Rating Tim Petarda

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Counter-Strike 2on2 AIM MR15 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
28.09.11 REGISTER Detail
26.09.11 SK-o Gaming v2 Detail
26.09.11 Walimy po nogach Detail
26.09.11 Living Legend ll Detail
26.09.11 hAxstars.5on5 Detail
26.09.11 lowy 2on2 Detail
26.09.11 Digital JESTERSv2 Detail
21.09.11 NIE MA LIPY Detail
19.09.11 RED SOX 2on2 Detail
18.09.11 Tim na medal 08.. Detail
18.09.11 invisible2on2 Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
22.09.11 THCrew Detail
19.09.11 Krasnoludy Detail
12.09.11 Revival Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 AIM Ladder
created to rating comment match
10.08.11 Once-Again 2v2 Detail
10.08.11 arrogantenboiiis Detail
10.08.11 bacardi feeling Detail
09.08.11 parrita pitingo Detail
09.08.11 Jachudis Detail
09.08.11 NH.Gaming Detail
09.08.11 stuamesisches3strad Detail
09.08.11 aimbert Detail
08.08.11 Once-Again 2v2 Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 AWP Ladder
created to rating comment match
10.08.11 AssasssiN & DeD GOWNA KUCAJA Detail
09.08.11 Latency.LAN Detail
09.08.11 golden awp Detail
08.08.11 imp series Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
08.01.11 STZCYEN Detail
02.01.11 Stocznia Gdansk Detail
02.01.11 midi NET Detail
26.12.10 slice of life Detail
25.12.10 TEAM LEWY WENTYL Detail
25.12.10 Jestem tu ! ziaaa Detail
24.12.10 KLAPS 3on3 Detail
24.12.10 slabi gracze kantera Detail
24.12.10 PedoBear Detail
21.12.10 Jaguary Detail
21.12.10 LUBIMY SE SZNUPNAC Detail
16.12.10 Prisoners Detail
16.12.10 Konkretny Poziom 3on3 Detail
16.12.10 ChrOpOwate Yezozwierze Detail
16.12.10 TZO SIE CZAIZ? Detail
14.12.10 Connect1on Problem Detail
13.12.10 toy machine 3on3 Detail
11.12.10 Gramy 3on3 pl Detail
10.12.10 Katamy 3on3 Detail
10.12.10 HiGH GAiN Detail
02.12.10 REKONSTRUKCJA Detail
02.12.10 Gnejusz Sencjusz Saturninus Detail
29.11.10 awesome.mix Detail
29.11.10 Dragon Ball Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
30.07.10 existence of live Detail
30.07.10 RasTak Detail
30.07.10 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
30.07.10 hands proof Detail
27.07.10 Team DEFACTO 5on5 Detail
27.07.10 Always Great Skill Detail
27.07.10 Skonczeni Idioci v3 Detail
19.07.10 KINDERparty Detail
16.07.10 BALLS OF STEEL Detail
16.07.10 FENOMENI Detail
16.07.10 toplvlekipa Detail
16.07.10 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail
16.07.10 Green Day! Detail
15.07.10 WYBOROWA 5on5 Detail
14.07.10 xoorai Detail
14.07.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail
14.07.10 Masters of Fusion Detail
14.07.10 SZCZELAMY HEDY Detail
13.07.10 BoomSlave Detail
13.07.10 Czacha Tim Detail
13.07.10 asdsadsad Detail
13.07.10 uber low Detail
13.07.10 MALY GLOD Detail
12.07.10 PRYPIAT Detail
09.07.10 Green Day! Detail
09.07.10 BALLS OF STEEL Detail
08.07.10 RUZOFFO Detail
08.07.10 LOLECZKI Detail
08.07.10 TEAM TORPEDA Detail
06.07.10 b0lki z mixa Detail
06.07.10 Supermeny Detail
06.07.10 The Golden Cats Detail
05.07.10 RNs Detail
05.07.10 Alternate Reality Detail
05.07.10 Bosmani Detail
05.07.10 BoomSlave Detail
05.07.10 Mechanicy batmobila Detail
05.07.10 Sick, Wicked & Nasty! 5on5 Detail
05.07.10 SeeKandDestroy Detail
05.07.10 We Are Concrete .inactive Detail
30.06.10 Mega Mikss Detail
30.06.10 mixownia Detail
30.06.10 Lamehack Detail
30.06.10 Mega Mikss Detail
29.06.10 Champions Detail
29.06.10 BoomSlave Detail
29.06.10 Czterej PANCERNI I KOT Detail
29.06.10 BenQ.18 Detail
28.06.10 SKURWIBONk gg Detail
27.06.10 SeeKandDestroy gg Detail
26.06.10 WSCIEKLE PSY GG Detail
26.06.10 DZIKIE BAWOLY gg Detail