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BF4 Obliteration Test Cup #2
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10.11.14 PENTA Sports Detail
10.11.14 nKnown Detail
06.11.14 Controlled Gaming Detail

Battlefield 4 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
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12.06.14 All For One Detail
20.05.14 ViZeClan Detail
20.04.14 DFA Gaming Detail
15.04.14 DTV Core Detail
11.03.14 DTV Core Detail
05.03.14 Hellenic Elite Armed Team Detail
04.03.14 Dutch eSports ggwp++ Detail
04.02.14 ProtoType e-sports Detail
19.01.14 ProtoType e-sports GG Nice Guys Detail
13.01.14 Imperial Sharks GG Nice Guys Detail
12.01.14 Hellenic Elite Armed Team ggwp++ Detail
12.01.14 octaviaCenturion ggwp++ Detail
12.01.14 Eternal eSports ggwp++ Detail
10.01.14 The ReaperZ ggwp++ Detail
06.01.14 National Battlefield Network Nice and friendly team Detail
19.12.13 Evict eSports gg++ Detail

Battlefield 4 Conquest 8on8 NightCup #1
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28.05.14 octaviaCenturion Detail
27.05.14 GIVE ME BACK MY SON Detail
27.05.14 Team Br4zzers So much pr0n Detail

Battlefield 4 Conquest Spring Cup 2014
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25.05.14 octaviaCenturion Detail
12.05.14 Hellenic Elite Armed Team Detail

Battlefield 4 Conquest 8on8 Cup #1
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12.02.14 eBash.BF4 Detail

Battlefield 4 Cup 8on8 Conquest Testcup #2
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27.11.13 PENTA Sports Detail

Battlefield 4 Cup 8on8 Conquest Testcup #1
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12.11.13 Brutality Corps Really good team and nice guys :) Detail
12.11.13 Team Empire Battlefield Series Detail
07.11.13 iPLAY eSports e.V. gg++ Detail
07.11.13 RAGE.eSports gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
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24.06.13 Team Inside Play (Closed) gg Detail
23.06.13 FLUX Gaming gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #36
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13.08.12 2012 gg++ Detail
13.08.12 TheyKickAss.BF3 gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #35
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06.08.12 Omerta gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
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10.06.12 cannibalistic Base campers gg++ Detail
05.06.12 PuBBeN e-Sports CQ gg++ Detail
27.05.12 energy-WAVE e.V. gg++ Detail
23.05.12 CdoItalia gg++ Detail
23.05.12 Hope 2 Glory.bf3 gg++ Detail
07.05.12 Triplo X gg++ Detail
05.04.12 energy-WAVE e.V. gg Detail
04.04.12 R3D DEVILS gg++ Detail
02.04.12 Hope 2 Glory.bf3 gg++ Detail
28.03.12 Deleted-One gg, wp Detail
27.03.12 CrackClan Nordic bg thanks for the kindness not to restart after 10sec with 2 drops Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #25 - Finals
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28.05.12 RENT-US gg petes Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #24
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21.05.12 huMming trolololol sOng gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #23
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15.05.12 VIP-Gaming Conquest gg++ Detail
15.05.12 TheyKickAss.BF3 gg++ Detail
14.05.12 Fusion gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Night Cup #15
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13.05.12 Synapse Detail
13.05.12 Just do it. gg++ Detail
13.05.12 Eclipse eSports gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 8on8 Conquest Frühlingscup 2012
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07.05.12 RENT-US gg++ Detail
23.04.12 energy-WAVE e.V. gg++ Detail
09.04.12 Team 1,2 oder 3 gg, wp Detail
05.04.12 Team Hans! Detail
02.04.12 Team Acer gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #14 - Finals
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26.02.12 TCM-Gaming gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 5on5 Infantry nonFBF Wintercup 2011 / 2012
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14.02.12 wolfpack gg Detail
09.02.12 Just do it. gg Detail
07.02.12 TheyKickAss.BF3 Detail
02.02.12 Team Printspeed.de 5on5 gg Detail
26.01.12 AVISION.BF3 gg Detail
24.01.12 Graz inc gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #12
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12.02.12 Tt Dragons BF3 gg Detail
12.02.12 People Can Fly gg Detail
12.02.12 ROCK eSports.HyperX gg Detail
12.02.12 Tronderbataljonen - BF3 gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
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09.02.12 PissiBubberle gg Detail
06.02.12 FOR OUR GLORY alpha gg Detail
29.01.12 FSK gg Detail
29.01.12 Team aG!o gg Detail
29.01.12 Unforgiv3n Bravo BF3 gg Detail
26.01.12 Watch-tactical-Feal gg Detail
15.01.12 Laxfarm gg Detail
07.01.12 BF3-com.de ESL-Anfänge gg Detail
03.01.12 SektionB gg Detail
02.01.12 Panzerabschleppdienst gg Detail
05.12.11 Panzerabschleppdienst gg Detail
04.12.11 Wicked Wabbits BF3 gg Detail
04.12.11 TNT-Germany gg Detail
04.12.11 CrazyForces BF4 gg Detail
03.12.11 Soldiers Of Nightmare Detail
01.12.11 DaddelOnkelzGermany gg Detail
01.12.11 The Horny Snails gg Detail
01.12.11 bau5 Gaming gg massive pingprobleme gehabt Detail
27.11.11 Corrupted Core gg Detail
27.11.11 Team cK Gaming g_G Detail
21.11.11 Sgeht Battlefield 3 gg Detail
20.11.11 Insane Company gg Detail
20.11.11 BIG BANG gg Detail
20.11.11 bau5 Gaming gg Detail
20.11.11 IDLE - myidle.eu 2v2 gg Detail
19.11.11 27united e.V. Team Firebird gg Detail
19.11.11 The Asylum gg Detail
19.11.11 Die 4 Bombigen Typen gg Detail
19.11.11 TNT-Germany gg Detail
17.11.11 h3LMBR3CH7_reloaded gg Detail
17.11.11 FamouS gg Detail
15.11.11 schwach.bf3 gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #9
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22.01.12 Tt Dragons BF3 gg Detail
22.01.12 müllAimARRRR gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5+ Ladder
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21.01.12 Team UP TO LEGENDS BF3 gg Detail
19.01.12 3Xtr3mCompany gg Detail
19.01.12 Beschleunigter Personenzug gg Detail
15.01.12 Laxfarm gg Detail
06.01.12 RoYaL Gaming - BF3 gg Detail
06.01.12 2nd Mercenary Force gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #8
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15.01.12 RENT-US gg Detail
15.01.12 Tronderbataljonen - BF3 gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups EPS 8on8 Conquest Quali #2
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10.01.12 energy-WAVE e.V. EPS Quali gg Detail
10.01.12 Team 1,2 oder 3 gg Detail
09.01.12 wolfpack gg Detail
09.01.12 CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS BF3 gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups EPS 8on8 Conquest Quali #1
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08.01.12 in memory of gg Detail
08.01.12 MOST-INTENSE BF3 gg Detail
08.01.12 Unforgiv3n Grenzwert gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
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07.01.12 Team Foxtrot 8on8 gg Detail
05.01.12 xyz222 gg, freundlich und sympatisch nicht wie manch andere in der ladder Detail
04.01.12 Team Acer gg Detail
03.01.12 Team 1,2 oder 3 gg Detail
30.12.11 Tt Dragons BF3 gg, wp Detail
30.12.11 BF3-com.de ESL-Anfänge gg++ Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 4on4 SquadRush Quick-Cup #2
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29.12.11 ShAkeAdEliC gg Detail
29.12.11 Like A Coeos gg Detail
29.12.11 in memory of VS / KF gg Detail
29.12.11 wolfpack gg Detail
28.12.11 Like A Coeos Detail
28.12.11 in memory of VS / KF gg Detail
28.12.11 wolfpack gg Detail

