Rating mSmworld e.V.

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Battlefield 2 Infantry 5on5 Bundesliga Season I Playoffs
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19.04.09 prediction Gaming e.V. Detail
16.04.09 diamondZ e.V. Detail
15.04.09 prediction Gaming e.V. Detail
14.04.09 diamondZ e.V. Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry Winter League Playoffs Div II
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13.04.09 Unreal Gaming Detail
31.03.09 S3MP3R.Fi Cup Detail
24.03.09 Next Gamers Technology Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 5on5 Bundesliga Season I
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15.03.09 Inactive lalala Detail
08.03.09 TerraNex e.V. - BF2 Detail
01.03.09 Teamname123 naja wollte ++ geben, aber wie ihr wollt Detail
22.02.09 High FiDelity Detail
15.02.09 Team DuschDas Detail
01.02.09 prediction Gaming e.V. Detail
25.01.09 S3MP3R.Fi Detail
18.01.09 OLD myAtera - BF2 Bundesliga commander unso Detail
11.01.09 IN VINO VERITAS Detail
08.01.09 BoW-G4m1ng Detail
21.12.08 fANTASY bc2 Detail
14.12.08 OLD XsT gg well played Detail
11.12.08 diamondZ e.V. Detail
30.11.08 EAT.sports-reloaded Mixteam gg well played Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry Winter League
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23.02.09 UppFor Detail
12.02.09 Team Rush Haze gg well played Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 5on5 Bundesliga Quali Cup #1
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16.11.08 S3MP3R.Fi gg well played Detail
16.11.08 logiX e.V. gg well played Detail