Rating Koala From China

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League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #99 (Sun 22.07.12)
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22.07.12 Ultra Vires Detail
22.07.12 Transvestiten Gaming Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Liga Legend I - Faza finałowa
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11.04.12 ProXima Gaming Academy Detail
10.04.12 Starry eyed QPAD Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #83 (Sun 01.04.12)
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01.04.12 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
01.04.12 RoughNeX.LoL Detail
01.04.12 Time to Shred Detail
01.04.12 DeatH JesterS Detail
01.04.12 Xerqtioners.AL Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #81 (Sun 18.03.12)
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18.03.12 ProXima Gaming Academy Detail
18.03.12 Dragons Theory Detail
18.03.12 Mrtva Mater Detail
18.03.12 Vaiku Namu Seneliai Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #79 (Sun 04.03.12)
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09.03.12 Starry eyed EU Detail
09.03.12 Lets Play Netcafe Detail
04.03.12 Team Black IEM Detail
04.03.12 ProXima Gaming Academy Detail
04.03.12 Xntrik Gaming Slovenia Detail
04.03.12 ManiacX Gaming Detail
04.03.12 Comprehensive Tactics Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #78 (Sun 26.02.12)
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26.02.12 HAUSFRAU Detail
26.02.12 Time to Shred Detail
26.02.12 Spanish Inquisition Detail
26.02.12 WoWTCG Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 5on5 #54 (11.02.12) - Wygraj 400PLN!
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11.02.12 Parszywa 5 Veggiego Detail
11.02.12 Amazing Team.lol Detail
11.02.12 The Mighty Brothers Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 5on5 Finał Miesiąca - Listopad
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30.11.11 Crit Happens Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #65 (Sun 27.11.11)
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27.11.11 Guru Gaming Detail
27.11.11 SGNGH Detail
27.11.11 UrsynowGaming Detail
27.11.11 Few GamerS.LoL Detail
27.11.11 Yellow Snow Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 5on5 #63 (07.04.12) - Wygraj 400PLN!
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26.11.11 PlayGENEesport Detail
26.11.11 Crit Happens Detail
26.11.11 Diamond League Detail
26.11.11 AGAiN SiCK MONKEYS Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - October 2011
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24.11.11 Boost Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 5on5 #37 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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23.11.11 BFzone - Beast From East Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #64 (Sun 20.11.11)
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20.11.11 To Be Recognized Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 5on5 #36 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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19.11.11 PlayGENEesport Detail
19.11.11 Husaria Detail
19.11.11 56 Kompania Specjalna LoL Detail
19.11.11 Polish Stars Gaming Detail
19.11.11 1stCav Duces Busters Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #63 (Sun 13.11.11)
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13.11.11 TONS OF CSOKAR Detail
13.11.11 Ministry of Defence.LoL Detail
13.11.11 Dual Spin Detail
13.11.11 Smurffit Tulee Detail
13.11.11 Azzlacks - H. A. F. T. Detail
13.11.11 e-Srael Gaming Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #62 (Sun 06.11.11)
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06.11.11 Gateway Entertainment .LoL Detail
06.11.11 Team Rose Detail
06.11.11 Transistor Transistor Logic Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 5on5 #32 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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05.11.11 Gramy bo lubimy Detail
05.11.11 Transistor Transistor Logic Detail
05.11.11 Elite-Gaming Detail
05.11.11 DZAST FAJF Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL Finał Miesiąca - Październik
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05.11.11 Team Smieszkow Detail
02.11.11 Dont Play Passively Detail
02.11.11 Lethal Dosis Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #31 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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29.10.11 Husaria Detail
29.10.11 UrsynowGaming Detail
29.10.11 This team is EPIC-ki Detail
29.10.11 Panowie Bogowie Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #30 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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26.10.11 Team Smieszkow Detail
25.10.11 BFzone - Team For Real Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #60 (Sun 23.10.11)
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23.10.11 Team Vires Detail
23.10.11 WiLD.CoolerMaster - LoLinact Detail
23.10.11 I Cant Computer Detail
23.10.11 Kanelbullar Detail
23.10.11 Spear To The Face Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Monthly Final - September 2011
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20.10.11 Boost Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #59 (Sun 16.10.11)
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16.10.11 Frozenriders.lol Detail
16.10.11 Galva i siena Detail
16.10.11 Team Synergy Gaming Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Champions Club #27
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13.10.11 Special TactiX Detail
13.10.11 P.K Gaming Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #58 (Sun 09.10.11)
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09.10.11 Boost Detail
09.10.11 Ministry of Defence.LoL Detail
09.10.11 WiLD.CoolerMaster - LoLinact Detail
09.10.11 Executioners LoL Detail
09.10.11 Fortune-Gaming.eu Detail
09.10.11 Nym Gaming Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #57 (Sun 02.10.11)
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02.10.11 Ministry of Defence.LoL Detail
02.10.11 Eastern Front Detail
02.10.11 MKUU E-Sport Detail
02.10.11 CheeseMunching Kittens Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #56 (Sun 25.09.11)
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25.09.11 Ministry of Defence.LoL Detail
25.09.11 Lack of Damage Detail
25.09.11 Bullet In Time.LoL Detail
25.09.11 The Killing Committee Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Champions Club #24
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22.09.11 Kanelbullar Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #55 (Sun 18.09.11)
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18.09.11 MustBeFunGG Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL GoPL4LoL #24 - Puchar dla premium
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13.09.11 Frag eXecutors Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Kwalifikacje EMS IX Polska
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12.09.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
08.09.11 Stabilna Polska Druzyna Detail

