Rating in Memory of team.BaC

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Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 S&D HC Opening Cup
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03.01.11 Die 6 vonner Tanke GG Detail
05.12.10 qWKZn loveZ AnimaL gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
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18.12.10 cReVeZz sein Fanlcub gg Detail
07.12.10 Die Gauben gg Detail
05.12.10 cReVeZz sein Fanlcub gg Detail
02.12.10 R.I.P. Swagstyle Team xD gg Detail
01.12.10 Brutality Gaming GG Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 3on3 S&D Ladder
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17.12.10 Clan los los los 3on3 GG Detail
28.11.10 Impressive Gaming e.V. GG! Detail
13.11.10 DKK Superior gg Detail
07.11.10 eVor - Black Ops Detail
06.11.10 AG I Apocalyptic.Gaming gg Detail
30.10.10 dejaVu Nightmare MW3 !. EHRENLOS 2. FRECH 3. SCHLECHT Detail
30.10.10 RoLeX.Gaming.CoD GG Detail
15.09.10 The RanDys GG Detail
10.09.10 UmP-BeAsTzZ-FuN-TeAm GG Detail
09.09.10 B360 e-sports 3vs3 GG Detail
13.08.10 wAx - Next Generation gg Detail
11.08.10 the Basher 3v3 GG Detail
11.08.10 DKK Funteam GG Detail
02.08.10 BÄMS Flying-Campers Main GG Detail
31.07.10 VinEx eSport GG Detail
28.07.10 AoN x iAlpha gg Detail
22.07.10 JabbaWockeeZz baaaaaaaaaaaad camper Detail
27.06.10 csL is baaaD :D Detail
20.06.10 OLD COD wannaB Detail
03.06.10 Kill Fraktion Germany GG Detail
25.05.10 PaiNz I MainTeam einfach nur bad, was ihr macht Detail
04.05.10 fLx.CoD - lik3 -- for camping + falsche anschuldigungen Detail
01.05.10 Dynasty Crew.Qu@LiTy Detail
26.04.10 ABK Gaming Detail
11.04.10 ABK Gaming gg Detail
10.04.10 ABK Gaming II gg Detail
03.04.10 AmazinG.sweden gg Detail
02.04.10 ABK Gaming II gg Detail
09.03.10 F4n4tiC GaminG Detail
27.02.10 aiming eXellence experience gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 Random Gen 4. Advent Cup
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17.12.10 AimTech eSports CoD/HC gg Detail

Europe Call of Duty 4 (360) 4on4 Ladder
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14.12.10 MoH D3v1Ls ImPac7 GG Detail
06.11.10 MoH D3v1Ls ImPac7 gg Detail
05.09.10 dp.Battlefield gg Detail
23.08.10 WaRRiOR De La DeStrUcTion gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 S&D Opening Cup
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05.12.10 MoH Fatality 4 Justice gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Herbst Cup
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28.11.10 N7 Nation GG Detail
15.11.10 Team aZuma gg Detail
07.11.10 plan-B - Contra Legem gg Detail
25.10.10 XrAy.EU GG Detail
04.10.10 Team aZuma GG Detail
27.09.10 GB360.WuSa GG! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
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06.11.10 WiXa eSport .BO Core gg Detail
05.11.10 Die Gauben Detail
28.10.10 RoLeX.Gaming.CoD gg Detail
06.10.10 wAx - funteam GG Detail
05.10.10 Modern Gaming Team EnJoy GG! Detail
29.09.10 WolveS 3N GG Detail
26.09.10 VaLeX eSporTs GG Detail
22.08.10 behind keen GG Detail
04.08.10 VinEx eSport Detail
20.06.10 WiXa eSport Core.MW2 Detail
08.06.10 GB360.WuSa GG, geflame muss aber nicht sein, bus zum nächsten mal Detail
05.06.10 WiXa eSport Core.MW2 GG Detail
29.03.10 N7 Nation Detail
24.03.10 HwG-Rules gg Detail
18.03.10 MP game4game.at Team Priceless Detail
14.03.10 SvG TeamPhoenix gg Detail
12.03.10 GB360.WuSa gg Detail
07.03.10 M0DERN GAMING.MW2 Detail
06.03.10 Black-n-White leider kein gg, nut gecampe mit bling -.- Detail
03.03.10 Sparten Crew Omega gg Detail
27.02.10 BaD-RoleModelZ gg, stark gespielt Detail
25.02.10 SFX aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gg Detail
16.02.10 STB Alt gg Detail
10.02.10 WEED Detail
08.02.10 eXaCt gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D PRO Mastership
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17.10.10 AmazinG.sweden Detail
10.10.10 Bachforellenfreunde 1904 e.V. GG Detail
03.10.10 N7 Nation GG Detail
03.10.10 plan-B - Contra Legem GG! Detail
12.09.10 AuT pBo Gameshop.at GG! Detail
05.09.10 In Memory of eyes.NN Detail
29.08.10 Call of Duty Veterans gg Detail
15.08.10 FAR BO 2 GG Detail
08.08.10 EviL GaminG back in Time -.- Detail
01.08.10 xD.Gaming! CoD: MW2 Squad 1 Detail
25.07.10 GB360.WuSa GG Detail
18.07.10 Modern Fastfood 2 no good game Detail

