Rating Clonic.orG

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.06.12 FOLLETIS Detail
29.05.12 kRYSIS! Detail
23.04.12 FOLLETIS Detail
22.12.10 Event-To-Give.es Detail
05.11.10 Highzone Detail
27.10.10 HdV TeaM Detail
20.10.10 dogchow Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created to rating comment match
29.05.12 ROCKNROLLA Detail
31.05.10 Fished Detail
26.04.10 Verbund deutscher Kellerkinder Detail
14.04.10 Air Max 2010 Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Seasonal Leagues Liga Primavera 2k12 5on5
created to rating comment match
02.05.12 4SHOW Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
created to rating comment match
15.10.10 xSide e-sports club Detail
26.09.10 Comunidad 1vs1 Detail
12.09.10 Gremlins team Detail
06.09.10 Nottingham Prisas Detail
28.07.10 a-Legends.eu Detail
15.07.10 Crewplay e-Sports Detail
18.06.10 GZ eSporT Detail
17.06.10 InToCabLeSS Detail
16.06.10 Night.MiX Detail
13.06.10 InfinitY Detail
09.06.10 TryorDie Team Detail
30.05.10 CoManDo Detail
12.05.10 Impure.css Detail
27.04.10 sO.GaMeRz e-Team Detail
27.04.10 team-eyehack Detail
23.04.10 io putas clan - Team A Detail
15.04.10 inusual .css Detail
14.04.10 Definevision Gaming Detail
09.04.10 Definevision Gaming Detail
07.04.10 Team mindblowing Detail
26.03.10 Call of Duty 4 Detail
25.03.10 adasdasdagfafagagagag Detail
24.03.10 heartless e-Sports Club Detail
18.03.10 Gremlins team Detail
17.03.10 PlayeRs FN Detail
12.03.10 NORETAR Detail
11.03.10 UEDA Detail
10.03.10 Team mindblowing Detail
05.03.10 Los 3oo Clan TeaM 2 Detail
26.02.10 Zona Restringida Detail
19.02.10 SaRCaSmoS CLuB Detail
17.02.10 no retar. Detail
10.02.10 x6-gaming.com Detail
04.02.10 Deorza e-Sports Detail
28.01.10 senSation Detail
21.01.10 Adhoc Cerrado Detail
17.01.10 U2FRAG Detail
02.12.09 SEVEN7H.LoL Detail
27.11.09 Optical Ilusion Team Detail
25.11.09 Street Strik3rs Detail