Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (4) Rating History Rating Gnejusz Sencjusz Saturninus back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder Old created to rating comment match 22.12.11 Digital JESTERS5on5 Detail 19.05.11 Wire OFF Detail 17.05.11 Polaryzacja Team Detail 16.05.11 FENIKSY Detail 15.05.11 TubaGaming Detail 15.05.11 FACE2FACE Detail 15.05.11 Fire The Hole Detail 15.05.11 TEAM KUPA Detail 11.05.11 vpierdol gaming 3on3 Detail 10.05.11 3D Vision Detail 08.05.11 iNTEL Detail 08.05.11 ULTRAPLAZMAZORDY Detail 07.05.11 KU KLUX KLAN KKK Detail 02.05.11 FUCK OFF,UGLY Detail 02.05.11 White Niggas Detail 02.05.11 yep Detail 02.05.11 UEEEEEEEEEE Detail 02.05.11 Piekarska Elita Detail 01.05.11 3on3 PEKERZY Detail 01.05.11 mystical 3on3 Detail 30.04.11 PROhibicja Detail 27.04.11 Project Control Detail 25.04.11 GrzybKi daJa InfO Detail 25.04.11 EKSTRAWAGANCJA Detail 24.04.11 ROCKETZ 2on2 Detail 23.04.11 HIGH PROMOTORS Detail 23.04.11 Passion Dreams Detail 23.04.11 ..i.. Detail 23.04.11 GO PRO Detail 12.04.11 imaGine.magic Detail 10.04.11 UGRAMY TO Detail 10.04.11 ANGRY BIRDS3v3 Detail 10.04.11 God Eater Detail 08.04.11 Limitless 3ON3 Detail 08.04.11 DekadA Detail 08.04.11 takie 3 typy Detail 07.04.11 Lemoncats 3/3 Detail 07.04.11 DRWALE Detail 06.04.11 Jaguary! Detail 06.04.11 DRAMA THEORY Detail 06.04.11 Hackers Delight! Detail 06.04.11 1000pkt Detail 05.04.11 Focus On Me Detail 04.04.11 West coast Detail 30.03.11 Double BLAST! Detail 28.03.11 DURSZLAK FAMILY Detail 28.03.11 GO PRO Detail 24.03.11 DURSZLAK FAMILY Detail 24.03.11 In Flagranti Detail 23.03.11 Wierzymy w Boga Detail 21.03.11 DURSZLAK FAMILY Detail 17.03.11 KSW #5on5 Detail 08.03.11 Joint na zachete Detail 07.03.11 slice of life Detail 07.03.11 Totis viribus Detail 02.03.11 OBSESSION Detail 27.02.11 Ultimate Multi Killers Detail 03.02.11 Fantastyczni Grzybiarze Detail 22.01.11 s2lejka Detail 22.01.11 NOWINY Detail 19.01.11 Hajty Bez Skilla Detail 19.01.11 bukmacherzy Detail 18.01.11 frytkidotego Detail 18.01.11 Dobre Jajca Detail 18.01.11 Destructors 3on3 Detail 16.01.11 Kormorany Detail 16.01.11 tim sweden.cs Detail 16.01.11 FENIKSY Detail 12.01.11 1973i Detail 12.01.11 s2lejka Detail 12.01.11 CHORY Detail 11.01.11 Paranormal Activity 3v3 Detail 10.01.11 PL TOP 10 Detail 09.01.11 pietruchy 3on3 Detail 09.01.11 Co sie gapisz kuwa? Detail 09.01.11 TEAM LEWY WENTYL Detail 07.01.11 DOUBLE BLAST Detail 05.01.11 My sie sniegu nie boimy Detail 03.01.11 MUAY-THAI WARRIORS Detail 02.01.11 3 Detail 02.01.11 Twm Mix Crew Detail 02.01.11 Nie ma tak more Detail 02.01.11 duzy brzusio Detail 02.01.11 Gramy 5/5 Detail 01.01.11 Mix z plackami z mirca Detail 30.12.10 powerade. 3on3 Detail 30.12.10 Za Kratami Detail 29.12.10 na lajcie 3on3 Detail 28.12.10 Street Fighters Detail 28.12.10 GJENTKIE ZOMBJAKI Detail 27.12.10 LEGO Detail 27.12.10 3ODAkru Detail 26.12.10 terror squad Detail 26.12.10 ARMADA.csgo Detail 26.12.10 TEAM LEWY WENTYL Detail 26.12.10 tetrahydropizgatory Detail 24.12.10 WTF? OMG LOL! Detail 24.12.10 Never Back Down! Detail 24.12.10 OVER CONTROL Detail 23.12.10 JU AR HIR Detail 23.12.10 skajletboys Detail 23.12.10 druzyna zaufania Detail 22.12.10 MAGICY 3on3 Detail 22.12.10 Lemury Z Glebi Lasu Detail 21.12.10 deska.cs Detail 21.12.10 Muode Detail 21.12.10 Pierozany Detail 15.12.10 H IFI Detail 15.12.10 Kuktasy Detail 15.12.10 asdfgeqweqweq Detail 14.12.10 Fala Zbrodni Detail 14.12.10 W11 WYDZIAL SLEDCZY 3n3 Detail 13.12.10 CZARNY ROCK 3on3 Detail 11.12.10 TERROR !!! Detail 09.12.10 ROBIMY TO W PAJNCIE Detail 09.12.10 voltares omnis Detail 08.12.10 SPIT IT OUT.cs Detail 08.12.10 mini mini Detail 07.12.10 Lost Heaven Detail 07.12.10 EPP 3on3 Detail 06.12.10 The Opars Detail 06.12.10 Mobil 1 Detail 06.12.10 xmas soon Detail 03.12.10 TEAM ODPALACZE Detail 03.12.10 HPNZ.3on3 Detail 02.12.10 Hajty Detail 02.12.10 Gramy 3on3 pl Detail 02.12.10 Tim Petarda Detail 01.12.10 Connect1on Problem Detail 30.11.10 tim FACEBOOK Detail 30.11.10 Focus On Me Detail 29.11.10 Hejtujemy na 3on3 Detail 29.11.10 5 ciastek Detail 26.11.10 TEAM GORYL Detail 26.11.10 PLEJBOLASY Detail 25.11.10 a byle co Detail 25.11.10 inFAMOUS 3on3 Detail 25.11.10 MJAOMODE Detail 24.11.10 WhySoSerious? Detail 24.11.10 from_sjk Detail 24.11.10 Gang Dzikich Wieprzy Detail 23.11.10 LUBIMY SIE KONPAC Detail 23.11.10 allstars Detail 23.11.10 UNDERWORLD 3on3 Detail 23.11.10 TeamBota 3v3 Detail 20.11.10 JURWA! Detail 18.11.10 tim prg Detail 18.11.10 KACZUCHY Detail 11.11.10 PODiMA TiM Detail 08.11.10 TDH Detail