Rating Estonian Gaming Club..

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Americas Army: Proving Grounds Open Ladder 5on5 Objective Europe
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19.05.16 Killers of Czechoslovakia gg++ Detail
10.05.16 ENJOYUS gg++ Detail
03.04.14 Team SuperSicK gg++ Detail
03.04.14 In Articulo Mortis Poland gg++ Detail
25.03.14 1stCav eSport Club AA:PG Detail
25.03.14 SQUN Detail
24.03.14 SQUN Detail
06.03.14 Armada Detail
24.02.14 NOON22222 Detail

AAPG 5on5 Winter Cup 2016 Europe
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03.02.16 The Soul Reaper Clan gg++ Detail

Americas Army: Proving Grounds Objective Spring Cup 2014
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28.04.14 RedefiningXcellence you guys are good ;) Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Autumn Cup
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25.10.12 HAX HYPERION TEAM Detail
18.10.12 eSuba.INTEL BF Detail
17.10.12 Xtreme CRO Team Detail
17.10.12 Squaters Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
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23.10.12 Team Frostbite Norway Detail
22.10.12 First Person Gaming Detail
15.10.12 Beta-Gaming Detail
14.10.12 Shadow Hunters Detail
11.10.12 Troll Warriors T1 Detail
08.10.12 HaMMeR Clan Detail
07.10.12 Cyber-Gaming Detail
07.10.12 PartyVanGaming Detail
03.10.12 Nights Soldiers eSport Detail
30.09.12 Beta-Gaming Detail
24.09.12 Swiat chomika Detail
23.09.12 HaMMeR Clan gg++ Detail
16.09.12 AIE Clan Detail
13.06.12 revU R1 gg++ Detail
06.06.12 YDK.ME Battlefield 4 Detail
21.05.12 Battlefield Nations Detail
21.05.12 Fried Hamster Detail
20.05.12 Team Frostbite W nice points collectors team, making new team if they have some losses :) Detail
14.05.12 YDK.ME Battlefield 4 gg++ Detail
07.05.12 Team Frostbite Artisan.BF4 Detail
22.04.12 Cannibal Burrow Flew Detail
19.04.12 AnVil eSports gg++ Detail
15.04.12 Seyfert Gaming gg++ Detail
05.04.12 Explosion macro users :/ Detail
02.04.12 Team de Potes Detail
01.04.12 Unknown Team eSports gg++ Detail
29.03.12 Trigger Happy Bunnies Detail
25.03.12 THVC.eu BF3 (A) Detail
22.03.12 Soldiers of Heaven Detail
21.03.12 eVoluTioN.BF3 Detail
21.03.12 Second Generation Heretic Detail
18.03.12 Sesame Street Clan Detail
15.03.12 Version3 Detail
13.03.12 DD Alpha Detail
12.03.12 Be right back Detail
08.03.12 Version3 Detail
07.03.12 EthC.BF3 Detail
05.03.12 Fragrate Defenders Detail
04.03.12 Nightmare-Esports.BF3 Detail
01.03.12 PissiBubberle Detail
28.02.12 Version3 Detail
28.02.12 Cat Goes Camping Detail
27.02.12 47th Infantry Regiment Detail
26.02.12 Avtomat Kalashnikov gg++ Detail
23.02.12 Jügernaut Detail
23.02.12 THVC.eu BF3 (A) Detail
21.02.12 The China Army Detail
19.02.12 revU R1 Detail
14.02.12 FROGCORP Detail
10.02.12 WASD BF3 sqr Detail
10.02.12 Weapon Symphony clan BF3 Detail
06.02.12 ClosedTeamm gg++ Detail
06.02.12 Dutch Shooting Clan Detail
06.02.12 Guns for Peace gg++ Detail
01.02.12 Squaters Detail
30.01.12 Artificial Intelligence Detail
29.01.12 The Xtra Ordinary Detail
26.01.12 Paper or Plastic Detail
26.01.12 47th Infantry Regiment Detail
26.01.12 KivimäkiSquad Detail
24.01.12 THVC.eu BF3 (A) Detail
23.01.12 Old School Detail
23.01.12 Romanian Elite Drinkers Detail
22.01.12 eXplore Green Detail
22.01.12 HeXagon e-Sports Detail
17.01.12 Battlefield Portugal Detail
16.01.12 THVC.eu BF3 (A) Detail
15.01.12 eXplore Green Detail
12.01.12 Kimono Wings Detail
08.01.12 CSET Detail
06.01.12 THVC.eu BF3 (A) Detail
06.01.12 Squaters Detail
05.01.12 Bulgarian Gaming Detail
04.01.12 EYEBALLERS Detail
02.01.12 Another View BF3 Team Detail
01.01.12 eXplore Green Detail
30.12.11 Exclusive Gaming Community Detail
22.12.11 Peloton Miliciano Detail
10.12.11 Wittener Hänger Detail
08.12.11 DTV Core Detail
06.12.11 TKF141 Detail
05.12.11 One Eye - Alpha Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #22
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07.05.12 Brutality Corps Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #19
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16.04.12 Polish Hussars Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
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08.01.12 xForce TEAM - BF3 Detail
08.01.12 overGame.BF3 Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Night Cup #3 B2K Edition
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21.12.11 VIP-Gaming Ultra.BF3 Detail

