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Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
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29.04.11 ARxpResSioN (n2l) Detail
27.04.11 DeadrePanelope Detail
24.04.11 Les Mutants Detail
20.04.11 La teoria del complotto Detail
15.04.11 ciekawe jak ? Detail
15.04.11 frinGz Detail
13.04.11 Funny Killers 5&blue Detail
10.04.11 HAWKEN! Detail
10.04.11 Gdzie jest Hajs Tu D**** Detail
24.03.11 ScousePortz Detail
21.03.11 AZZLACK & dAM Detail
20.03.11 Grajewo Detail
17.03.11 be.inSide wp Detail
15.03.11 ScousePortz Detail
14.03.11 Europejski Fundusz Spoleczny lame Detail
28.02.11 dREAM BOYZZZZZZZZZZZZ wp Detail
25.02.11 Wir mögen Parkettboden Detail
21.02.11 SnyasNaBeee 2x2 Detail
20.02.11 PROgres!ve Gam!ng told us make RR after they loose round.. lol =| Detail
14.02.11 Morony wp Detail
14.02.11 monozYgotic twins Detail
13.02.11 Gruppo Intervento Speciale wait 20 minutes on the server for start ! lame ! Detail
11.02.11 SuSi RoqT ! Detail
10.02.11 monozYgotic twins good play Detail
09.02.11 KSM Krosno they dont want tu play the second map ... =\\ Detail
07.02.11 The Ownmmea camp more! plant bug... Detail
02.02.11 no!tactic good team!! Detail
02.02.11 MUFFIN .org cry cry cry :\'( Detail
01.02.11 GREEN BERLIN Detail
30.01.11 Kings.Of.Battles nice guys, bueno partido =) Detail
30.01.11 BackwithBlack unfriendly Detail
29.01.11 ScousePortz gg but dont fake the result .. screens you know Detail
28.01.11 LustForPower Detail
14.01.11 Ultimate Murder Instinct Detail
09.01.11 Creat1ve.Gaming.2x2 Detail
08.01.11 Creat1ve.Gaming.2x2 Detail
07.01.11 ScousePortz Detail
07.01.11 GamesBoard#1 good team ! Detail
06.01.11 ciekawe jak ? gg Detail
04.01.11 uNLi Cobra - Makiavel Detail
03.01.11 myRevenge e.V. 2x2 Detail
02.01.11 Rndm 2on2 Team funny guys =) !! <3 Detail
27.12.10 Rumcajsy Cry for ping when we play with 110 and they play with 50 Detail
13.12.10 Old memories of Ph0 & realisT good team. Detail
10.12.10 ZwoEinsZwo Detail
09.12.10 Sehr Gay & Lowmoc good team .. gg Detail
09.12.10 STOOSH!! gg Detail
08.12.10 enteente flash is not allowd? lol ? Detail
04.12.10 Creative Gaming Detail
03.12.10 Srm gg just dont cry =) Detail
03.12.10 Zo die is Kapot! left the game in the middle Detail

Call of Duty: Black Ops Tango_Cup_1
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29.12.10 Bjdv .BlackOps Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
created to rating comment match
22.10.10 mw 2n2team u suck .. make team kill when they loose Detail
22.10.10 eXclusive Team Detail
21.10.10 Shiny Happy People they learn to play or what?! wall hack.. esl wire sucks .. <3 uac2 Detail
20.10.10 AnonymouZ # Detail
19.10.10 Shiny Happy People haha Detail
18.10.10 C2 FTW 2 campers Detail
17.10.10 monozYgotic twins Detail
16.10.10 n0w is aRchie oN! stop shot on the walls before you even see somthing Detail
16.10.10 eraZe stop cry Detail
20.09.10 ULS 2on2 Detail
19.09.10 Brothers Detail
16.09.10 Team Mad Bombers.MW2 no uac2 but gg ;) Detail
11.09.10 In ESL We Trust Detail
11.09.10 gogusie bad host 1 very strange kill @ terminal! = BG! Detail
10.09.10 In.t34M Detail
09.09.10 All in 2 on 2 ByD Detail
07.09.10 mF 2on2 Nr.1 just cry and cry =/ Detail
07.09.10 DeVIATE N&K Detail
07.09.10 Gastro Intestinal xRay Detail
07.09.10 die Reservisten Detail
07.09.10 Exo 2V2 Detail
07.09.10 Big Whoop Detail
06.09.10 Team-Illusion-2on2 cry cry cry Detail
06.09.10 disruptive Wolfpack Detail
25.07.10 Full Metal Gamers 2on2 EU Detail
22.07.10 pstarZ.eu Detail
22.07.10 K3nny & Cedr1c Detail
22.07.10 Langoh & Immortal Detail
21.07.10 gogusie lag + cry = nie bede bral zadnego snipera Detail
20.07.10 Virus Extreme Detail
20.07.10 Langoh & Immortal Detail
16.07.10 AimZiinG left the game after 1 map ... use RPG and lunchers Detail
16.07.10 Möööppp!! Detail
15.07.10 Tam Tam Taaam. x33 flame all the game, stop cry.. Detail
14.07.10 Mkv & Pony left in the middle of the first map .. Detail
13.07.10 irgendwas is ja immer... Detail
13.07.10 HASTA LA VISTA, WIENER! Detail
12.07.10 alice in hyrule Detail
09.07.10 Gladiadores bueno partido..gg Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created to rating comment match
06.06.10 Time2Kill MW2 Detail
17.05.10 United Division Detail
