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Left 4 Dead 4on4 FastCup #15
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25.03.10 Elementale By Speed-serv.com aucun fairplay de la part de Koze et lonzo Detail
24.03.10 KnS-GamerS.L4D Detail
24.03.10 Multigaming family.L4d gg family Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 FastCup #13
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03.03.10 inStant Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Ladder
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02.03.10 Safety gg safety Detail
21.02.10 Elementale By Speed-serv.com gg Elementale Detail
19.02.10 Suika gg suika Detail
18.02.10 Dfroke Detail
11.02.10 RaSh - A gg ANDARTA Detail
09.02.10 Ultimate Death gg death Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 FastCup #011
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18.02.10 Safety gg safety Detail
17.02.10 Nuggets.L4D Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 FastCup #10
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11.02.10 KnS-GamerS.L4D gg kns Detail
10.02.10 Eternity.Games gg Eternity Detail
10.02.10 Elementale By Speed-serv.com gg E! Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 FastCup#07
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18.01.10 Suika gg Detail
17.01.10 oGm.. gg Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Qualifications Supported Pro Series #2
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17.10.09 Activity.L4D Detail
16.10.09 Seven4.L4D GG les gars ;) Detail
16.10.09 K-LibR.L4D2 GG les copains Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Qualifications Supported Pro Series
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07.10.09 Allendale L4D gg les potos encore un match de folie,tremblotte 8) Detail
07.10.09 Royal Eagles gg les mecs Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Ladder
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07.10.09 DRUCKWELLE GG guys, intensive match ;) Detail
22.09.09 o) solstice.l4d GG guys, intensive game Detail
21.09.09 Vodka Detail
01.09.09 DRUCKWELLE gg Detail
11.08.09 Silent Hunters GG guys Detail
07.07.09 Extinct 4 Kings Detail
17.06.09 STILL ALIVE - REBORN Detail
16.06.09 Extinct 4 Kings Sorry but we haven\'t had a good time ... not as usual :( Detail
12.06.09 Hello Kitty Online Adventures gg Detail
11.06.09 Elite Spanish Players gg Detail
10.06.09 Pathologist.l4d gg. Detail
09.06.09 Stofftiere Online e.V. L4D gg,bug smoker map 5 Detail
12.05.09 eXtatus L4D gg Detail
04.05.09 STILL ALIVE - REBORN Nice war, good team Detail
24.04.09 Methodic eSports gg Detail
21.04.09 Extinct 4 Kings GG guys, nice again, see you soon :) Detail
15.04.09 PGC.L4D GG guys, unlucky time for us :/ Detail
14.04.09 Italian Forgotten Survivors Cool opponents and fun war Detail
10.04.09 Abaddon GG, cool opponents Detail
10.04.09 DeaD.bOdY.mEn Real good war, nice opponents Detail
09.04.09 Leet4Dead GG guys, nice opponents Detail
07.04.09 Has Been Zuuuumbiiiies Detail
30.03.09 TANKBUSTERS GG, nice people and nice team Detail
29.03.09 All games fun 2 GG guys, see you soon :) Detail
29.03.09 Raccoons Left 4 Dead gg Detail
24.03.09 Methodic eSports GG guys, fair & good team Detail
18.03.09 RUstars GG guys, very cool & fair opponents Detail
18.03.09 We eat pancakes GG guys, very intensive game, so close :) Detail
13.03.09 Alive For You Grosse sauce Detail
11.03.09 Extinct 4 Kings GG fair and nice people Detail
10.03.09 Xeo Divine GG team very fair and fun :) Detail
03.03.09 PureStrange Very fair, nice people :) Detail
01.03.09 Insane Good game,HF les insane Detail
27.02.09 POWERCLAN GG, fun match & nice team Detail
24.02.09 Methodic eSports Detail
23.02.09 Quarantine Good game Detail
17.02.09 TANKBUSTERS GG nice oppenents Detail
16.02.09 Killing for Pleasure Detail
12.02.09 Survivor Expert GG guys, that was close Detail
10.02.09 GaG Detail
06.02.09 Bunch of Noobs Detail
04.02.09 gauntlet L4D Squad Alpha GG Gauntlet Team, very fair :) Detail
03.02.09 crakk Detail
30.01.09 arsenik Detail
28.01.09 untitled Detail
24.01.09 Def Jam.L4D Detail
21.01.09 Creativ' yea Detail
