Rating 4Not.Fire

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USA League of Legends Go4LoL February Monthly Finals
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24.03.12 Ordinance Gaming Detail
24.03.12 TeamLegion.LoL Detail
24.03.12 2minuteTEAM Team members already on another roster so they forfeited. Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #54 (Mar 18)
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19.03.12 Team Lithp Detail
18.03.12 Aggression Gaming Detail
18.03.12 Cute Asian Girls Detail
18.03.12 Fck Guardian Angel YOLO Detail
18.03.12 Neo Llamas and Friends FROST Detail

USA League of Legends ESL Major Series EMS X NA Qualifier
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11.03.12 TeamLegion.LoL Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #51 (Feb 26)
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27.02.12 2minuteTEAM Detail
27.02.12 TeamLegion.LoL Detail
27.02.12 Convergence Gaming Detail
27.02.12 Yung Kawaii n Fresh Detail
27.02.12 Cute Asian Girls Detail
26.02.12 Nightmare Gaming CR Detail
26.02.12 Games N Go Detail

USA League of Legends ESL Major Series Pre-Qualifier #1
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26.02.12 TeamLegion.LoL Detail
25.02.12 SIHAJATK Detail
25.02.12 Latvian Standard Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup #50 (Feb 19)
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20.02.12 Team EZ eSports Detail
19.02.12 The Average Baddie Detail
19.02.12 Tandem Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup #49 (Feb 12)
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13.02.12 Ordinance Gaming Detail
13.02.12 Im Going In Detail
13.02.12 Team OverDose they ff Detail
13.02.12 Vince te Ipsum Ignis Detail
12.02.12 LGD Detail
12.02.12 Super Saiyan Swag Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup #48 (Feb 5)
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06.02.12 pheerme Detail
06.02.12 Team BG9 Detail
06.02.12 Leaning On Trees Detail
05.02.12 Team Viper Gaming Detail
05.02.12 Drunken Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #47 (Jan 29)
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29.01.12 Yung Kawaii n Fresh Detail
29.01.12 Quadra Mutton Chops Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #46 (Jan 22)
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22.01.12 PA n00b Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #44 (Jan #8)
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08.01.12 QcLoL Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup #43 (Jan 1)
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02.01.12 Man Team Detail
01.01.12 Team Secret Tactics Detail

USA League of Legends Season II Season 2 Premier League Playoffs
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18.12.11 Counter Logic Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup #40 (Dec 11)
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12.12.11 Short Yellow Bus Detail
12.12.11 Edgegamers Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup #39 (Dec 4)
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05.12.11 Computer Science Major Detail
05.12.11 nXs Gaming Detail
04.12.11 State of Mind Gaming Detail
04.12.11 Super Saiyan Swag Detail

USA League of Legends 5on5 Intel Extreme Masters Global Challenge Kiev Qualifier #2
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27.11.11 AbsoluteLegends Detail
26.11.11 Mistakes to Remember Game was played extremely well. Detail

USA League of Legends Season II Premier
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04.11.11 Princess And Ponies Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 31 (Oct 2)
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03.10.11 Team Ethereal Detail
03.10.11 FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE Detail
03.10.11 Friendship is Magic Detail
02.10.11 Nascent Detail
02.10.11 Juggernaut Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 30 (Sept 25th)
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26.09.11 Team Dynamic.LoL Detail
26.09.11 Under Rated Vengeance Detail
26.09.11 TeamLegion.LoL Detail
25.09.11 Team Irelia Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 28 (Sept 11th)
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12.09.11 animals world Detail
12.09.11 Numba 1 Dumb Detail

USA League of Legends 5on5 IEM NYC Qualifier Finals
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11.09.11 No-Clue Detail
10.09.11 Team Dignitas Detail

USA League of Legends 5on5 IEM NYC Qualifier Cup #2
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04.09.11 Team Green Forestt Detail
03.09.11 elysiuM LoL Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 25 (August 21st)
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22.08.11 v8 eSports Detail
22.08.11 Streets Of Rage Detail
21.08.11 Team Map Awareness Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 24 (August 14th)
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14.08.11 Faceroll Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 23 (August 7th)
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08.08.11 Faceroll Gaming Detail
07.08.11 Unstoppable Gamez Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 22 (July 31st)
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01.08.11 Grenade Free America Detail
01.08.11 TeamWE(GIGABYTE) Detail
01.08.11 Bonk Detail
31.07.11 Bead Six Pot Detail
31.07.11 Excelsis Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 21 (July 24th)
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25.07.11 Grenade Free America Detail
25.07.11 Horn of Gondor Detail
25.07.11 For My Knee Grows Detail
24.07.11 Team Common Cents Detail

USA League of Legends 5on5 Gamescom NA Finals Qualifier
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17.07.11 Team Curse Detail
17.07.11 Its Gosu eSports Detail
17.07.11 compLexity Detail
17.07.11 TeamLiquid Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 19 (July 10th)
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11.07.11 TheButtonMasherz Detail
10.07.11 The Lone Rangers Detail
10.07.11 Team Mao Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 18 (July 3rd)
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03.07.11 Koala From China Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 17 (June 26th)
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27.06.11 Horn of Gondor Detail
27.06.11 Team Critical Thinking Detail
26.06.11 We Be Trollin Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 15 (June 12th)
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12.06.11 BrawL Latinoamerica Detail
12.06.11 cLutch Gaming Detail