Rating Snake Night clan

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Counter-Strike Cup Series 5on5 - Copa especial CS:GO
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06.06.12 wickers CS No se han presentado Detail

Karont3 Counter-Strike 5on5 Who laughs last - Bracket Final
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26.04.12 windForce esports Detail
19.04.12 inminent Detail

Karont3 Counter-Strike 5on5 Who laughs last
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20.03.12 mixfriends Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
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12.12.11 sportlich 5on5 Detail
11.12.11 kaozkrew Detail
28.11.11 crap Crew Detail
06.11.11 KOALABOX Detail
04.11.11 p4r0d0nt0s3pr0phyl4x3pr0f1Z Detail
26.09.11 EIER AUS STAHL Detail
23.09.11 endeavor.mix Detail
22.09.11 aimnstrs Detail
24.07.11 NO HACKS Detail
24.07.11 YEAHYEAHCLAN Detail
22.07.11 B Ä C K E R Detail
22.07.11 Friends of the Counter-Strike Detail
22.07.11 TBA03 Detail
22.07.11 holy sh!t Detail
22.07.11 Team LZ Detail
22.07.11 Pas question ! Detail
21.07.11 vinci_lioo Detail
21.06.11 just Detail
19.06.11 PROLIFERS Detail
07.06.11 Helden aus der zweiten Reihe Detail

ESL Amateur Series Season X Counter-Strike Amateur Series
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15.11.11 noNstoP Detail
06.11.11 FRAGTIVITY.CS Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Clasificatorio Global Challenge de Kiev
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01.11.11 p-playy Detail
31.10.11 frenetik Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
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21.07.11 niceShooT Detail
04.07.11 Silent Death Kill Han puesto el resultado mal a proposito Detail
28.06.11 Proyect5 Detail
10.06.11 dtw Detail
14.04.11 jsuog Detail
13.04.11 xplosive e-Sports Club Detail
29.03.11 thugs CStrike Detail
18.02.11 Guaperas Total Detail
08.02.11 Comunidad SpaNET Detail
27.12.10 sentence Detail
16.12.10 comandoROSA Detail
26.11.10 yankees Detail
26.11.10 NINGUNO TEAM Detail
25.11.10 Qlimax CS Detail
24.11.10 yankees Detail
17.11.10 5Lives CS Detail
15.11.10 First Strike Group Detail
11.11.10 No Reason Detail
09.11.10 MAGIC Hands CS Detail
04.11.10 free.sports UN 10 DE 10 A ESTA GENTE Detail
01.11.10 MAGIC Hands CS Detail
28.10.10 Blackpoint Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Playoffs Primavera 11
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16.06.11 FRAGTIVITY.CS Detail
15.06.11 respect e-Sports Detail
12.06.11 Pumpkin.b Detail
05.06.11 mixeteeeee Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Liga de Primavera 2011
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16.05.11 STRONGUYS Detail

ESL Amateur Series Counter-Strike 5on5 Amateur Series Old
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13.05.11 WARDENS CS 1.6 Detail
11.05.11 Sunlands Detail
08.05.11 ASES e-Sports CS Detail
27.04.11 Qlimax Sports Club K3 Detail
24.04.11 MRgaming Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 3º Clasificatorio EPS
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23.04.11 YosYikitaFiesta - EPS mixD - Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 2º Clasificatorio EPS
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21.04.11 mortalklan GOLD Detail
19.04.11 DreamSquad Gaming Club.Cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Clasificatorio Iberian League
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07.04.11 warmingmouserz Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Torneo 10º Aniversario Arenazero
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28.12.10 manolito caramierda Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Autumn League 10
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18.11.10 Los 5 elementos No se han presentado Detail
11.11.10 UNBELIEVABLE Detail
04.11.10 spanishomg Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder2
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18.10.10 First Strike Group Detail
14.10.10 First Strike Group Detail
14.10.10 free.sports ASI DA GUSTO Detail
11.10.10 niceShooT Con esta gente da gusto. Detail
05.10.10 Sensation e-Sports club Detail