Rating GermanDreamTeam

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Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Hardcore S&D Ladder
created to rating comment match
22.07.10 GoX - GeneraTion of eXtRemE Detail
19.07.10 SaW-SoldiersatWork Detail
08.04.10 WiXa GaMiNG Detail
17.03.10 Modern Fightstars Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 3on3 S&D Ladder
created to rating comment match
08.03.10 ABK Gaming Detail
21.02.10 GeRmaN DreaM 3on3 Detail
10.02.10 WiRd geLöschT Detail
04.02.10 Death Force of Germany Detail
03.02.10 IxXHead CrusherXxI Detail
02.02.10 Pure Fighters Detail
31.01.10 Impressive Gaming e.V. Detail
27.01.10 SFX aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Detail
26.01.10 Remember cSu - cant Stop us Detail

Germany FIFA 10 (360) 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
27.01.10 NXG---Teamplay Detail