Rating Riders on the Strom

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Vietcong TeamplayLadder
created to rating comment match
27.07.15 The Brave Warriors Detail
21.07.15 The Brave Warriors Detail
25.05.15 The Brave Warriors Detail
20.05.15 The Brave Warriors Detail
28.04.15 The Brave Warriors Detail
27.04.15 Black Angels Detail
05.04.15 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
09.03.15 The Brave Warriors Detail
08.03.15 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
15.02.15 eliteCompany Detail
12.02.15 The Brave Warriors Detail
11.02.15 Team of Cheating Soldiers Detail
08.02.15 Black Angels Detail
29.01.15 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
18.12.14 4ngels Dog Detail
09.11.14 SystemGAMERS gg Detail
04.11.14 Team of Cheating Soldiers Detail
03.11.14 Slovak Squad Detail
19.10.14 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
06.10.14 Slovak Squad joke dne Detail
05.10.14 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
22.09.14 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
21.09.14 Slovak Squad Detail
14.09.14 Free Secret Old Team Detail
09.09.14 Slovak Squad Detail
08.09.14 Free Secret Old Team Detail
01.09.14 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
31.08.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
24.08.14 Slovak Squad Detail
17.08.14 Free Secret Old Team Detail
16.07.14 RektalTherapy Detail
13.07.14 The Brave Warriors Detail
07.07.14 The Brave Warriors Detail
26.06.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
23.06.14 Fotr.Army Detail
18.06.14 Flash-Team Detail
11.06.14 CITRONS Detail
10.06.14 Black Angels Detail
08.06.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
01.06.14 HOCHIMIN gg Detail
29.05.14 elite Company Detail
28.05.14 Fotr.Army Detail
27.05.14 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
16.05.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
05.05.14 NorthStars SQuad Detail
04.05.14 The Brave Warriors Detail
22.04.14 4ngels Dog Detail
20.04.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
14.04.14 CITRONS Detail
09.02.14 NecroRaisers Detail
06.02.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
06.02.14 Chlazeny Pivo Detail
19.01.14 bahs grupen Detail
15.01.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
12.01.14 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
07.01.14 Chlazeny Pivo Detail
28.12.13 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
25.12.13 CITRONS Detail
22.12.13 PLAYBOY Detail
22.12.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
15.12.13 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
03.12.13 Pupkaci Detail
01.12.13 NecroRaisers Detail
25.11.13 Fotrovy Deti Detail
18.11.13 Riders clan since 2005 Detail
14.11.13 Pupkaci Detail
10.11.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
09.11.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
03.11.13 Riders clan since 2005 Detail
30.10.13 Black Angels Detail
22.10.13 HOCHIMIN Detail
21.10.13 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
20.10.13 Riders clan since 2005 Detail
14.10.13 Pupkaci Detail
14.10.13 Pupkaci Detail
23.09.13 4ngels Dog Detail
22.09.13 SW4T.vC Detail
16.09.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
15.09.13 4ngels Dog Detail
12.09.13 Pupkaci Detail
12.09.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
10.09.13 Pupkaci Detail
06.09.13 4ngels Dog Detail
05.09.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
04.09.13 HellRaiders Detail
03.09.13 Stary pusky Detail
25.08.13 Black Angels Detail
25.08.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
18.08.13 CITRONS Detail
06.08.13 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
04.08.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
21.07.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
17.07.13 4ngels Dog Detail
17.07.13 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
16.07.13 CITRONS Detail
14.07.13 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
07.07.13 CITRONS Detail
25.06.13 northTec Gaming Detail
24.06.13 CITRONS Detail
23.06.13 Black Angels Detail
03.06.13 4ngels Dog Detail
02.06.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
27.05.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
16.05.13 4ngels Dog Detail
16.05.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
09.05.13 4ngels Dog Detail
08.05.13 Infamous Fighters Detail
07.05.13 ZERO team Detail
29.04.13 Stary pusky Detail
28.04.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
25.04.13 Pratele & Partaci Detail
16.04.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
14.04.13 Stary pusky Detail
10.04.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
09.04.13 Riders clan since 2005 Detail
04.04.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
03.04.13 HeadsWillRoll Detail
31.03.13 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
28.03.13 HeadsWillRoll Detail
27.03.13 Te@m Poland Detail
24.03.13 4ngels Dog gg Detail
17.03.13 9.BRF - Battalioni gg Detail
13.03.13 Riders clan since 2005 Detail
10.03.13 Black Angels Detail
06.03.13 Happy Gay Team Detail
04.03.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
03.03.13 Riders clan since 2005 Detail
28.02.13 Riders clan since 2005 Detail
27.02.13 Stary pusky Detail
26.02.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
24.02.13 Te@m Poland Detail
19.02.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
13.02.13 Black Angels Detail
07.02.13 Te@m Poland Detail
03.02.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
28.01.13 CITRONS Detail
24.01.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
20.01.13 BEAMPLAY Detail
19.01.13 Te@m Poland Detail
18.01.13 Stary pusky Detail
15.01.13 CITRONS Detail
03.01.13 Stary pusky Detail
26.12.12 Black Angels Detail
20.12.12 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
19.12.12 R!VERS Detail
17.12.12 XXYYXX Detail
04.12.12 Stary pusky Detail
12.11.12 Jedna Velka Rodina Detail
11.11.12 Happy Gay Team Detail
14.10.12 Jedna Velka Rodina Detail
10.10.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
07.10.12 Stary pusky Detail
25.09.12 Stary pusky Detail
23.09.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
21.09.12 RISING. eSports Vietcong Detail
20.09.12 Stary pusky Detail
19.09.12 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
17.09.12 SW4T.vC Detail
16.09.12 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
16.09.12 Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 Detail
13.09.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
12.09.12 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
10.09.12 Cluster one Detail
09.09.12 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
