Rating Euro Gaming Forces

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
07.09.11 Telos.ESC Detail
03.09.11 ------ Detail
03.09.11 R.I.P. mw2 Detail
31.08.11 TEAM-ECTRX 3on3 Detail
29.08.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 Detail
29.08.11 Rhino eSports Detail
26.08.11 In memory of myRevenge e.V MW2 Detail
23.08.11 SALATIK Detail
21.08.11 New World Order Good Game :) Detail
16.08.11 lifted Detail
11.08.11 Topi Topi Detail
11.08.11 Skill Massacre Detail
03.08.11 lifted Detail
01.08.11 Badass.MW2 Detail
31.07.11 In memory of w4sp BO2 Detail
31.07.11 lifted Detail
29.07.11 lifted Detail
28.07.11 Stephan Nitay Nadav in last half they Used illegal Guns like riot shield,rocket launcher, barret, semtex Detail
26.07.11 Skill Massacre Detail
26.07.11 ZOUGLOU+1 Detail
18.07.11 BLN h0rN3tz Detail
17.07.11 ... Detail
17.07.11 Group of Random People Detail
13.07.11 InZ Detail
12.07.11 Taugivi Gaming Detail
12.07.11 Masters Of War * 3x3 Detail
11.07.11 myRevenge e.V. Detail
11.07.11 in memory of beQuiet MW2 Detail
09.07.11 New World Order Detail
08.07.11 Masters Of War * 3x3 Detail
05.07.11 New World Order Detail
04.07.11 Taugivi Gaming Detail
03.07.11 Team be extant Detail
02.07.11 PHR Gaming Detail
01.07.11 Affen mit Waffen Don\'t play this clan very very boring Detail
30.06.11 Outset Detail
29.06.11 New World Order Detail
28.06.11 HADDE LAN PETER PAN Detail
26.06.11 orKs 3x3 Detail
26.06.11 Team be extant Detail
25.06.11 Telos.ESC Detail
25.06.11 Grim Ragerz Bad host much lag, maybe on purpose Detail
23.06.11 InZ Detail
23.06.11 Team be extant Detail
21.06.11 Sw Gaming 3on3 Detail
21.06.11 New World Order Detail
20.06.11 Legendary Forces COD Detail
18.06.11 Her0s 0f War Detail
17.06.11 ZOUGLOU+1 Detail
13.06.11 ENERGETIC MW2 wrong rules twice Detail
12.06.11 InZ Detail
12.06.11 Sw Gaming 3on3 Bad host Detail
12.06.11 R.I.P. mw2 Detail
10.06.11 Bullshit Detail
07.06.11 Ever Alive Detail
06.06.11 ... Detail
05.06.11 PlanB.eSports 3n3 Detail
05.06.11 myRevenge e.V. Detail
03.06.11 Bullshit Detail
02.06.11 R.I.P. mw2 Detail
01.06.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
30.05.11 Sw Gaming 3on3 Detail
29.05.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
29.05.11 Badass.MW2 Detail
27.05.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
26.05.11 PHR Gaming Detail
22.05.11 bushesMANZ Detail
21.05.11 TEAM-ECTRX 3on3 Detail
19.05.11 New World Order Detail
15.05.11 myRevenge e.V. Detail
14.05.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
13.05.11 BLN h0rN3tz Detail
11.05.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
10.05.11 RFW* Detail
10.05.11 Sw* Gaming Detail
09.05.11 BLN h0rN3tz Detail
03.05.11 PHR Gaming Detail
01.05.11 myRevenge e.V. Detail
01.05.11 endlessGaming CoD MW2 Detail
29.04.11 nmmb mnmn Detail
28.04.11 BLN h0rN3tz Detail
28.04.11 R.I.P. mw2 Detail
27.04.11 orKs 3x3 Detail
27.04.11 PHR Gaming Detail
26.04.11 OhSnap Detail
25.04.11 Phase2.0 Re Detail
17.04.11 RFW* Detail
12.04.11 edGe Detail
09.04.11 Spiceny Dementi Detail
09.04.11 Inaaaaaaktiv Detail
08.04.11 Acuanler eSports Detail
03.04.11 Die Springspinnen Detail
03.04.11 0x0 Detail
03.04.11 LoOL :) Clan Detail
03.04.11 Murderers Multigaming Clan Detail
02.04.11 Northern Combat Detail
01.04.11 0x0 Detail
30.03.11 Die Springspinnen Detail
30.03.11 New World Order Detail
27.03.11 KAPANDI Detail
24.03.11 0x0 Detail
23.03.11 RFW* Detail
23.03.11 Die Springspinnen Detail
21.03.11 RFW* Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.09.11 Time Will Only Tell Detail
04.09.11 Hussars of Terror Detail
01.09.11 Outro mundo Detail
19.08.11 3FACTS Gaming Detail
20.07.11 ZeroTwoSix Detail
17.07.11 In Memory Of GooD Time 2 Detail
10.07.11 In Memory Of GooD Time 2 Detail
08.07.11 New World Order Detail
05.07.11 Dutch Front Line Detail
13.06.11 team Xtreme Detail
08.06.11 ANgeblich skillt #3 Detail
05.06.11 showtime Detail
02.06.11 OTL twice wrong settings Detail
01.06.11 orKs 5x5 Detail
31.05.11 showtime Detail
29.05.11 Sw Gaming Detail
27.05.11 ElementuM Detail
25.05.11 showtime Detail
24.05.11 totally hopeless extreme Noobs Detail
15.05.11 ElementuM Detail
15.05.11 New World Order Detail
14.05.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
08.05.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
07.05.11 Demolition Company Detail
04.05.11 Hussars of Terror Detail
02.05.11 Demolition Company Detail
02.05.11 ElementuM Detail
29.04.11 In memory of myRevenge e.V MW2 Detail
22.04.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
18.04.11 ElementuM Detail
17.04.11 MyClub mw3 Detail
17.04.11 Demolition Company Detail
16.04.11 Team Rhythmic Detail
11.04.11 edGe Detail
10.04.11 myANTHOLOGY Detail
07.04.11 EX.TEAM.eLateD MW2 OLD Detail
27.03.11 3FACTS Gaming Detail
27.03.11 Telos.ESC Detail
24.03.11 Team Rhythmic Detail
22.03.11 showtime Detail