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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
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21.10.10 myRevenge e.V. 2x2 Detail
18.10.10 Aerosol eSports 2vs2 only camp without x22.. nice guys :D sit 2 minutes on the same posi Detail
07.09.10 monozYgotic twins gg Detail
06.09.10 XtraOrd!nary Detail
31.08.10 mavx on tour naja war schon nen gutes match aber einfach zuviel timeluck von euch, könnt ihr auch nichts für... Detail
17.08.10 ProuD.Division Beta Detail
29.07.10 Full Metal Gamers 2on2 good game Detail
28.07.10 Nyyx 2on2 gg++ Detail
27.07.10 Peeter, Limonaaaade! Detail
26.07.10 chaos-gaming 2on2 gg Detail
22.07.10 Langoh & Immortal gg Detail
21.07.10 gg, nice match =) Detail
14.07.10 2 n4ps on Tour Detail
14.07.10 T1Ne leave after 8th Round. Detail
13.07.10 irgendwas is ja immer... Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 2on2 WAC Release
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14.10.10 Cedr1c und Gettysburg gg Detail
14.10.10 Les_Brains Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 2on2 Sommercup 2010
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22.08.10 KRAWALLBRÜDER FTW krasser skillboost auf euer noobmap <3 Detail
22.08.10 deletion coming isu ++ again -- = neutral Detail
18.08.10 Schwarzwaldklinik gg Detail
15.08.10 monozYgotic twins Detail
08.08.10 ESC ICY BOX 2on2 bluQuii #an :D gg Detail
08.08.10 eXcited eSports gg Detail
08.08.10 sLanG and Black gg++ Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
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10.06.10 PwnsYaa2on2 Detail
09.06.10 Team Intra! 2on2 D&H Detail
10.05.10 iGamerz Train coz too late, flame and more ++ Detail
06.05.10 FreakyBoys_T2 gg Detail