Rating defuse team

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder_old
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28.02.11 Grande Abraco Detail
14.02.11 kALASH Detail
16.11.10 Da-Myght Detail
05.10.10 waiting4deleted Detail
03.10.10 Kings Multigaming Detail
03.10.10 adsddd Detail
01.10.10 SKYPE FRIENDS Detail
01.10.10 waiting4deleted Detail
30.09.10 POWERMIND Detail
26.09.10 GoldeN sC. Detail
16.09.10 Grande Abraco Detail
11.09.10 Revoltados Detail
07.09.10 Elohim Detail
03.09.10 LaGGerofd00m (off) Detail
03.09.10 worthless Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Inverno Series Playoffs
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24.02.11 haxpro Cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Inverno Series 2011
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16.01.11 haxpro Cs Detail

Speed-On Counter-Strike 5on5 Premiership Season 1
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18.12.10 dasdasads Detail
17.12.10 xG 2on2 Detail
15.12.10 SheepKriminals Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder Old
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01.06.10 SecondSkill Detail
26.05.10 inFUZE-Gaming Detail
09.05.10 Evil Jeez Detail
22.04.10 Kings Clan CS:1.6 Detail
21.04.10 watchOut Detail
20.04.10 TeamExSize Detail
20.04.10 Grande Abraco Detail
18.04.10 f4ntasyTEAM Detail
06.04.10 Press2Start Detail
05.04.10 BACKLESS Detail
03.04.10 Portugal Leets Rev. Detail
01.04.10 Evil Jeez Detail
01.04.10 Vila Real Detail
31.03.10 inFUZE-Gaming Detail
29.03.10 Da-Myght Detail
25.03.10 Portugal Leets Rev. Detail
24.03.10 ReVGAMING Detail
15.03.10 Paranormal eSports Detail
05.03.10 crew-jk Detail
28.02.10 HARDMIND Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 SteelSeries Season 3 PlayOff
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15.04.10 Evil Jeez Detail
06.04.10 aqasdf Detail
02.04.10 T1asgaseQ Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 SteelSeries Season 3
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11.03.10 Da-Myght Detail
08.03.10 naP - Gaming Club Detail
27.02.10 weed smoke, with style Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder Old
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04.02.10 Portugal Leets Rev. Detail
01.02.10 nortGaming Detail
31.01.10 Da-Myght Detail
29.01.10 Efim do MUNDOOOOOOO Detail
28.01.10 Vila Real Detail
26.01.10 HIPERMOUSE Detail
26.01.10 The Legionary Shooters Detail
25.01.10 Juventude Portuguesa Detail
23.01.10 sizematters.north Detail
22.01.10 vANSKAP Detail
22.01.10 Real Portuguese Team Detail
16.01.10 vANSKAP Detail
15.01.10 BACKLESS' Team Detail
14.01.10 veNskab Gaming Detail
13.01.10 haxpro Cs Detail
10.01.10 Broken System Detail
07.01.10 kzox Detail
03.11.09 tkfgngj Detail
30.10.09 Loftarasa.cs Detail
26.10.09 BLEED eSports Detail
24.10.09 StopNplay e-Sports Detail
20.10.09 Illogical Gaming Detail
11.10.09 DYNAMIC-MOUSE Detail
09.10.09 aqasdf Detail
07.10.09 blessmyaim Detail
06.10.09 1.mind Detail
04.10.09 5Ace'S Detail
01.10.09 T-hermanos Detail
29.09.09 dubtastic Detail
28.09.09 Die SeeKing Detail
27.09.09 osnabosdocs Detail
27.09.09 Portugal Leets Rev. Detail
07.09.09 Complex Gaming Detail
03.09.09 Illogical Gaming Detail
31.08.09 KID TEAM Detail
18.08.09 KID TEAM Detail
12.08.09 5Ace'S Detail
12.08.09 Portugal Leets Rev. Detail
11.08.09 eCrew Gaming Detail
31.07.09 ruinatioN Detail
30.07.09 Team Pentagon Dubious Detail
28.07.09 Complex Gaming Detail
16.07.09 calour Detail
16.07.09 almightyteam Detail
13.07.09 AFRIKAN CLUB Detail
10.07.09 FLUSH Detail
09.07.09 sQI Team Detail
08.07.09 katotinhasabidoxi Detail
08.07.09 disturbed minds Detail
08.07.09 5Ace'S Detail
07.07.09 Juventude Portuguesa Detail
06.07.09 almightyteam ty ppl Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Winter Series
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20.01.10 StopNplay e-Sports Detail
18.01.10 Real Portuguese Team Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Qualificação torneio natal #6
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20.12.09 re-DELETED Detail
20.12.09 ACB CREW Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Qualificação torneio natal #3
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29.11.09 icephoenix insultos durante o jogo Detail
28.11.09 DoW.eSports Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Qualificação torneio natal #1
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16.11.09 tkfgngj Detail
15.11.09 art-Empire Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Summer 09
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03.09.09 aufice insults told Detail
27.08.09 SENSITIVITY Detail
20.08.09 culture gaming Detail
23.07.09 Russian Elite Forces even when with 4 no pause than pause with 5 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
09.07.09 Just Fun Detail
02.07.09 LINEUP Multigaming Detail
30.06.09 poo tang Second time we paly and they are ok Detail
28.06.09 infernalgamerz Detail
27.06.09 DEFINED5 The team have no maturity ans stands playing with the pausable action Detail
25.06.09 mrs.prieTEAM Detail
22.06.09 CS.ADDICTED Detail
20.06.09 hullabaloo club Detail
18.06.09 sssssssssssa Detail
17.06.09 calour Did n t show up and don t have an irc channel valid Detail
17.06.09 poo tang Detail
16.06.09 high quality Detail
15.06.09 Illuminati clan Portugal Detail