17.05.10 Devils Rejects 2on2 Team want delete the match after they loose LOL !!! Detail
17.05.10 D R E I E R ? ? lame game =/ .. Detail
17.05.10 d!isturb 2on2 Detail
16.05.10 Powerplay Boyz *** F L A M E *** - Claymore , Akimbo !!! l0w Detail
16.05.10 Warfare team x30 bigest noobs team i ever see with lunchers and akimbos .. camp in our map Detail
15.05.10 Learn To Lose 2on2 hardcore camp even when they loose! Detail
15.05.10 Devils Rejects 2on2 Team Detail
13.05.10 Warfare team x30 noob campers even in rust omg =X Detail
13.05.10 Kikaz & iSteal ugly camping Detail
12.05.10 Lords Of War 2 noobs hardcore campers with akimbos and lunchers .. lows Detail
12.05.10 B@stErdS At University terminal - ugly camp in a didnt move from there all the half! Detail
12.05.10 Kikaz & iSteal gg Detail
11.05.10 BekZ just beacuse we hate you Detail
11.05.10 pwned# Detail
10.05.10 iGamerz Train bad game .. like your playing .. both cryers Detail
10.05.10 BongoBongo spielende Mongos akimbos ugly game Detail
10.05.10 BekZ Detail
09.05.10 BLN nueLLen :) god .. what a nobbizem Detail
09.05.10 Lords Of War 2 campers noobs .. left the game before the finish Detail
09.05.10 D R E I E R ? ? camp Detail
09.05.10 T0rtellini Detail
09.05.10 Baby Born Basher 2on2 MW2 Detail
08.05.10 kolay camp in roundown in spawn, nice akimbo and lunchers..byebye :) Detail
08.05.10 CORNY Detail
07.05.10 K3nny & Cedr1c Detail
07.05.10 Vodka oNmasZ you gave us - - in the last game with no reason .. sorry Detail
05.05.10 Powerplay Boyz Akimbos on ? so lunchers on to .. Detail
05.05.10 KoksiXe* GG Detail
05.05.10 iSR.G4MERZ gg Detail
03.05.10 Learn To Lose 2on2 akimbo\'s .. go eat pizza or somthing like that bye Detail
03.05.10 noShit Detail
02.05.10 El Niño wait 15 min. / AKIMBO players! LOW Detail
19.04.10 d!isturb 2on2 Detail
19.04.10 T0rtellini Detail
19.04.10 Vodka oNmasZ Detail
11.04.10 Elite Ghost Strikers 2on2 Detail
10.04.10 Mario & Luigi CAMPERS NOOBS CRYERS!!! Detail
09.04.10 Vodka oNmasZ Detail
09.04.10 Nathaliiie Detail
09.04.10 Wat is ieeeeee lekker! camp in our map ... tubers noobs Detail
08.04.10 Mario & Luigi Detail
08.04.10 Cwikla z chrzanem Detail
07.04.10 Vitamin Detail
06.04.10 Detenuti Mw2 Provenzia noobs Detail
06.04.10 Noobs get OWN3D Detail
05.04.10 T0rtellini Detail
04.04.10 Vitamin Detail
04.04.10 Team.GSE-MW2-2on2 Detail
19.03.10 Magisches Afghanisches Einhorn Detail
18.03.10 EBI-1 macht Druck Detail
18.03.10 roYality eSports gg .. good team and nice people =) Detail
18.03.10 iN after 2 days late .. GG Detail
16.03.10 Die kuhlen Kellerkinder Detail
15.03.10 Manu & Mernd playing better from the game before ! gg Detail
15.03.10 zz.inaktiv BIGEST CAMPERS I EVEN SEE !!! NoOoOOObs .. make RESTART when we win!! wait 20 min to play!! no UAC! Detail
15.03.10 DCA Affen #1 Detail
15.03.10 Mumu Schabubu Detail
14.03.10 Manu & Mernd gg like always..good players and nice people! =) Detail
13.03.10 supernatürlich Using Tubes and we say before game without! BG LAME Detail
13.03.10 BongoBeachBois Bazooka..Akimbo..GOD YOU ARE SO NOOBS!!!! Detail
12.03.10 noShit Detail
12.03.10 MuT CoD Modern Warfare 2 2on2 campers ... noobs ... go cry to your mother if you play so ugly we can to..israel forever!!!! Detail
11.03.10 Vodka oNmasZ Detail
11.03.10 Manu & Mernd Always Fun The Play With You! Detail
11.03.10 Schnee?! gg! Detail
11.03.10 89er. you camp in scrapyard, we camp in rundown, it wasent fun but gg... Detail
11.03.10 Hashshashin good playing Detail
10.03.10 Vodka oNmasZ great play..gg Detail
10.03.10 Manu & Mernd Detail
10.03.10 Unfuckin Believable Big Campers!! how you have fun in this tac? camp skillers..bg Detail
09.03.10 ATZEN Detail
08.03.10 Manu & Mernd Detail
08.03.10 Die kuhlen Kellerkinder Detail
08.03.10 byebye Detail
05.03.10 Cwikla z chrzanem Crying about LAGG! and we had same LAGG at their server! Lame! Detail
05.03.10 KPT. good game! Detail
01.03.10 MWarfare2_Cod lamers! bad game..cry all the time and make reports and protests Detail
25.02.10 DirQ Feat. Pitbull lame..camp? , and didnt want to play in our server! Detail
25.02.10 Die Muck Mucks next time just use UAC :) Detail
24.02.10 atmc MW2 gg Detail
24.02.10 Mumu Schabubu Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 5on5 2v2 May cup
created to rating comment match
08.05.10 Team Botnim no xray Detail