Rating Force Recon Clan

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Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Winter Cup 2012
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18.03.12 Modus Operandi Obrazanie druzyny przeciwnej Detail
13.03.12 Vis Impetus Sustineo Detail
09.03.12 DrMaT Detail
05.03.12 Kimono Wings Detail
05.03.12 Killers Company Detail
12.02.12 Polish Hussars Detail
12.02.12 Modern Hussary Detail
30.01.12 Clan Poland. BF3 8v8 Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 6on6 Winter Cup 2012
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11.03.12 Polish Hussars Detail
04.03.12 Killers Company Detail
17.02.12 BenQ DELTAeSPORTS.COM Grozby noshowa a panowie nawet na wire nie byli... Ogolnie postawa roszczeniowa. Detail
06.02.12 xForce TEAM - BF3 Detail
04.02.12 Brutality Corps Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
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31.01.12 People Can Fly Detail
17.01.12 Brutality Corps vgg Detail
17.01.12 Yummy Elite Sausages Detail
16.01.12 Polish Hussars Detail
06.01.12 xyz222 Detail
22.12.11 HeXagon e-Sports wired that in 2nd round u didnt have any wire on... Detail
21.12.11 PURE Detail
20.12.11 RED STAR ALLIANCE Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
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22.01.12 MOZG Detail
21.01.12 Jews&Faggots Detail
20.01.12 47th Infantry Regiment Detail
15.01.12 jk,ckjcvk Detail
15.01.12 Battlefieldo Esports (EU) Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
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12.01.12 inFAMOUS.BF3 Detail
16.12.11 Team Fantasy-BF3 4on4 Detail
11.12.11 Polski Klan wilk Detail
09.12.11 xForce TEAM - BF3 Detail