League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #53 (Sun 04.09.11)
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04.09.11 Ministry of Defence.LoL Detail
04.09.11 OnSomeShit Detail
04.09.11 Team Reported Detail
04.09.11 Necro-Gamers eSports LoL Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #22 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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03.09.11 Stabilna Polska Druzyna Detail
03.09.11 aSpera Gamers JEDYNA Detail
03.09.11 RastaIsny Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL Finał miesiąca - Sierpień
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01.09.11 Stabilna Polska Druzyna Detail
31.08.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
31.08.11 This team is EPIC-ki Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #52 (Sun 28.08.11)
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28.08.11 Boost Detail
28.08.11 56 Kompania Specjalna vol.2 Detail
28.08.11 myBTG.lol Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #21 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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27.08.11 Super Sexist Detail
27.08.11 Dont Play Passively Detail
27.08.11 A-Team Mefface Detail
27.08.11 Blood Brothers Detail
27.08.11 Doom Trailer Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #51 (Sun 21.08.11)
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21.08.11 Gamer Attention Deficit Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #19 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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20.08.11 Lanowi Gracze Detail
20.08.11 Rocket Fuel - Alpha Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Champions Club #19
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18.08.11 LoLHD Detail
17.08.11 Roaming Panth Detail
17.08.11 This team is EPIC-ki Detail
17.08.11 Danse Macabre Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #50 (Sun 14.08.11)
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14.08.11 Ultra Vires Detail
14.08.11 Noob Heroes Detail
14.08.11 Kebab Alliance Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #30 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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13.08.11 Parszywa 5 Veggiego Detail
13.08.11 Pandaz Teamz Detail
13.08.11 taste the rainbow Detail
13.08.11 Banana Force Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Champions Club #18
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10.08.11 Ultra Vires Detail
10.08.11 PetLovers Detail
10.08.11 Parszywa 5 Veggiego Detail
10.08.11 Volibear is too OP Detail
10.08.11 NecroRaisers.NANOXIA Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #49 (Sun 07.08.11)
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07.08.11 Stabilna Polska Druzyna Detail
07.08.11 Eastern Front Detail
07.08.11 Dawaj Na Bro Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #29 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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06.08.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
06.08.11 Danse Macabre Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #47 (Sat 30.07.11)
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30.07.11 Eastern Front Detail
30.07.11 56 Kompania Specjalna vol.2 Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #46 (Wed 27.07.11)
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27.07.11 Parszywa 5 Veggiego Detail
27.07.11 Wonder Girls Detail

League of Legends EU East and Nordic Go4LoL Cup #45 (Sun 24.07.11)
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24.07.11 WeGotThis Detail
24.07.11 Insinuation.LoL Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #10 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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17.07.11 We Are Wookies Detail
17.07.11 myBTG.lol Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Champions Club #15
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14.07.11 equilibrium eSports Detail
13.07.11 Volibear is too OP Detail
13.07.11 Creeping Cries Detail
13.07.11 Watch out! It is a rage Dachs Detail
13.07.11 Drunken Assassins e.V. Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #43 (Sun 26.06.11)
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26.06.11 Frag eXecutors Detail
26.06.11 lolsteam Detail
26.06.11 Art of Silent Killing Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #42 (Sun 19.06.11)
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19.06.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
19.06.11 Thanks for Nothing Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #5 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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18.06.11 TTC Gaming Detail
18.06.11 Strangers Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Champions Club #11
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17.06.11 Team Raidboss.lol Detail
16.06.11 Eastern Front Detail
15.06.11 Premium Gaming .LoL Detail
15.06.11 Laxigen Legends Detail
15.06.11 Red Drake Gaming Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #3 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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11.06.11 aSpera Gamers JEDYNA Detail
11.06.11 Ban Morde Plx Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #40 (Sun 05.06.11)
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05.06.11 phallic LoL Detail

League of Legends GoPL4LoL #1 - Puchar dla wszystkich
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04.06.11 Bizony Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #39 (Sun 29.05.11)
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29.05.11 Frozenriders.lol Detail
29.05.11 No more flies. Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Champions Club #8
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25.05.11 Optimize Gaming Detail
25.05.11 PusHkPusH Team Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #38 (Sun 22.05.11)
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22.05.11 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
22.05.11 equilibrium eSports Detail
22.05.11 WHAT THE FUUCK Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #37 (Sun 15.05.11)
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15.05.11 Spiderhulk Detail
15.05.11 GG Gamers Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #36 (Sun 08.05.11)
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08.05.11 Jambit Jaming Detail
08.05.11 Team Lost Cause Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #35 (Sun 01.05.11)
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01.05.11 Arte Crew Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Champions Club #1
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29.04.11 Eternal March Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #34 (Sat 23.04.11)
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23.04.11 peculiar gaming.LoL Detail
23.04.11 Team Redbyte Italia Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #33 (Sun 17.04.11)
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17.04.11 Team Nanaki Detail
17.04.11 DioXyde LOL Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Night Cup #14
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16.04.11 Robaczki Detail
16.04.11 proLaggers Detail