Main Members (5) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Rating History Rating SMOKESPIEGEL back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder created to rating comment match 31.01.11 tAika.gaming Detail 20.01.11 WTFFFFF Detail 13.01.11 radiponta ra Detail 13.01.11 R3-plaY Detail 13.01.11 Koodattu ON Detail 04.01.11 SpVgg Greuther Schnaps Detail 04.01.11 Detail 02.01.11 KMK CS:S Detail 31.12.10 SEGELBERT ;.1 Detail 30.12.10 int9n Detail 19.12.10 play fast play strong Detail 17.12.10 supergeeks Detail 17.12.10 widerstand ist swaglos Detail 12.12.10 K A L I B E R 0.45 Detail 06.12.10 TEAM KODEX Detail 06.12.10 Drunken Assassins e.V. Detail 06.12.10 hOT or bLOCK Detail 02.12.10 Welcome To Finland ! Detail 25.11.10 JUVINA Detail 25.11.10 LAN PRO cpl HACKER Detail 25.11.10 resticz Detail 24.11.10 RICHTERWERT Detail 23.11.10 v2 Detail 23.11.10 asdFfyy Detail 22.11.10 SEGELBERT ;.1 Detail 22.11.10 dejavue Detail 18.11.10 v2 Detail 16.11.10 asdFfyy Detail 14.11.10 LAN PRO cpl im lan zu 0 Detail 14.11.10 dejavue Detail 14.11.10 showmans v1 flam0r Detail 14.11.10 net provides Detail 11.11.10 XBT HASST EUCH Detail 09.11.10 rushrushrush Detail 25.10.10 LAN PRO cpl hacker Detail 19.10.10 eNexium Detail 19.10.10 RADIERGUMMI_13 Detail 18.10.10 bigshitmix Detail 11.10.10 croatiaboiiis Detail 10.10.10 myn2L.Lema INT Detail 04.10.10 oldsql Detail 23.09.10 HAB1B1 Detail 21.09.10 RECOIL CONTROL !!!!!!! Detail 19.09.10 sir flamealot ft derhatnixmehr Detail 17.09.10 funnymisters Detail 17.09.10 fish.l33t Detail 12.09.10 RECOIL CONTROL !!!!!!! Detail 08.09.10 DANKE CU ALPEN Detail 04.09.10 sw1ssg4ming Detail 02.09.10 COMMANDERCREW Detail 31.08.10 CodeRed Gaming Detail 31.08.10 DORFMATRATZE Detail 30.08.10 xdcc Detail 30.08.10 TEAM GRAVITY ! Detail 29.08.10 XBT HASST EUCH Detail 29.08.10 incipit.ULTRAS Detail 29.08.10 SYNSTARs EAS BNL Detail 26.08.10 inTeam Detail