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Germany Call of Duty: World at War (360) 4on4 (360) Hardcore Ladder
created to rating comment match
18.10.09 H&K Support 2on2 Detail
30.09.09 German special Troop Detail
28.09.09 Radical Swiss Elite Detail
27.09.09 In Memories AtAt.Gaming Detail
27.09.09 New ToXic CompleX Detail
26.09.09 in memory of Team.absoluT Detail
25.09.09 Dark-Side-Soldiers COD5 Detail
22.09.09 qui-Primi CodWaW Detail
20.09.09 TC Famous Gaming Detail
19.09.09 extreme Reality Gaming Detail
15.09.09 XBFA Detail
14.09.09 Army of Darkness Detail
13.09.09 Patriots of Fire Detail
12.09.09 extreme Reality Gaming Detail
12.09.09 GTP Knights of Terror sehr gutes spiel Detail
10.09.09 KSC Fun SQUAD Detail
09.09.09 Dark-Side-Soldiers COD5 Detail
06.09.09 Kle is back Detail
03.09.09 Suck-Clan Detail
30.08.09 XBFA Detail
29.08.09 S.A.W Detail
23.08.09 HWiD 4on4 cod5 squads Detail
23.08.09 Patriots of Fire Detail
21.08.09 extreme Reality Gaming Detail
21.08.09 XpecT GaminG Team ViioLenCe Detail
16.08.09 In Memories AtAt.Gaming Detail
15.08.09 GerMan MuLti Talents Detail
15.08.09 extreme Reality Gaming Detail
14.08.09 HWiD 4on4 cod5 squads Detail
14.08.09 Team-Xeon Detail
09.08.09 Team-Xeon Detail
09.08.09 Plat1numZ Detail
09.08.09 German elite Soldiers Detail
07.08.09 WsH KinG GaMiinG Detail
05.08.09 Kle is back Detail
05.08.09 iW x iNSaNe WARRIORs vZ Detail
03.08.09 in memory of Team.absoluT Detail
02.08.09 GOH - Dont be Haiden Detail
02.08.09 In Memories AtAt.Gaming Detail
01.08.09 KKs-Gaming Apocalypse MW 2 ihr werdet die indirekte nummer eins also (2) Detail
31.07.09 GTP Knights of Terror Detail
30.07.09 Kle is back Detail
29.07.09 SKULLS eSPORTS CLAN Detail
28.07.09 Xbox Mafia CoD MW2 Detail
27.07.09 S.A.W Detail
27.07.09 2-Fast-4-You Detail
26.07.09 extreme Reality Gaming Detail
24.07.09 xXx Oki xXx Detail
24.07.09 Plat1numZ Detail
22.07.09 GOH - Dont be Haiden Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 5on5 Hardcore Ladder
created to rating comment match
23.08.09 United Warriors Cod4 RIP Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 3on3 S&D Ladder
created to rating comment match
08.08.09 5 potenzielle Attentäter Detail
05.08.09 KinG Gaming MW2 x Detail
05.08.09 Silent Nation Detail
25.07.09 team löschen 1314 Detail
24.07.09 Killende Sofa Connection Detail
24.07.09 Türk.Brothers.We.are.Shit Detail
24.07.09 KinG Gaming MW2 x Detail
22.07.09 team löschen 1314 Detail
15.07.09 Soldiers of Germany Detail
15.07.09 IFcG 1 Detail
15.07.09 360KinGz RetaiL Detail
15.07.09 ABK Gaming II ut mir leid geht nicht anders und verschieben b ringt auch nichts Detail
06.07.09 KinG Gaming MW2 x Detail
05.07.09 Natural born Killerz Detail
05.07.09 Next Generation Gaming Level Detail
03.07.09 ABK Gaming II Detail
03.07.09 Black Aces Detail
01.07.09 KinG Gaming MW2 x Detail
28.06.09 3vs3 Clan of Power Detail
28.06.09 CoD CoD4 Detail
28.06.09 Chaos Truppe Detail
26.06.09 team löschen 1314 Detail
24.06.09 Semper Fi Iron Fight Detail
24.06.09 ABK Gaming II Detail
23.06.09 KinG Gaming MW2 x Detail
22.06.09 MoH Nobbel Stab Detail
22.06.09 Soldiers of Germany Detail
22.06.09 ABK Remember Fahrenheit Detail
22.06.09 Xpect GaminG Team eXceL Detail
21.06.09 MoH Nobbel Stab Detail
21.06.09 KinG Gaming MW2 x Detail
19.06.09 Silent Nation Detail
18.06.09 xTc BLacK HawKs Detail
15.06.09 MoH Nobbel Stab Detail
14.06.09 SpecialForce Detail
14.06.09 SDSK - TE Detail