Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating Insane Sectoids back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] StarCraft II Clanwar Ladder created to rating comment match 02.08.11 TruE DestroyerS TeaM Detail 21.07.11 Grow uP Gaming SC2 Detail 20.07.11 vioesports Detail 13.07.11 BLAST.SC2 Detail 22.06.11 ... Detail 20.06.11 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail 19.06.11 The GhoST Clan.SC2 Detail 10.06.11 R.I.P esportZ Detail 30.05.11 Team YoYoTech .StarCraft 2 Detail 29.05.11 iN7 - ESPORTS SC II Detail 28.05.11 Inlife-Team Detail 22.05.11 Grand Masters Team Detail 18.05.11 VPGamers Detail 14.05.11 TruE DestroyerS TeaM Detail 28.04.11 Competo Detail 26.04.11 Starcade Gaming Detail 25.04.11 RuW.SC2.White Legion Detail 24.04.11 Empire of the World Warcraft Detail 22.04.11 Random sc2 Detail 20.04.11 Micronae Supremacy Talents Detail 19.04.11 Grow uP Gaming SC2 Detail 16.04.11 Random sc2 Detail 12.04.11 Competo Detail 09.04.11 Russian Far East on SC2 Team Detail 07.04.11 IGotGame SC II Detail 27.03.11 Infected-Reflex Detail 26.03.11 MLt Gaming Detail 23.03.11 sIN.Gaming Detail 20.03.11 You ll be Sorry Detail 16.03.11 Jedi Power Users Detail 14.03.11 ULTRA Energy Stars SC2 Detail 06.03.11 Random sc2 Detail 01.03.11 Legenden leben ewig Detail 27.02.11 BX3 Detail 24.02.11 Team Source Detail 20.02.11 AntroX.Do Not Disturb Detail 14.02.11 e-Sports Hooligans Crew.Sc2 Detail 14.02.11 Overcloked Gaming Detail 13.02.11 aNgels WingS Thanks for the CW: ) Detail 11.02.11 Russian Far East on SC2 Team Detail 10.02.11 GhostShell Detail