Americas Army 3 Objective 4on4 Ladder
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14.03.11 nista Detail

Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 Ladder
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12.03.11 lick balls w00t Detail
07.03.11 detox Detail
03.03.11 FELHO Detail
27.02.11 lick balls w00t Detail
26.02.11 Team Excellent Detail
21.02.11 Team Excellent 2008 Detail
21.02.11 detox Detail
20.02.11 we are noobs, www.brazzers.com Detail
12.02.11 Team x_0 Detail
07.02.11 Team Excellent Detail
07.02.11 detox Detail
03.02.11 we are noobs, www.brazzers.com Detail
31.01.11 we are noobs, www.brazzers.com Detail
20.01.11 Czech StaR Team Detail
04.12.10 wrUg Association Detail
25.09.10 mYself3v3 Detail
24.09.10 fuck off! Detail
01.08.10 fuck off! Detail
31.07.10 Redefining Xcellence.aao Detail
27.07.10 3DEYES Detail
24.07.10 Utopia eSports Detail
19.07.10 obvious Gaming Detail
19.07.10 The Black Dragons.aao Detail
18.07.10 Easy to Kill Detail
18.07.10 Redefining Xcellence.aao Detail
15.07.10 The Knights of the Round Table Detail
14.07.10 Team Excellent Detail
14.07.10 obvious Gaming Detail
13.07.10 Next Century e-sports ladders Detail
09.07.10 pfcs1 Detail
09.07.10 Redefining Xcellence.aao Detail
05.07.10 Super Krazy Killerz Detail
04.07.10 pfcs1 Detail
28.06.10 The Black Dragons.aao Detail
27.06.10 pfcs1 Detail
26.06.10 Make Some Noise! Detail

Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 Winter Cup 2011
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07.03.11 detox Detail
28.02.11 FELHO Detail
20.02.11 Majestic Clan Detail

Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 Instant Action Ladder
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27.02.11 -noskill.team Detail
22.09.10 Arcani.aao Detail
03.08.10 Redefining Xcellence.aao Detail
01.08.10 Utopia eSports Detail
24.07.10 3DEYES Detail
22.07.10 NeeD-FraG Detail
18.07.10 obvious Gaming Detail
16.07.10 Easy to Kill Detail
14.07.10 NeeD-FraG Detail
10.07.10 Easy to Kill Detail
09.07.10 Redefining Xcellence.aao Detail
07.07.10 pfcs1 Detail
30.06.10 Utopia eSports Detail
30.06.10 pfcs1 Detail
26.06.10 Super Krazy Killerz Detail
26.06.10 Team Excellent Detail
26.06.10 obvious Gaming Detail
25.06.10 noMercy Detail

Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 Autumn League 2010
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07.11.10 Mohicans Detail

Americas Army: Operations ESL Major Series VII Qualifier #2
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19.09.10 Team Excellent AAO Detail
19.09.10 Easy to Kill Detail

Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 Daily: 3rd Division
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22.08.10 Redefining Xcellence.aao Detail
26.07.10 Next Century e-sports Detail
17.07.10 pfcs1 Detail
04.07.10 Most Wanted Soldiers Detail
04.07.10 The Black Dragons.aao Detail