Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating Squad VIOLENT back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 3on3 All in One Ladder created to rating comment match 26.07.10 OLD e-sports II. Detail 26.07.10 GAMING Detail 25.07.10 EliteForce 3on3 Detail 23.07.10 EliteForce 3on3 Detail 22.07.10 Unbewusste Kompetenz gg++, schönes Spiel Detail 21.07.10 DIE Leberwurst Detail 21.07.10 eNcoRe-GaMinG Detail 18.07.10 sTuhL.Gaming MW3 Detail 15.07.10 Clan-Los-Gluecklich Detail 15.07.10 READY 2 D!E Detail 13.07.10 READY 2 D!E Detail 13.07.10 Shizzle-Gaming Detail 12.07.10 Die Engelmacher Detail 11.07.10 Emc Detail 08.07.10 KronJuwelen Detail 06.07.10 Rodriguezzzz Reservisten Detail 05.07.10 mTG 3on3 Detail 02.07.10 Question Mark Detail 30.06.10 FreundesKreis MW2 Bravo Detail 29.06.10 German El!te Reloaded Detail 28.06.10 mission: Tactical Gaming II Detail 27.06.10 Green-White Clan Detail 27.06.10 Gods Of Guns Detail 24.06.10 Die Engelmacher Detail 19.06.10 mission: Tactical Gaming II Detail 16.06.10 Team Nevermind! Detail 16.06.10 roYality eSports - CLOSED Detail 15.06.10 Die Engelmacher Detail 14.06.10 mTG 3on3 Detail 14.06.10 Die Waschbärbäuche Detail 13.06.10 be.inSide e.V. Detail 13.06.10 team blackswing Detail 12.06.10 team blackswing Detail 12.06.10 sTuhL.Gaming MW3 Detail 12.06.10 The MatiX Detail 10.06.10 Unterfranken-Psychos Detail 09.06.10 TALENTSCHMiEDE! Detail 09.06.10 Team @IBR 3on3 BO Detail 07.06.10 READY 2 D!E Detail