Germany Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (360) 4on4 Herbst - Cup Spezial
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12.10.10 ACES I Hellfire Detail

Germany Classics 4on4 (360) CoD4 4on4 Cup
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11.10.10 Team aZuma GGNR Detail
04.10.10 dat mango GG! Detail
27.09.10 Call of Duty Veterans GG! Detail
20.09.10 rollback Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 HC Random Gen Cup
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03.10.10 plan-B - Contra Legem GG! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 New Random Gen Ladder
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30.09.10 Call of Duty Veterans GG immer wieder Detail
16.09.10 JusT 4 FuN x GG! Detail
02.09.10 Call of Duty Veterans GG Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Premium S&D Shoot Out August
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27.09.10 In Memory of eyes.NN Detail
22.09.10 N7 Nation GG Detail
09.09.10 plan-B - Contra Legem GG Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Premium S&D Shoot Out Juli
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24.08.10 plan-B - Contra Legem GG Detail
14.08.10 Call of Duty Veterans GG Detail
10.08.10 GB360.WuSa GG Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Hardcore S&D Ladder
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02.08.10 Team21.MW2.GOLD Detail
25.07.10 Die Bauern Detail
25.07.10 UniTeD BroThers Ohh ShiT loooool Detail
08.07.10 X3F e.Sports (ONE) gg Detail
06.07.10 MoF Team.4on4 Detail
04.07.10 Alpha Noobs Detail
29.06.10 The Next RpG GG Detail
28.06.10 Prophets of Death I CoD:MW2 gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Premium S&D Shoot Out Juni
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27.07.10 plan-B - Contra Legem GG Detail
21.07.10 N7 Nation gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Random Gen Ladder
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20.07.10 Call of Duty Veterans gg Detail
23.04.10 team-wAx.at gg Detail
09.04.10 Modern Fastfood 2 gg Detail
02.04.10 sTaTiC e.SportZ gg Detail
16.03.10 Remember good Times Detail
14.03.10 ABK Gaming gg Detail
09.03.10 EvoX Detail
28.02.10 German Tactical Commando Elite gg Detail
24.02.10 AimLeZz Random Gen gg Detail
16.02.10 plan-B - Contra Legem gg Detail
30.01.10 Call of Duty Veterans Detail
27.01.10 teamDivinely Detail
21.01.10 AimLeZz Random Gen Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Mastership 2 Qualifikationscup
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20.06.10 Impressive Gaming e.V. gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Opening Cup
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01.12.09 Team Whopper gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 3on3 S&D Ladder
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05.11.09 MP game4game Team Porno Detail
02.11.09 KinG Gaming MW2 x Detail
31.10.09 fLx.CoD 3on3 gg Detail
14.10.09 xX iOwNaGe Xx bad kiids Detail
22.09.09 Tigers Germany Detail
21.09.09 eXit Reality.Cod.4 Detail
18.09.09 DKK Shakaa gg Detail
18.09.09 Team Cash 2 Beleidigen FTW?? Detail
14.09.09 ABK Gaming II gg Detail
07.09.09 DKK Shakaa Detail
05.09.09 Tribble Whopper Detail
31.08.09 Cyber Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 4on4 ProMod Ladder
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13.10.09 in memory of team.Classic gg Detail
25.09.09 Simply The Best Detail
16.09.09 GdW- virtual.Xtream.CoD4 Rip camping much? Detail
12.09.09 Team wir umstrukturiert echt unglaublich was ihr für eine shjow abzieht ,vorm spiel heult ihr noch\"aber bitte nicht gamm Detail
09.09.09 in memory of team.Classic Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 3on3 Shoot Out September
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12.10.09 Tribble Whopper Detail

Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 5on5 S&D Ladder
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21.09.09 NeXgL.Destruction gg Detail