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Battlefield 4 Go4BF4 Cup #1 - 17/11/13
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17.11.13 MhSV Multigaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
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18.07.12 TTuBBieS Team Forza ragazzi! Detail
07.03.12 G-Revolt Detail
16.02.12 MFIC - INCURSORI Detail
15.02.12 Ice Squad Delta Detail
10.02.12 Contractors Detail
26.01.12 CdoItalia Detail
19.12.11 Manguste eSports Detail
16.11.11 CdoItalia Detail
15.11.11 COIM Clan Italy Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Opening Cup
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14.12.11 A.S. Audere Semper e-sports Detail
01.12.11 MoreFerarum Italian Community Detail
23.11.11 G-Revolt Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 8on8 Warm-up Cup #3
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30.11.11 RUSBAT Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 8on8 Warm-up Cup #2
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29.11.11 TCM-Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Opening Cup
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07.11.11 PCB Detail

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Conquest Opening Cup
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03.04.10 1AB Detail

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 8on8 Opening Cup
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24.02.10 A.S. RIOT Gamers Detail
22.02.10 GladiatoReS .BF BC2 seri e veloci Detail
17.02.10 Team Hackerino Detail
13.02.10 DeTeNuTi Detail