Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating We were SoldierS back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Vietcong TeamplayLadder created to rating comment match 04.09.12 RISING. eSports Vietcong Detail 19.08.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail 13.08.12 101st Airborne Division Team Detail 12.08.12 INACTIVE ! Detail 09.08.12 NewName Detail 08.08.12 101st Airborne Division Team Detail 06.08.12 INACTIVE ! Detail 01.08.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail 28.07.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail 18.09.11 baCon Team Detail 12.09.11 Happy Gay Team Detail 10.09.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail 29.08.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail 27.08.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail 27.08.11 Riders on the Strom Detail 23.08.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail 22.08.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail 20.08.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail 19.08.11 Freak-Gaming Team Detail 19.08.11 illusion pictures team Detail 16.08.11 Happy Gay Team Detail 16.08.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail 12.08.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail 06.08.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail 03.08.11 illusion pictures team Detail 01.08.11 Happy Gay Team Detail 31.07.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail 31.07.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail 22.01.11 Kolejnici Detail 10.11.10 SLAVERS GAMING Detail 04.11.10 4ngels Dog Detail 01.11.10 Spiders_Alfa Detail 29.10.10 Obludy from forest Detail 28.10.10 Detail 27.10.10 4ngels Dog Detail 26.10.10 Spiders_Alfa Detail 01.07.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail 29.06.10 PURE DEVOTION Detail 27.06.10 iRonix gaming Detail 26.06.10 NorthStars SQuad Detail 23.06.10 Obludy from forest Detail 21.06.10 NorthStars SQuad Detail 16.06.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail 15.06.10 Obludy from forest Detail 13.06.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail 12.06.10 Your Detail