Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating Kifferorgie-Clan back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Call of Duty 4 Hardcore All-in-One Ladder created to rating comment match 24.02.10 Detail 26.01.10 Lenzen RuleZZ Detail 20.01.10 Squad Revolution gg thx Detail 12.01.10 The New Clan2010 gg thx Detail 17.12.09 Squad Revolution gg thx Detail 06.12.09 RUNAWAYS Detail 23.11.09 GermanFightClan Detail 22.11.09 Q - Team Detail 11.11.09 C4E-Blasehasen Detail 06.11.09 COMMANDER FORCE Detail 06.11.09 Virtual Players.CoD4 Detail 01.11.09 Roller Coaster Maniacs Detail 30.10.09 7 Awards Detail 28.10.09 GermanFightClan esl down. haben uns geeinigt ohne aeq zu spielen. bei bedarf werden demos geuupt Detail 23.10.09 Artificial Intelligence Clan Detail 22.10.09 jetz wirds Hardcore! Detail 12.10.09 Fleo Verum Detail 06.10.09 HKD ESL CoD4 Team gg Detail 30.09.09 Company of Pain Detail 28.09.09 Team HeadaZz Detail 26.09.09 Exfact-Gaming gg Detail 24.09.09 RUNAWAYS Detail 21.09.09 Die Schmusetiere. Reloaded gg Detail 17.09.09 Devil Backbones - CoD4 Detail 16.09.09 The Renegade Clan nette leute Detail 03.09.09 Saar-Fun-Crew gg Detail 02.09.09 COMMANDER FORCE Detail