Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Rating History Rating sup fresh our turn baby 5x5 back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created to rating comment match 01.08.10 BYSTANDERS Detail 31.07.10 FIND YOUR FLOW Detail 29.07.10 tim libacja Detail 28.07.10 BARBARA KWARC 5on5 Detail 27.07.10 EES 5on5 Detail 27.07.10 TLUSTE KOTY Detail 19.07.10 ZOSTAW KRZYSKA Detail 19.07.10 Klan na ESL Detail 13.07.10 Maskotki Detail 13.07.10 kAtornia Detail 12.07.10 Made of Stars.cs Detail 04.07.10 DAWAJ TA TRABKE SKURWYSYNU Detail 04.07.10 TEAM3D Detail 03.07.10 FUSION Detail 01.07.10 Detail 25.06.10 Jestesmy z Masla!!! Detail 25.06.10 EKYPA WPJERDOL Detail 24.06.10 BenQ.18 Detail 16.06.10 TU TU TRI BULLETS!!! Detail 15.06.10 zaklad Karny 5on5 Detail 14.06.10 We Are Concrete .inactive Detail 14.06.10 GRAMY KOSMOS Detail 14.06.10 IRRIDUCIBILI Detail 14.06.10 KSW NAJMAN Detail 10.06.10 We Are Concrete .inactive Detail 10.06.10 nie ma to tamto 5on5 Detail 09.06.10 Team 3D Detail 08.06.10 GANJA BOOGIE Detail 08.06.10 HOMiES.. Detail 08.06.10 Like EREKTUS Detail 08.06.10 imo hajt.cs Detail 08.06.10 Bijemy FXow Detail 07.06.10 A Kunia Znasz? Detail 07.06.10 BoomSlave Detail 07.06.10 R E T R O S P E K C J A.cs Detail 06.06.10 HardstyleSsss Detail