Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Rating History Rating zielonoglowcy back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created to rating comment match 09.05.10 ninjas in bahamas Detail 09.05.10 If you know Detail 08.05.10 ex TEAM-OPRI Detail 12.04.10 METRICKZ Detail 29.03.10 emo ?! Detail 28.03.10 tim FACEBOOK Detail 28.03.10 Cyb3rK@ty Detail 28.03.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail 28.03.10 jadom swinie Detail 28.03.10 KNC Detail 27.03.10 mix taki se smieszny Detail 27.03.10 zakladam kominiare Detail 27.03.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail 27.03.10 Mordeczki Detail 27.03.10 MORDA JAK INDYK Detail 27.03.10 KSW PUDZIAN Detail 26.03.10 ORTEGA CARTEL Detail 26.03.10 DOBEE1 & FRIENDS Detail 26.03.10 Renault F1 Team v2 Detail 26.03.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail 24.03.10 Team Warsaw Detail 20.03.10 tim webmajster Detail 14.03.10 Dunder Mifflin Detail 14.03.10 Dzieci Daimosa.mix Detail 14.03.10 os chopina Detail 14.03.10 FreeFragowce* Detail 13.03.10 Qcak gaming Detail 12.03.10 Crystal Gaming Detail 12.03.10 prawdziwa e-rodzina Detail 11.03.10 Haters Make Us Famous Detail 09.03.10 CYBORGI.cs Detail 08.03.10 Grow me the Money Detail 07.03.10 dobra Koniec Detail 06.03.10 Idziemy Po Swoje Detail 05.03.10 SWEET SIXTEEN TEAM Detail 03.03.10 zw ide polezec Detail 14.02.10 KF3IG Detail 08.02.10 WE MADE wOw! Detail 08.02.10 Creative mp3 store Detail 06.02.10 rT69 Detail 06.02.10 team fistaszki Detail 03.02.10 SPOJRZ NAM W OCZY Detail 01.02.10 Siema heniu Detail 01.02.10 JURWA! Detail 01.02.10 TEAM GROM.B PRACC Detail 31.01.10 zayebatsu Detail 29.01.10 iN FLAMES Detail 29.01.10 auth0rity Detail 29.01.10 goingwild Detail 29.01.10 PAWIAN GEJMING 5/5 Detail 29.01.10 free pkt macie Detail 28.01.10 We Will Never Die.pracc Detail 28.01.10 ZEBRA EXTREME Detail 27.01.10 chlebek zostal podjedzony Detail 27.01.10 goingwild Detail 23.01.10 miki maus Detail 22.01.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 30.12.09 My to wygramy Detail 30.12.09 Koniec z CS Detail 29.12.09 RUMUNY Detail 29.12.09 surast@esl Detail 29.12.09 Lepiej Spedzony Dzien Detail 29.12.09 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 28.12.09 EW Detail 28.12.09 teamSKILLUNITED Detail 28.12.09 Gloria virtuti resonat Detail 27.12.09 Trzej Krolowie Detail 27.12.09 XIOM Detail 27.12.09 BeZcEnZuRy Detail Counter-Strike 2on2 AWP Ladder Old created to rating comment match 26.12.09 v1p&proxy Detail 26.12.09 PROSTO. Detail 25.12.09 OKAZ SKRUCHE Detail 25.12.09 SZCZECIN.CZM Detail 24.12.09 HaxPower Detail 23.12.09 mlawskie hajty Detail 23.12.09 MAGICZNE POPIERDOLCE Detail 22.12.09 empty Detail 22.12.09 HOPY Z ROLI Detail 20.12.09 WIELKAorka Detail 20.12.09 bEeFgjE v2 Detail 13.12.09 KONTO COHIBY Detail 13.12.09 Generetic Detail 13.12.09 Team Parodia Detail 27.11.09 PRZYGODOZERCY Detail 27.11.09 zordB Detail 27.11.09 GMS 2v2 Detail 27.11.09 asdf Detail 27.11.09 DWUTAKT Detail 08.11.09 ZIELONE WZGORZA Detail 07.11.09 Masters of Disaster Detail 07.11.09 THE WEIRDO Detail 07.11.09 setinfo_ownage69 Detail 30.10.09 dwadziescia zlotych 2on2 Detail 30.10.09 ave Detail 30.10.09 mythbusters POL Detail 30.10.09 LakLak Detail 29.10.09 MY Detail 25.10.09 trening czyni mistrza Detail 25.10.09 stulecie gaming Detail 25.10.09 P S Y C H O S E S Detail 25.10.09 krokodyl Detail 24.10.09 pamparam Detail 24.10.09 WYBOROWA Detail 23.10.09 Fuck Your Mothers Detail 18.10.09 anima vilis 2on2 Detail 18.10.09 ATOMOWI Detail 17.10.09 BRASILIANA 2x2 Detail 10.10.09 x6tence eSports Club Detail 10.10.09 KOCIACZKI Detail 10.10.09 misiaczki.2on2 Detail 10.10.09 TVP 1 Detail 09.10.09 997 Detail