Rating Ministry of Defence.LoL

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ESL Major Series Season X League of Legends Groupstage
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16.06.12 against All authority Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #88 (Sun 06.05.12)
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06.05.12 Farmer Steve Detail
06.05.12 streamGaming DE Detail
06.05.12 Team Orange Juice Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - March 2012
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01.05.12 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
01.05.12 ProXima Gaming Academy Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Cup #45 (Sun 24.07.11)
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14.04.12 Ryze Mid Only Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #83 (Sun 01.04.12)
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01.04.12 Team Black IEM Detail
01.04.12 Team Name Was Expensive Detail
01.04.12 Vaiku Namu Seneliai Detail
01.04.12 TibiaResistanceMovement Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #82 (Sun 25.03.12)
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25.03.12 Team Black IEM Detail
25.03.12 Ninth Dimension Detail
25.03.12 Ryze Mid Only Detail
25.03.12 KarhuKopla Detail
25.03.12 Xntrik Gaming. Detail
25.03.12 Spanish Inquisition Detail
25.03.12 Practice Team Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #79 (Sun 04.03.12)
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04.03.12 Team Black IEM Detail
04.03.12 aSpera Gamers JEDYNA Detail
04.03.12 TEAM.MINARDI.LOL Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 ESL Major Series - Season X Qualifier
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03.03.12 Essentia Gaming Detail
03.03.12 Did Not Find Name Detail
03.03.12 Arrow in the Knee Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #78 (Sun 26.02.12)
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26.02.12 Team Black IEM Detail
26.02.12 xXx Live 4 Frags xXx Detail
26.02.12 rgkdr Detail
26.02.12 TakeLSDandTeleport Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - January 2012
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23.02.12 Miss click Maniacs Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #77 (Sun 19.02.12)
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19.02.12 ProXima Gaming Academy Detail
19.02.12 RoughNeX.LoL Detail
19.02.12 Double Blast Team Detail
19.02.12 Guardians out of Exz Detail
19.02.12 P JA P KORBORAATIO Detail
19.02.12 3rd Street Saints Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #72 (Sun 15.01.12)
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15.01.12 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
15.01.12 Team Lunar Detail
15.01.12 Nobrand Detail
15.01.12 Black Raven Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #71 (Sun 08.01.12)
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08.01.12 NecroRaisers.NANOXIA Detail
08.01.12 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
08.01.12 neXtPlease! Gaming Detail
08.01.12 Uber Rage Caps Lock Detail
08.01.12 To Be Recognized Detail
08.01.12 CrazyInGame Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #70 (Wed 04.01.12)
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04.01.12 Team Furious Detail
04.01.12 Miss click Maniacs Detail
04.01.12 Crit Happens Detail
04.01.12 Lets Play Netcafe Detail
04.01.12 Incredible Focre Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #69 (Wed 28.12.11)
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28.12.11 Team Lunar Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - November 2011
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15.12.11 Starry eyed EU Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #67 (Sun 11.12.11)
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11.12.11 Starry eyed EU Detail
11.12.11 PlayGENEesport Detail
11.12.11 Bloody Mummers Detail
11.12.11 Transistor Transistor Logic Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #66 (Sun 04.12.11)
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04.12.11 HAUSFRAU Detail
04.12.11 fafkulce Detail
04.12.11 Unintentionally Aw3som3 Detail
04.12.11 EternalWinter Detail
04.12.11 Yummies Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #65 (Sun 27.11.11)
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27.11.11 HAUSFRAU Detail
27.11.11 Guru Gaming Detail
27.11.11 Miss click Maniacs Detail
27.11.11 Awesomenezz x) Detail
27.11.11 Troll Gaming Detail
27.11.11 Nurfed Gaming Detail
27.11.11 addicted to porn Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - October 2011
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24.11.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
24.11.11 Boost Detail
24.11.11 Eastern Front Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #64 (Sun 20.11.11)
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20.11.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
20.11.11 NecroRaisers.NANOXIA Detail
20.11.11 Husaria Detail
20.11.11 Awesomenezz x) Detail
20.11.11 Toons in Costumes Detail
20.11.11 Monster Cookie Detail

