 Detail
24.01.10 LOLECZKI Detail
24.01.10 AUTOKASKI Detail
24.01.10 PSZCZOLA Detail
21.01.10 ULTIMATE kaTTax! eSports CLUB Detail
21.01.10 Dzieki Bogu juz Piatek Detail
07.01.10 Detail
07.01.10 APARATY Detail
16.12.09 dARKSIDE! Detail
16.12.09 Mixowo Detail
15.12.09 EUPHORIA CS Detail
14.12.09 AUTOKASKI Detail
11.12.09 no to sru Detail
21.11.09 Lamehack Detail
21.11.09 Ci znani Detail
20.11.09 R JAK ROBAK Detail
13.11.09 setinfo Detail
13.11.09 no to sru Detail
13.11.09 sympatyczni Detail
12.11.09 MASTURBATORS Detail
12.11.09 United-Forces Detail
11.10.09 Lamehack Detail
11.10.09 MORDERCY Detail
11.10.09 JUST CRY Detail
11.10.09 Dobrze Znani vol.2 Detail
11.10.09 Liberian Players Detail
27.09.09 Team ciotEd Detail
27.09.09 BAJABONGO Detail
26.09.09 Team NIE ZNAM Detail
26.09.09 SPADYZORZY Detail
16.09.09 Dinozaury Gaming Detail
15.09.09 nnnz 5on5 Detail
15.09.09 baba czy chlop? Detail
13.09.09 RADAWUHACZY Detail
05.09.09 ANNAPOLIS ROYAL Detail
04.09.09 PRIDE pracc Detail
04.09.09 prawdziwa e-rodzina Detail
04.09.09 DIXON37 Detail
08.03.09 setinfo own 69 5on5 Detail
08.03.09 iNTERNETALLSTARS Detail
07.03.09 Amnesia Ibiza Detail
07.03.09 nie znam czlowieka 5on5 Detail
06.03.09 EU 5on5 TRAINING Detail
06.03.09 DHARMA initiative #5 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created to rating comment match
09.02.09 Mishimas Family Detail
08.02.09 STER-Gaming CS Detail
06.02.09 Alternate Reality Detail
24.01.09 zw ide polezec Detail
24.01.09 the rockets 5x5 Detail
23.01.09 5NETPLAYERS.CS Detail
21.01.09 POPEK PRACC Detail
20.01.09 FIRMA JP Detail
20.01.09 PAKERNIA Detail
18.01.09 thalRISE- pol Detail
17.01.09 Bez placzu Detail
17.01.09 empty Detail
17.01.09 AWANTURA Detail
17.01.09 imbalanced Detail
17.01.09 emuLacja Detail
17.01.09 Grunwald 5on5 Detail
12.01.09 szczelamy 4fun Detail
12.01.09 GANG Detail
08.01.09 miksowo bezoporowo Detail