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USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 22 (July 31st)
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31.07.11 Truly Evil Forces Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 18 (July 3rd)
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04.07.11 Shenanigans Detail
04.07.11 Is Black IRL Detail
04.07.11 Mid or AFK Detail
03.07.11 Team Dathination Detail
03.07.11 Severity Gaming Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 15 (June 12th)
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12.06.11 Stacked Like Pancakes Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Cup 14 (June 5th)
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05.06.11 Dumps Like A Truck Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 12 (May 22nd)
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23.05.11 Team Curse Detail
23.05.11 We Met on E-Harmony Detail
22.05.11 Koala From China Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 11 (May 15th)
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16.05.11 TeamWE(GIGABYTE) Detail
15.05.11 Edge of Mind Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 10 (May 8th)
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09.05.11 compLexity Detail
08.05.11 Koala From China Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 9 (May 1st)
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02.05.11 Dumps Like A Truck Detail
01.05.11 jpak and friends Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 8 (April 24th)
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25.04.11 TheButtonMasherz Detail
24.04.11 Harlem Girl Trotters Detail

USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 6 (April 10th)
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11.04.11 jpak and friends Detail
11.04.11 nullx123 Detail