29.12.08 RusCorp L4D Squad Detail
29.12.08 Creativ' Detail
28.12.08 Just Kill You Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Summer Phase Finale
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23.09.09 UBITEAM Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Ladder
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13.09.09 Insidious Gaming gg les mecs Detail
25.06.09 K-LibR2.L4D gg,sauf le tank qui rentre dans l helico et qui nous met a terre. Detail
24.06.09 Incorpor4tion gg Detail
18.06.09 UBITEAM GG les mecs Detail
08.06.09 coup 2 crosse bon match Detail
29.05.09 Authentic Gamer Line L4D Oulala chaud,bj les mecs. Detail
28.05.09 Fish For Sale Detail
26.05.09 Steel-Made Gamers gg super match ^^ Detail
19.05.09 Authentic Gamer Line L4D gg bon match . Detail
18.05.09 iNov8.L4D A très bientot :) Detail
17.05.09 Has Been Zuuuumbiiiies gros match encore bj les amis. Detail
12.05.09 Authentic Gamer Line L4D gg bon match . Detail
11.05.09 M.2.R GG, team bien cool Detail
10.05.09 RevoZ e-Gaming since 2004 gg bon match . Detail
10.05.09 X-ray L4D gg team X-ray ^^ Detail
08.05.09 iNov8.L4D tre bon match ^^ Detail
07.05.09 NALFFT bon match gg les mecs. ^^ Detail
05.05.09 French Gamers Team Bien joué les gars, pas trop de notre côter :( Detail
04.05.09 NITROSE.L4D Memory Encore un tres bon match. Detail
04.05.09 Alive For You gg les mecs bon match encore. Detail
02.05.09 Authentic Gamer Line L4D tres bon match ^^ fair play Detail
30.04.09 Espace Libre L4D bon match ^^ Detail
23.04.09 NITROSE.L4D Memory tres bon match ^^ Detail
21.04.09 UBITEAM GG, a bientot Detail
20.04.09 TANKBUSTERS bj Detail
08.04.09 Has Been Zuuuumbiiiies Encore une war super serrée :p GG a tous Detail
07.04.09 iNov8.L4D gg Detail
01.04.09 fantasy dogma gg Detail
31.03.09 French Gamers Team GG tres sympa team poto Detail
30.03.09 X-ray L4D gg fun match Detail
26.03.09 Xeo Divine GG Xeo, encore une rencontre fort sympathique avec une team poto :) Detail
25.03.09 Fish For Sale hf Detail
17.03.09 Alive For You GG à vous les gars, Guilty, MisterJ et Snipewolf... Zykon hors sujet Detail
10.03.09 coup 2 crosse Detail
22.02.09 Fastpath 4 L4D Go revanche !!! ;) Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 FastCup1 CEVO Cfg
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13.09.09 Alive For You Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Premiership SummerCup 09
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09.09.09 Alive For You Detail
02.09.09 Allendale frcup gg les mecs Un beau tibilipe Detail
01.09.09 aNgels WingS Detail
26.08.09 Let's Have Fun GG les gars, war sympa Detail
18.08.09 K-LibR2.L4D gg les mecs Detail
10.08.09 EpileptiK Gaming gg Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 NightCup4
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29.07.09 IZI Team Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 cevoconfigcup
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10.07.09 Bouncer4You.Gaming L4D GG Detail
06.07.09 niOk .L4D good match Detail
24.06.09 aDn.Gaming.l4d gg Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 nightcup2
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03.07.09 oOc.l4d gg Detail
03.07.09 No Skilled Ouch,good game Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 nightcup
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20.06.09 UBITEAM gg Detail
19.06.09 Gamers-Area Pas cool,bloc boomer 3 em map Detail
19.06.09 EpileptiK Gaming Detail
19.06.09 K-LibR2.L4D gg Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Medpacks are out!
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27.05.09 Fish For Sale GG guys Detail

Materiel.net Left 4 Dead Coupe Materiel.net Old
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01.04.09 Top Gun GG les gars, war bien sympa, vivement la GA qu\'on se remette ça ;) Detail
28.03.09 Steel-Made Gamers GG les gars :) Detail
24.03.09 niOk .L4D GG les gars Detail
21.03.09 Safety Detail
12.03.09 Les 4 PGM's Bien joué les gars Detail

Left 4 Dead 4on4 Winter Cup
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29.01.09 Creativ' Encore une rencontre bien sympathique :) Detail