Rating Rostock Vikings

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Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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22.09.10 back2bas1cs gg Detail
14.09.10 Team4fun12 gg Detail
03.09.10 INACTIVEGAMNG gg Detail
01.09.10 Team Indicated gg Detail
26.08.10 QuiCk e-Sports gg Detail
22.08.10 AcesUP gg Detail
22.08.10 mySkill Originals eSport gg Detail
19.08.10 eXtatus gg Detail
19.08.10 Tony eSports gg Detail
15.08.10 ITS SHOWTIME! gg Detail
08.08.10 Myslee Ladder by Serverline.de gg Detail
05.08.10 Red Berets gg Detail
05.08.10 myRevenge e.V. gg Detail
26.07.10 g0play! Detail
23.07.10 Team Indicated gg Detail
04.07.10 Team lulwhut? gg Detail
17.06.10 nlezZ. GameStars Detail
08.04.10 Na watt denn Detail
11.03.10 Nationwide-Gaming.org Detail
07.02.10 just Detail
01.02.10 Crack Clan! Detail
31.01.10 VooDoo Pride Detail
31.01.10 Yankee Seven Detail
28.01.10 eXcess-eSportz EU Detail
25.01.10 raute Hochkomma Detail
24.01.10 coHesion Gaming Detail
24.01.10 The Ugly Smiley Crew grundlos -- wie ihr auch uns ;) Detail
22.01.10 wayne-entertainment ladder gg Detail
21.01.10 GO NINETYNINE Detail
10.01.10 Knuddel Clan Detail
09.01.10 OLD ADDICTED Detail
27.12.09 Canacs in Memoriam Detail
22.12.09 Partizan Belgrade Detail
15.11.09 srs.HAZELNOT! Detail
15.11.09 Team GAMED.DE Detail
12.11.09 6K Detail
14.10.09 Spielplatz Burgrain Detail
05.10.09 NEVIM NIC Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
21.09.10 Perfect eSports Gaming gg Detail
18.07.10 MiGhtY DucKz X Detail
13.07.10 Regez Gaming Detail
14.06.10 Team SynchroniC 3on3 gg Detail
02.06.10 Elementale Esport 3on3 Detail
22.05.10 darkFusion Detail
13.04.10 Lan-Maniac gg Detail
16.03.10 AIRMAX CoD4 Detail
15.03.10 Na watt denn Detail
15.03.10 easy gg gg nice match Detail
15.02.10 iPLAY Detail
24.01.10 Die mit dem roten Halsband gg Detail
23.01.10 Waiting for CoD4 Remastered gg Detail
21.01.10 xTrar.CoD4 Detail
21.01.10 Team GAMED.DE gg Detail
19.01.10 Canacs in Memoriam gg Detail
09.01.10 Dead Line Detail
08.01.10 Die mit dem SK Shirt Detail
07.01.10 Google my Name! Detail
07.01.10 Knuddel Clan Detail
07.01.10 Die wilden 4 Detail
01.01.10 The Ugly Smiley Crew flame, ka warum gg sonst ;o Detail
30.12.09 easy gg Detail
29.12.09 quasi Detail
29.12.09 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 Detail
28.12.09 Next-Target7 Detail
27.12.09 Team Simple.pt Detail
23.12.09 PIRATEN PARTEI!! Detail
22.12.09 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 Detail
16.12.09 Team KOTHIC.cod4 Memory Detail
04.12.09 delicious! Detail
03.12.09 Google my Name! Detail
26.11.09 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 Detail
23.11.09 Canacs in Memoriam Detail
23.11.09 Rewind << eSports Detail
22.11.09 Team Arpex - COD4 gg Detail
22.11.09 UMAD BRO ?! gg nice match Detail
20.11.09 IDC FunGamer 5on5 eu called me (rAr) cheater Detail
18.11.09 crucial.clx Detail
15.11.09 PIRATEN PARTEI!! Detail
15.11.09 TALENTSCHMiEDE! Detail
14.11.09 TeamDudeneZz 3on3 Detail
11.11.09 delicious! Detail
06.11.09 Relative Gaming ul Detail
28.10.09 SAF Versuchen weder Plant noch Defuse. Nur Camp Detail
27.10.09 reQuiem*Gaming Mainteam Detail
15.10.09 Silent Knights - Ladder Detail
15.10.09 Spielplatz Burgrain gg Detail
13.10.09 Team Big Tasty Detail
13.10.09 cloosed Detail
12.10.09 Team GAMED.DE Detail
11.10.09 Silent Knights - Ladder Detail
08.10.09 quasi Detail
07.10.09 iRON62 eSports Detail
06.10.09 High FiDelity.CoD4 3on3 gg Detail
06.10.09 dare2dream Detail
04.10.09 SintoX.Gaming Detail
01.10.09 ovrclock Detail
24.09.09 wait! Detail
17.09.09 in Memory of 6FEET UNDER 3on3 Detail
16.09.09 Die Dreisten Drei Detail
15.09.09 Boomshakalak Detail
14.09.09 wAsd.Gaming total unfreundlich und nervig mfg rar Detail
14.09.09 diZasta Detail
09.09.09 TerraNex e.V. - CoD4 Team 3on3 Detail
09.09.09 Demolitiongroup CoD4 Die Demolitiongroup demoliert in Wirklichkeit garnet Detail
09.09.09 Team HeadaZz heißen headaZz geben aber keine :( Detail
08.09.09 Typhoon-Gaming 3on3 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created to rating comment match
20.09.10 Hard-Knocks.de CoD4 Ladder gg Detail
14.09.10 in memory of cHaos eSport CoD4 gg Detail
09.08.10 EX warplace team 4 gg Detail
04.07.10 HOOTAX.de Detail
09.03.10 Teamoxid Funny Match Detail
10.02.10 LaOnda eSports Detail
09.02.10 in memory of cHaos eSport CoD4 Detail
28.01.10 coHesion Gaming Detail
26.01.10 ICED eSportz Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 3on3 Sommercup 2010
created to rating comment match
04.08.10 LOLMANN gg Detail
25.07.10 eSports Friends nettes match ;) Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Spring Cup
created to rating comment match
15.06.10 TBA-A Detail
11.06.10 Team noOne By Airborne Gaming Detail
08.06.10 Team Refuse Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Winter Cup Final Cup
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14.02.10 TBA 1234 Detail
03.02.10 th_Clan Detail
01.02.10 Es war einmal! wasd pls Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Winter Cup Qualifier 3
created to rating comment match
11.01.10 th_Clan gg Detail
05.01.10 reFresh! gaming Detail
03.01.10 Team.Arpex - COD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 alugraphics Challenge
created to rating comment match
06.01.10 Team ZONK! Detail
05.01.10 Oldschool Detail
04.01.10 logiX e.V. CoD 4 Detail
30.12.09 soso123 Detail
28.12.09 Oldschool Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Winter Cup Qualifier 1
created to rating comment match
15.12.09 TBA 1234 Detail
13.12.09 th_Clan Detail
09.12.09 Es war einmal! Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 3on3 Quick Cup November
created to rating comment match
17.11.09 Leerstehend Detail
16.11.09 morbidPLAN CoD4 closed Detail
16.11.09 DIFINITY flame, kiddies Detail
16.11.09 GaMinG InVenTion Detail
16.11.09 TeK Da Cancellare Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 3on3 Quick Cup September
created to rating comment match
15.09.09 Leerstehend -- für ladder match -- Detail
15.09.09 Bad Boys Croatia Detail
15.09.09 Silent Knights - Ladder Detail