Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating Heartbreakers&Lifetakers back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created to rating comment match 28.11.10 DREAMHACK Detail 28.11.10 WBR Detail 28.11.10 Dzieki Bogu juz Piatek Detail 27.11.10 Same Banie Detail 26.11.10 TPWC#6 Detail 25.11.10 FOBIA 5on5 Detail 22.11.10 Gang Bang Crew Detail 21.11.10 BAZINGA! Detail 17.11.10 ZNANE RYJE Detail 17.11.10 Vinatic-Tim Detail 16.11.10 CPL WATYKAN Detail 16.11.10 HATCHING Detail 14.11.10 chilloutplayers Detail 14.11.10 PREST1GE Detail 13.11.10 HELL ON EARTH Detail 08.11.10 wieje sandalem Detail 08.11.10 LOVI Detail 07.11.10 lolperer Detail 07.11.10 KSW FIGHT CLUB Detail 07.11.10 wR* i jego geje :D Detail 06.11.10 eXperience Detail 06.11.10 SZTRUKS 5on5 Detail 04.11.10 Fünf ÜBER Spieler Detail 01.11.10 tak no jasne Detail 01.11.10 SROGIE DILDA Detail 31.10.10 EMOgajsy Detail 31.10.10 Bajzel Na Strychu Detail 27.10.10 Pograne :p Detail 27.10.10 Sentenced To Fame Detail 27.10.10 SZEFOSTWO Detail 26.10.10 SILOWNIA Detail 26.10.10 KARA! Detail 25.10.10 Deep inside you cry cry 5on5 Detail 23.10.10 KUTAPINDY Detail 22.10.10 flinstonowie Detail 21.10.10 Dziki Las Lisow Detail 21.10.10 CPL WATYKAN Detail 20.10.10 TEAM INSPIRIT Detail