06.09.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
03.09.12 next.Gaming.Generation Detail
02.09.12 P-Team Origins Detail
28.08.12 Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 Detail
28.08.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
26.08.12 Stary pusky Detail
25.08.12 Elite Company Detail
24.08.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
23.08.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
20.08.12 NewName Detail
15.08.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
14.08.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
13.08.12 Fight the Power Detail
11.08.12 101st Airborne Division Team Detail
10.08.12 Stary pusky Detail
06.08.12 101st Airborne Division Team Detail
22.07.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
20.07.12 NewName Detail
18.07.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
16.07.12 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
15.07.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
12.07.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
12.07.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
11.07.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
09.07.12 Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 Detail
08.07.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
03.07.12 101st Airborne Division Team Detail
27.06.12 Jedna Velka Rodina Detail
26.06.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
24.06.12 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
20.06.12 eLement Gaming team Detail
18.06.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
17.06.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
16.06.12 Jedna Velka Rodina Detail
10.06.12 -PainKillers- Detail
07.06.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
06.06.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
03.06.12 Fight the Power Detail
02.06.12 Stary pusky Detail
31.05.12 German Sensation Detail
30.05.12 Pratele & Partaci Detail
29.05.12 Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 Detail
28.05.12 101st Airborne Division Team Detail
27.05.12 Fight the Power Detail
26.05.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
24.05.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
22.05.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
16.05.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
14.05.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
13.05.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
09.05.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
06.05.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
03.05.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
02.05.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
01.05.12 Stary pusky Detail
23.03.12 Phiadelphia Honorary Detail
20.03.12 rising esports Detail
19.03.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
18.03.12 -PainKillers- Detail
15.03.12 Happy Gay Team Detail
05.03.12 Stary pusky Detail
04.03.12 Happy Gay Team gg Detail
03.03.12 rising esports Detail
02.03.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
28.02.12 Instalateri Detail
27.02.12 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
26.02.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
23.02.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
22.02.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
21.02.12 Happy Gay Team Detail
19.02.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
18.02.12 -PainKillers- Detail
14.02.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
13.02.12 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
12.02.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
12.02.12 Stary pusky Detail
11.02.12 Phiadelphia Honorary MEX KEMPÍ Detail
09.02.12 Stary pusky Detail
09.02.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
08.02.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
08.02.12 Happy Gay Team Detail
07.02.12 Fellowship of the Best Detail
06.02.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
05.02.12 frEsh GaminG TeaM Detail
04.02.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
29.01.12 CyberLine Detail
26.01.12 Phiadelphia Honorary Detail
25.01.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
24.01.12 Stary pusky Detail
23.01.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
22.01.12 HOCHIMIN Detail
20.01.12 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
18.01.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
17.01.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
16.01.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
14.01.12 Banda blbych kretenu Detail
12.01.12 CyberLine Detail
11.01.12 4ngels Dog Detail
10.01.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
09.01.12 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
08.01.12 CITRONS Detail
07.01.12 baCon Team Detail
06.01.12 Rakosnici z Bahnaru Detail
05.01.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
04.01.12 Happy Gay Team Detail
03.01.12 Stary pusky Detail
02.01.12 baCon Team Detail
01.01.12 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
01.01.12 Rangers Warriors Detail
23.12.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
22.12.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
22.12.11 baCon Team Detail
21.12.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
20.12.11 Stary pusky Detail
20.12.11 Destruction vietcong Team. Detail
19.12.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
16.12.11 Destruction vietcong Team. Detail
14.12.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
13.12.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
12.12.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
10.12.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
03.12.11 101st Division Detail
30.11.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
25.11.11 Destruction vietcong Team. Detail
24.11.11 Na co nick? Detail
23.11.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
22.11.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
21.11.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
20.11.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
17.11.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
16.11.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
13.11.11 Stary pusky Detail
11.11.11 baCon Team Detail
10.11.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.11.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
07.11.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
06.11.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
03.11.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
02.11.11 CITRONS Detail
31.10.11 aRT.ist Detail
31.10.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