League of Legends Intel Extreme Masters Global Challenge Kiev Final Qualifier
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19.11.11 Team ALTERNATE Detail
19.11.11 Volibear is too OP Detail
19.11.11 Fourchette Tueuse Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #63 (Sun 13.11.11)
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13.11.11 Guru Gaming Detail
13.11.11 Koala From China Detail
13.11.11 Lets Play Netcafe Detail
13.11.11 DirtyWorkZ Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #62 (Sun 06.11.11)
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06.11.11 PetLovers Detail
06.11.11 Team Vires Detail
06.11.11 HAUSFRAU Detail
06.11.11 Gramy bo lubimy Detail
06.11.11 The Haunted Elite Detail
06.11.11 Black Raven Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Intel Extreme Masters Global Challenge Kiev Qualifier #1
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05.11.11 Team Smieszkow Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #61 (Sun 30.10.11)
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30.10.11 Tons of Damage Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #60 (Sun 23.10.11)
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23.10.11 Team Vires Detail
23.10.11 Leos Harem Detail
23.10.11 Volibear is too OP Detail
23.10.11 Central Europe LoL Team Detail
23.10.11 the Five Don Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - September 2011
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20.10.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
20.10.11 Make The Move Detail
20.10.11 Deadly Judgement Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #59 (Sun 16.10.11)
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17.10.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
16.10.11 Frozenriders.lol Detail
16.10.11 Team Smieszkow Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - August 2011
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29.09.11 Boost Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #56 (Sun 25.09.11)
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25.09.11 Boost Detail
25.09.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
25.09.11 Koala From China Detail
25.09.11 Gunrunners o. s. Detail
25.09.11 Special TactiX Detail
25.09.11 Valhallgaming Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #55 (Sun 18.09.11)
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18.09.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
18.09.11 Make The Move Detail
18.09.11 Team Vires Detail
18.09.11 Another Time Detail
18.09.11 Darkness and Pain Detail
18.09.11 huehue Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Global Challenge New York Final Qualifier
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17.09.11 Parszywa 5 Veggiego Detail
17.09.11 Team Just.MSI Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #54 (Sun 11.09.11)
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11.09.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
11.09.11 ITLt Detail
11.09.11 White Wind Detail
11.09.11 Muay-thai Panda Detail
11.09.11 Insinuation.LoL Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Global Challenge New York Qualifier #2
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11.09.11 random as fck Detail

League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #53 (Sun 04.09.11)
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04.09.11 Ultra Vires Detail
04.09.11 Boost Detail
04.09.11 Koala From China Detail
04.09.11 Another Time Detail
04.09.11 Away from keyboard Detail
04.09.11 Overextending with Pleasure Detail

League of Legends 5on5 EMS IX Danish Qualifier
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01.09.11 Another Time Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #52 (Sun 28.08.11)
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28.08.11 Cruel Ultimatum Detail
28.08.11 ITLt Detail
28.08.11 PetLovers Detail
28.08.11 Gamer Attention Deficit Detail
28.08.11 Fat Ninja Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #51 (Sun 21.08.11)
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21.08.11 Gambit Gaming Detail
21.08.11 Curse.eu Detail
21.08.11 neXtPlease! Gaming Detail
21.08.11 ITLt Detail
21.08.11 TOGD.eSports Detail
21.08.11 Red Drake Gaming Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #50 (Sun 14.08.11)
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14.08.11 Team No Rules Detail
14.08.11 GYMClassHeroes Detail
14.08.11 KA-B00M Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Global Challenge Guangzhou Final Qualifier
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13.08.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
13.08.11 SK Gaming Detail
13.08.11 MeetYourMakers Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #49 (Sun 07.08.11)
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07.08.11 Boost Detail
07.08.11 I Love Pie! Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Global Challenge Guangzhou Qualifier #2
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06.08.11 ProXima Gaming Academy Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #48 (Sun 31.07.11)
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31.07.11 Curse.eu Detail
31.07.11 Poor Lithuanians Squad Detail
31.07.11 Wafle Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Global Challenge Guangzhou Qualifier #1
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30.07.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
30.07.11 myRevenge e.V. Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #46 (Wed 27.07.11)
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28.07.11 Stabilna Polska Druzyna Detail
27.07.11 Ultra Vires Detail
27.07.11 Lysergic Acid Dyethilamide Detail
27.07.11 Frag eXecutors Detail
27.07.11 Flawless.LoL Detail
27.07.11 Handsome Retards Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #45 (Sun 24.07.11)
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24.07.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
24.07.11 Ultra Vires Detail
24.07.11 Lanowi Gracze Detail
24.07.11 nPaCe Gaming Detail
24.07.11 Legacy Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #42 (Sun 19.06.11)
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21.06.11 bammelmammel Detail
19.06.11 Synergy Detail
19.06.11 Lack of Damage Detail
19.06.11 Haxxor the Best! Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Champions Club #10
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13.06.11 defining Stars LoL Detail
10.06.11 Eastern Front Detail
10.06.11 Super Ninja Pirate Fighters Detail
08.06.11 Incredible-Gaming Detail
08.06.11 CLOSED!!!!! Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #41 (Sun 12.06.11)
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12.06.11 Frag eXecutors Detail
12.06.11 defining Stars LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #40 (Sun 05.06.11)
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05.06.11 Tera Mindfactory.LoL Detail
05.06.11 Dimegio Club Detail
05.06.11 lolsteam Detail
05.06.11 Redeye Crew Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #39 (Sun 29.05.11)
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29.05.11 Smart People Detail
29.05.11 Eternal March Detail
29.05.11 ITLt Detail
29.05.11 Embrace the End Detail
29.05.11 Taric lovers Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #38 (Sun 22.05.11)
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22.05.11 Die Hortkinder Detail
22.05.11 Mentally Retardeds Detail
22.05.11 Kobra Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #37 (Sun 15.05.11)
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15.05.11 Team Seren1ty Detail
15.05.11 NextGaming Detail
15.05.11 The Art of Warfare Detail
15.05.11 ProeliuM e-Sports.LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #36 (Sun 08.05.11)
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08.05.11 Fureur Detail
08.05.11 TCM-Gaming Detail
08.05.11 Dimegio Club Detail
08.05.11 WHAT THE FUUCK Detail
08.05.11 tCiaL Detail