Battlefield 3 B2K10K Playoffs
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20.12.11 RENT-US Detail
19.12.11 Team Acer gg Detail
18.12.11 Austrian Vanguards gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #6 - Finals
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18.12.11 Epsilon gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #6 - Qualifier
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15.12.11 Tronderbataljonen - BF3 gg Detail

Battlefield 3 B2K10K Gruppenphase
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15.12.11 RaG-Gaming -BF3- gg Detail
15.12.11 BF3S gg Detail
12.12.11 Graz inc gg++ Detail
11.12.11 AntroX.Bf3 Main Zerok nicht zulassen. Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #5
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11.12.11 Semper fidelis Veni Vidi Vici gg Detail
11.12.11 Da chiudere gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Night Cup #2
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08.12.11 VIP-Gaming Ultra.BF3 gg, thanks for waiting! Detail
08.12.11 RUSBAT gg Detail
08.12.11 Tronderbataljonen gg Detail
07.12.11 In Memory of Phenom Gaming gg Detail
07.12.11 STFU GAMING gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 4on4 SquadRush Quick-Cup #1
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08.12.11 Wicked Wabbits BF3 gg Detail
08.12.11 pewpew BF3.inf gg Detail
07.12.11 Digital Illusion Detail
07.12.11 Full Metal Jacket BF3 gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Night Cup #1
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05.12.11 VIP-Gaming Ultra.BF3 gg but aek overused and overpowered! Detail
05.12.11 GiFr eSport gg Detail
01.12.11 inFAMOUS gg Detail
01.12.11 Experience Detail
01.12.11 Team Pros BF3 / inf Sad, that we cant play :/ Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 5on5 Infantry nonFBF #1
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04.12.11 13lubblubblub gg++ Detail
04.12.11 in memory of VS / KF nichmehr lange pic Detail
30.11.11 Unforgiv3n Grenzwert gg Detail
30.11.11 logiX e.V. Cup Team Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #2
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20.11.11 Team Pros BF3 gg Detail
20.11.11 no name gg Detail
20.11.11 Crazy WolfPack gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Opening Cup
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09.11.11 Team Empire Battlefield Series Detail
09.11.11 Flashback gg Detail
07.11.11 Element gg Detail
07.11.11 Another View BF3 Team Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Opening Cup
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06.11.11 Tt Dragons BF3 Detail
06.11.11 atrox Detail

Battlefield 3 Rush 6on6 Release Cup
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04.11.11 RENT-US gg Detail
02.11.11 Fortress Europe gg Detail
01.11.11 Team Acer Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Release Cup
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30.10.11 TCM-Gaming gg Detail
30.10.11 UnPure Gaming gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
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10.02.11 KABOOM BABY ! 5on5 MR15 Detail
07.02.11 eher net so high Detail
06.02.11 Intact Instinct Detail
06.02.11 lanraketen Detail
06.02.11 ouRinstinCt Detail
06.02.11 FC Biercelona Detail
06.02.11 bl00dy skullfraGGers&FriendZ Detail
06.02.11 checkst du des?! Detail
05.02.11 HOC1 Detail
04.02.11 unstoppable Detail
03.02.11 STARS on TOUR Detail
03.02.11 5n5 wir sind eh voll l0w. Detail
02.02.11 Hyper.AcroSS 5on5 Detail
02.02.11 bl00dy skullfraGGers&FriendZ Detail