Rating The drunken Monkeys-ESport

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Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 3on3 HC S&D Ladder
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18.04.13 Ecstasy Gaming ! Detail
16.04.13 GTC GAMING HC Detail
15.04.13 My druSja vZ Detail
03.02.13 Team. Time2Play Detail
18.01.13 Team. Time2Play Detail
18.01.13 CLOSED !! Detail
18.12.12 M4FI4 eSports V2 Detail
11.12.12 xFOR HC Squad Detail
10.12.12 Take it easy !! Detail
10.12.12 xDLx Delta Squad Detail
03.12.12 in memory of Slay and Flay MW3 Detail
03.12.12 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
30.11.12 itztz Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 HC S&D Ladder
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17.04.13 UniX Gaming Detail
17.04.13 Team.BeaTDowN :D Detail
11.04.13 Team.sikk Detail
09.04.13 Clan Germanischer Rebellen Detail
06.04.13 xtravagant e-Sport Detail
27.03.13 Team.BeaTDowN :D Detail
27.03.13 Team Destroyer Detail
27.03.13 Ninja Crank Taktics Detail
25.03.13 TEAM BlacK! Detail
24.03.13 Opfacrew Detail
20.03.13 Team.BeaTDowN :D Detail
19.03.13 xtravagant e-Sport Detail
18.03.13 JeVo Detail
18.03.13 TEAM BlacK! mau Detail
17.03.13 xtravagant e-Sport mau Detail
17.03.13 xThreeSixty GAMiNG x360 Detail
17.03.13 Team ReD Detail
16.03.13 Lone Wolfs Alpha Detail
16.03.13 Lone Wolfs Alpha Detail
15.03.13 h2k - Hard2Kill Detail
13.03.13 3oo Detail
12.03.13 FlyinG eSports Detail
11.03.13 UniX Gaming Detail
12.02.13 InDeXx VirTuZz Detail
10.02.13 Team CaRma Eu Detail
05.02.13 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
30.01.13 Team CaRma Eu Detail
27.01.13 onFire! Detail
27.01.13 Dieser Moment, wenn... Detail
27.01.13 Raiden & Co. Detail
10.01.13 VISA.NeverDeaD Detail
07.01.13 cRanKz eSports Detail
18.12.12 Durchfallmann Detail
16.12.12 JeVo Detail
16.12.12 Girls Guns & Whiskey Detail
16.12.12 ReVuZ GaminG Detail
15.12.12 cRanKz eSports Detail
13.12.12 onFire! Detail
11.12.12 Build to Resist Ganz ehrlich in meinen Augen das schlechteste Team in der CSL \"Linke Stick = Laufen\" Detail
05.12.12 HIT Detail
04.12.12 M4FI4 eSports Detail
03.12.12 Team. Time2Play Detail
02.12.12 Durchfallmann Detail
02.12.12 NeW Era - nE Detail
01.12.12 Fuck Off and Die Detail
01.12.12 INew EraI Detail
28.11.12 RbK Rocking Basstards Krew gg Detail
25.11.12 ENJOY Gaming - PUBG Detail
25.11.12 in memory of Slay and Flay MW3 Detail
25.11.12 Team Syotos Cup Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 Opening HC S&D Cup
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09.12.12 Cupteam Packhunters Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 4on4 HC S&D Ladder
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27.11.12 VISA.NeverDeaD gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 HC Halloween S&D Cup
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12.11.12 uuups...tot!!! Detail
07.11.12 Team.Diamondz No1 Detail
29.10.12 WaeD Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 HC S&D Ladder
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28.10.12 uuups...tot!!! Detail
28.10.12 Premiere Fun Gamer Detail
28.10.12 cRanKz eSports Richtige Lappen! =) Detail
24.10.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
22.10.12 WaeD Detail
21.10.12 cRanKz eSports Detail
17.10.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
14.10.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
16.09.12 cRanKz eSports Mit Erdbeeren! Detail
09.09.12 cRanKz eSports Detail
05.09.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
04.09.12 HoLiX I eSports Detail
02.09.12 cRanKz eSports Detail
02.09.12 Chimaera gaming Detail
30.08.12 Ecstasy Fantasie Detail
29.08.12 Technikz Evolution v2 Detail
28.08.12 HoLiX I eSports Detail
28.08.12 cRanKz ft. SSKv2 Detail
27.08.12 FlyinG eSports Detail
22.08.12 cRanKz eSports Detail
19.08.12 Ecstasy Fantasie Detail
12.08.12 FlyinG eSports Detail
05.08.12 NuEra.Tokkotai Detail
29.07.12 3oo Detail
25.07.12 CreXz FORnicators Detail
24.07.12 Beat Gaming Detail
23.07.12 IN MEMORY OF vipZ Sind nach der dritten map raus gegangen ! Detail
22.07.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
22.07.12 NuEra.Tokkotai Detail
22.07.12 FlyinG eSports Detail
20.07.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
15.07.12 VinEx eSport Detail
15.07.12 cRanKz eSports Detail
08.07.12 cRanKz eSports Detail
08.07.12 cRanKz ft. SSKv2 Detail
01.07.12 3oo Detail
24.06.12 FlyinG eSports Detail
24.06.12 NuEra.Tokkotai Detail
23.06.12 GTCE alpha squad Detail
21.06.12 WaeD Detail
20.06.12 CreXz FORnicators Detail
19.06.12 Team K1X Energy Detail
17.06.12 EviiL DeviiLz Detail
14.06.12 ISF MW3 xXx Squad Detail
12.06.12 ODC Phönix Squad Detail
12.06.12 Austria sportz Gamer Detail
28.05.12 TeAm BoZz Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 HC S&D Ladder
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04.09.12 VinEx eSport Detail
04.09.12 Smoking Soldier Detail
17.08.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
14.08.12 Chimaera gaming Detail
13.08.12 Outlaw Renegades 4on4 Detail
01.08.12 NeW Corporation of War Detail
18.07.12 Royal.Society Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 HC S&D Ladder
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03.09.12 Call of Duty Veterans Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 3on3 HC S&D Ladder
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16.08.12 Team Syotos Cup Detail
14.07.12 GmS HaTe and LoVe In Team Detail
04.07.12 VinEx eSport Detail
16.06.12 Just-extreme-Gamer Detail
07.06.12 rXg.iRonSight Detail
05.06.12 NuEra.Tokkotai Detail
05.06.12 German Fun Players Detail
04.06.12 NoWaY Detail
03.06.12 EviiL DeviiLz Detail
03.06.12 ReBorn Threesome Detail
03.06.12 Odins Holy Warriors Detail
16.05.12 Austria sportz Gamer Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 Fantastic Four S&D HC Cup
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02.08.12 A Cupteam with Randys Detail
17.07.12 Cupteam Packhunters Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 3on3 Hot days HC
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25.06.12 Team.Diamondz No1 Detail
18.06.12 zzzzz1 War Geil LeutzZ ;) Detail
11.06.12 Team. Time2Play Detail
07.06.12 Total.BRUTALITY Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 S&D Ladder
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12.02.12 VDU Detail
12.02.12 FAR BO 2 Detail
09.02.12 ............................. Detail
09.02.12 existiert nicht mehr ! Detail
08.02.12 VDU Detail
07.02.12 existiert nicht mehr ! Detail
07.02.12 no Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 3on3 S&D Ladder
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08.02.12 Smarty Music Brothers Detail
08.02.12 existiert nicht mehr ! Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 HC S&D Cup
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02.05.11 plan-B - Contra Legem Detail
07.04.11 SponGe KinGz Detail
21.03.11 SeX DrUgZz & RoCk & RoLL Detail
16.03.11 DeathWarriors 5on5Hc Mw3 Detail
02.03.11 II AliVe II Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC S&D Ladder
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27.04.11 DnA Squad v1 Detail
27.04.11 Dark Eclipse Gaming 2k11 Cmaper hoch 10 sag nur array goml Detail
26.04.11 Elite X Commando Detail
17.04.11 AeS Hardcore Detail
16.04.11 VeLuX Gaming Detail
15.04.11 R.I.P eNKey UniTeD Detail
15.04.11 RbK Rocking Basstards Krew Detail
14.04.11 RgE.Gaming B Detail
14.04.11 SToRM e-sport Detail
12.04.11 Aufgelöst FTW Detail
11.04.11 Akatsuki Detail
11.04.11 Wasabi-Gaming Detail
10.04.11 RSE Red Street Elite Detail
23.02.11 WuT - Alpha Squad Detail
16.02.11 xGAx eSports Gaming Detail
15.02.11 Hauptkampflinie Detail

Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC SnD Ladder
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22.04.11 Fenyx Family oNe shooT Detail
22.02.11 BlutRausch Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 S&D Ladder
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22.04.11 EvoX eSports ProToTYpeS Detail
20.04.11 DSK 4on4 Detail
22.02.11 Black ops Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 Hardcore S&D Ladder
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18.04.11 CreXz FORnicators Detail
12.04.11 AvoK-Gaming Detail
12.04.11 MasSaKa AMG Detail
08.04.11 AschaffenBurgsFinest Detail
06.04.11 Hardcore Special Gamer Detail
06.04.11 German XBOX Fighters Detail
05.04.11 SW4T GG Detail
05.04.11 Last Order Detail
03.04.11 AoD AlpHa Squad Detail
03.04.11 Lords of War Detail
03.04.11 German Fun Players Detail
01.04.11 Last Order Detail
01.04.11 German Tactical Killers Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 Warm Up HC S&D Ladder
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08.04.11 Dark Eclipse Gaming 2k11 Detail

Europe Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 3on3 All in One Ladder
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23.03.11 LeGenD.eSport 3on3 Detail
16.03.11 LeGenD.eSport 3on3 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 HC S&D Cup
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22.03.11 qWKZn loveZ AnimaL Detail
14.03.11 4 Nations Detail
07.03.11 Apokalyptic Death Protect MW2 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 Random Gen Cup
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14.03.11 ChoZeN #2 Detail
08.03.11 UP!REgame.de Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 4on4 S&D Cup
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03.03.11 minuS.gaming Mw2 Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 3on3 S&D Cup
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02.03.11 Team.eXac7 R.I.P Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 4on4 HC SnD Gaming Night #3
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01.03.11 TROLOLO Detail
27.02.11 team.aNarchY Detail
25.02.11 CLoG.Team Hellgames Detail