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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 1st Division Summer 2011 Relegation - Nachrücker
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27.06.11 1 Div direktaufstieg. Ducks Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
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05.06.11 Wild-Play e.V. Detail
02.06.11 oldschool5 gg Detail
22.05.11 bl00dy skullfraGGers Detail
15.05.11 energy-WAVE Detail
09.05.11 superdry. Detail
01.05.11 dotpiXels e.V. Detail
17.04.11 memory of CSS EAS Detail
10.04.11 well done, not! Detail
03.04.11 agent provocateur Detail
13.02.11 Coole-Truppe Detail
30.01.11 Heidtec Gaming re Detail
27.01.11 closed Detail
16.01.11 myVISION.CSS Detail
09.01.11 memory of CSS EAS gg wp Detail