Rating Team LuckyStriker

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Cross Fire US Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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12.07.11 Inactive. Back to School Detail
30.06.11 in memory of the OLD Erasus Detail
11.04.11 Team .ru Detail
08.03.11 REDARMY Nice Team Good luck fo your next matches Detail
20.02.11 Tryhard Rev. gg but timmy and dope flame much .. Detail
15.02.11 Cataclysm 1g gg nice guyes ! Detail
14.02.11 XsL they came late, than left the game after 2cnd round, and insuld all the time Detail
07.02.11 NoInfest gg Detail
06.02.11 Shac eGaming u were late and bad dcs but gg Detail
30.01.11 onWave? Detail
25.01.11 Y0uR_0ut Nice Team Good Luck Detail
23.01.11 Hideous Doorstep gg Detail
22.01.11 AbsoluteRu gg guyes Detail
22.01.11 PixeL gg guyes gl for future Detail
21.01.11 Bulgarian squad Detail

Cross Fire US Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
10.02.11 Wyrewolwerowani Rewolwerowcy Detail
08.02.11 dacrew Rodriguezzz High pinger, we often loses rounds because he lagg, and teleport - u can see it in reply Detail
02.02.11 EliteArmy.gr Detail
27.01.11 CAb v1 gg guyes gl in future Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 5on5 Season_II
created to rating comment match
09.11.10 Fomos os reis! Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
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01.11.10 LIETUVA Detail
25.09.10 Blitzkri3g Detail
22.09.10 Conn3Xx RES Detail
21.09.10 HdK gg Detail
19.09.10 CEFO Detail
18.09.10 imPuLse. gg , nice leute kack map down xD Detail
14.09.10 ex k1ck eSports Detail
12.09.10 CEFO Nice Team GG Detail
11.09.10 weMIX.cf Detail
11.09.10 ex k1ck eSports KillDream ? Maybe Hakk ? ggoO Detail
08.09.10 deluXe gg guyes , u are good Detail
30.08.10 Conn3Xx RES Detail
28.08.10 In Memory of ComeGetSome ! gg leute Detail
25.08.10 Romania Squad Pls stop with flaming it is Boring Detail
22.08.10 Bulgarian squad Bad Clan and Unfair Team go out of esl Detail
21.08.10 GerGaMing Detail
20.08.10 Romania Squad Detail
15.08.10 FRIENDS bad clan 30 min later Detail
14.08.10 Romania Squad Stop Flaming everytime Nice match and GG Detail
13.08.10 CAb v1 Detail
12.08.10 deleted122646 Nice Team thx for match Detail
04.08.10 iNEXOR CossFire old team. good game ! Detail
29.07.10 Conn3Xx The begins gg good team ! very nice Detail
27.07.10 Team-Deal. nice team gg Detail
24.07.10 Romania Squad dont flamme pls stop it and play bad team Detail
21.07.10 uNknowN.cF Detail
18.07.10 iFaileD Detail
17.07.10 Rus.People Nice team Detail
16.07.10 Rm*StYlLe New Clan ? Bad understanding ........ Detail
12.07.10 ShocK- Alpha bad Gamer, played with ZP Stuff and Done Selfkills. BAD Go out of the esl Detail
05.07.10 Transilvania Detail
02.07.10 Romania Squad Flaming all the time not nice Detail
25.06.10 FAME on 5 #inactive Detail
12.06.10 lol xD Detail
06.06.10 PsyKoticS Detail
30.05.10 Rus.People Detail
23.05.10 impuLse CF Detail
16.05.10 In Memory of ComeGetSome ! Detail
07.05.10 In Memory of ComeGetSome ! Detail
07.05.10 GermanPower @ inactive Detail
30.04.10 Tabula Rasa Nice Team Detail
25.04.10 pioneerZ Detail
24.04.10 CRAZYCLUB 2nd Squad Detail
19.04.10 CEFO Detail
16.04.10 Wyrewolwerowani Rewolwerowcy gg guys Detail
08.04.10 Wyrewolwerowani Rewolwerowcy gg guys Detail
28.03.10 Simply stars Detail
28.03.10 Blitzkri3g Strange Player´s Detail
21.03.10 R.O.C Detail
20.03.10 Romania Squad Detail
07.03.10 Sublime.Renegade.CF Detail
06.03.10 UnDeaD-KingZ Good game ;) Detail
12.02.10 Exception-crossfire but you should not grumble so much. We are just the better ones Detail
12.02.10 Chaotic Seal Detail
29.01.10 CRAZYCLUB BG Detail
29.01.10 Proelium PL Detail
25.01.10 Conn3Xx The begins Detail
24.01.10 Simply stars Detail
23.01.10 Deadly PwN Detail
22.01.10 France Xtrem Black Detail
22.01.10 Wyrewolwerowani Rewolwerowcy Detail
20.01.10 PROSTO Detail
19.01.10 tGaming Second Squad Detail
17.01.10 impuLse CF Detail
15.01.10 TEAMPLAYED base Detail
09.01.10 VeritaS x AequitaS Detail
03.01.10 Narodowe Sily Zbrojne Detail
03.01.10 Academy Tir Detail
02.01.10 TXT.cf Detail
21.12.09 Conn3Xx The begins Detail
21.12.09 BTeam Detail
16.12.09 NemesiX Detail
15.12.09 wazzzup Detail
13.12.09 France Xtrem Black Detail
12.12.09 TXT.cf Detail
12.12.09 BTeam Detail
06.12.09 G.R.O.M second squad Detail
05.12.09 France Xtrem Black Detail
05.12.09 CRAZYCLUB Detail
04.12.09 NemesiX Very nice match and nice team from NemesiX Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 3on3SonntagsCup2
created to rating comment match
11.08.10 RaGe.. Detail
01.08.10 TXT.cf Detail
01.08.10 iNFAMOUS- Detail
01.08.10 hzkjujkukj why leave the room ? bad team Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 5on5 Season1
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25.05.10 CEFO Detail
11.05.10 V.b.D Finland Detail
04.05.10 F0rc3 Tug4 Bad Team, go out of teh Esl Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 5on5 Friday_Night_SD_Cup
created to rating comment match
08.01.10 impuLse CF Detail