Rating Team LuckyStriker 2

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Cross Fire US Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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15.02.11 XTremEpRo Detail
10.02.11 Y0uR_0ut Detail
06.02.11 Concept- Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 5on5 Season_II
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18.11.10 Feel* Detail
11.11.10 Define gaming Detail
04.11.10 okiloko Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
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17.10.10 Error... Cup Team gg Detail
13.10.10 WolFArmy gg Detail
03.10.10 BorN 2FraG rejoining and zp items -.- kiddies! Detail
02.10.10 nnnnnnmn Ramire sick awm o.O Detail
29.09.10 GolDRemix Detail
26.09.10 HdK QQed and flamed a little bit too much Detail
19.09.10 Nevermind. Detail
15.09.10 HRB HIGHRISKBOYS told us hacker ect.. -.- Detail
14.09.10 Pasjonaci122 pls without sl :) Detail
12.09.10 S R I - Team 5 vs 5 Detail
31.08.10 3sT Austria Germany gg Detail
15.08.10 GerGaMing behaved like 13year old kiddies Detail
04.08.10 Umbrell4 Co Detail
27.07.10 In Memory Of defineD.cF Detail
27.07.10 ShocK- Alpha Detail
25.07.10 pLz Detail
21.07.10 Rm*StYlLe Detail
05.07.10 impuLse CF Detail
02.07.10 Transilvania gg Detail
30.05.10 pioneerZ Detail
27.05.10 PsyKoticS sorry that i came to late... Detail
13.05.10 Tabula Rasa Detail
06.05.10 Rastas Polish Catholics Detail
29.04.10 CEFO Detail
25.04.10 Blitzkri3g Detail
11.04.10 V.b.D Finland gg Detail
01.04.10 TEAMPLAYED.sk gg but i was abnned in esl <.< Detail
28.01.10 Alesz Detail
24.01.10 UnDeaD-KingZ Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 3on3 Season1
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23.06.10 Hussarians Detail
09.06.10 Mute. S2 Cried sometimes a little bit - lagger ect... Detail
27.05.10 HaxNOOBS . Detail
19.05.10 Faction Noob lagggggg Detail
28.04.10 In memory of: ACE Squad gg++ Detail

Cross Fire Search & Destroy 3on3SonntagsCup
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09.05.10 Pew Pew Lasergun Detail
06.05.10 E-Sport-Titanen Detail
02.05.10 GERMAN*BOBS 3on3 Detail

Cross Fire Team Deathmatch Ostercup
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04.04.10 Pew Pew Lasergun Detail