30.10.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
27.10.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
26.10.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
25.10.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
24.10.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
19.10.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
19.10.11 HOCHIMIN Detail
15.10.11 StarS * new era Detail
13.10.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
12.10.11 StarS * new era Detail
10.10.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
09.10.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
06.10.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
05.10.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
04.10.11 Free Secret Old Team Detail
02.10.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
01.10.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
27.09.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
22.09.11 CITRONS Detail
21.09.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
20.09.11 Fellowship of the Best Detail
15.09.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
14.09.11 baCon Team Detail
12.09.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
08.09.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
07.09.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
05.09.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
01.09.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
30.08.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
29.08.11 Rangers Warriors Detail
28.08.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
27.08.11 CITRONS Detail
27.08.11 We were SoldierS Detail
30.06.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
28.06.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
27.06.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
26.06.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
23.06.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
20.06.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
19.06.11 HOCHIMIN Detail
18.06.11 -PainKillers- Detail
16.06.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
14.06.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
13.06.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
12.06.11 Vandenberg Detail
09.06.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.06.11 Free Secret Old Team Detail
07.06.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
06.06.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
05.06.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
02.06.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
31.05.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
29.05.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
28.05.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
25.05.11 Hell Raiders Detail
25.05.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
23.05.11 Bizon Gamers. vC Detail
22.05.11 4ngels Dog Detail
21.05.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
19.05.11 Valte Voci Detail
18.05.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
17.05.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
16.05.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
15.05.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
14.05.11 Valte Voci Detail
11.05.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
08.05.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
02.05.11 4ngels Dog Detail
01.05.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
27.04.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
26.04.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
25.04.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
24.04.11 Valte Voci Detail
20.04.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
18.04.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
17.04.11 HOCHIMIN Detail
15.04.11 Hell Raiders Detail
13.04.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
12.04.11 Hell Raiders Detail
11.04.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
09.04.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
07.04.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
04.04.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
03.04.11 Free Secret Old Team Detail
01.04.11 Valte Voci Detail
31.03.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
31.03.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
29.03.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
28.03.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
27.03.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
25.03.11 Spiders_Alfa Detail
18.03.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
14.03.11 Spiders_Alfa Detail
13.03.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
12.03.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
09.03.11 Valte Voci Detail
07.03.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
06.03.11 Hungry Beasts Detail
28.02.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
27.02.11 Vandenberg Detail
27.02.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
23.02.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
21.02.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
19.02.11 Hungry Beasts Detail
17.02.11 Bad Company Vietcong Team Detail
16.02.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
08.02.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
05.02.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
02.02.11 Chlazeny Pivo Detail
01.02.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
31.01.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
30.01.11 4ngels Dog Detail
27.01.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
26.01.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
25.01.11 Bad Company Vietcong Team Detail
24.01.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
23.01.11 Chlazeny Pivo Detail
20.01.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
18.01.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
16.01.11 Chlazeny Pivo Detail
15.01.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
13.01.11 Obludy from forest Detail
11.01.11 Bad Company Vietcong Team Detail
09.01.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
08.01.11 AMATERS Team Detail
02.01.11 Resolved Gaming Detail
30.12.10 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
29.12.10 Resolved Gaming Detail
28.12.10 4ngels Dog Detail
22.12.10 Resolved Gaming Detail
21.12.10 Hell Raiders Detail
19.12.10 Green Street Elite Detail
18.12.10 GIRL'S SQUAD Detail
15.12.10 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
13.12.10 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
13.12.10 Green Street Elite Detail