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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
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18.12.11 causeWEcan e.V. Detail
11.12.11 SoyG Detail
04.12.11 xxld Detail
27.11.11 Team.PDEG Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups 5on5 Night Cups 2011 #16
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18.10.11 AHA BYE Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
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16.10.11 Oldschool Retro Detail
06.10.11 DieTrailerParkBoys5.0 Detail
05.10.11 Team Intelect7 Detail
03.10.11 Bleeding e.V. Detail
03.10.11 Selection Gaming CS:S GER Detail
02.10.11 hallodu Detail
02.10.11 DIE ELCHFARMER Detail
25.09.11 QmpL Detail
25.09.11 Oldschool Retro Detail
22.09.11 Disasterpeaces 2004 Detail
31.08.11 Blutbadclan Detail
28.08.11 EXCEPT!ON eSports Detail
28.08.11 part7 Detail
25.08.11 H0MEB0YS Detail
25.08.11 Counterstrike KingZ Detail
22.08.11 DONNERDEAGLEN Detail
21.08.11 PassionFighters.eu Ladderteam Detail
21.08.11 QmpL Detail
21.08.11 Team Kugelfang Detail
15.08.11 Instinct.eSports Detail
07.08.11 AQUARIUS Detail
04.08.11 part7 Detail
31.07.11 Revved Five Detail
31.07.11 FSK18 Detail
24.07.11 Funky Family - MR 15 Detail
21.07.11 Happy Cleaning Time Detail
19.07.11 trolololollololol Detail
18.07.11 Oldschool Retro Detail
17.07.11 ROCK ON ! Detail
17.07.11 eSports-Unna Detail
17.07.11 eOnity Detail
14.07.11 Swedish House Mafia Detail
14.07.11 Oldschool Retro Detail
12.07.11 amazinGbros Detail
11.07.11 Swedish House Mafia Detail
10.07.11 PassionFighters.eu Ladderteam Detail
26.06.11 trolololollololol Detail
22.06.11 5 MONKEYS Detail
12.06.11 Freakshow CSS Detail
09.06.11 Oldschool Retro Detail
09.06.11 TONYTONESS Detail
08.06.11 Core-eSports Detail
08.06.11 Ultimate Gaming.EAS Detail
07.06.11 JUICED Detail
07.06.11 ROFL1337 Detail
07.06.11 ZERSTÖRUNG Detail
06.06.11 CRY.ON Training Detail
06.06.11 Trust in ME! Detail
06.06.11 CRY.ON Training Detail
05.06.11 mYinsanity.eu Detail
05.06.11 HOC1 Detail
04.06.11 ynet1party Detail
02.06.11 Team.Astrum Detail
01.06.11 sX.XTRAtec Train Detail
29.05.11 NANANANA BATMAN Detail
08.05.11 inSide.CS:S Detail
21.04.11 Team WEST-GENERATION.5on5 Detail
30.03.11 my.NBK Detail
20.03.11 Counterstrike KingZ Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
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09.08.11 WHITEYES.eu Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Weekend Cups 2011 #24
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06.08.11 reebokclassic Detail