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League of Legends GoIT4LoL Monthly Final May (Sabato 26 Maggio)
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26.05.12 Mushrooms Everywhere Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #17 (Sabato 19 Maggio)
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19.05.12 Team MADE in ITALY Fire Detail
19.05.12 Le Scimmie di Re Luigi Detail

League of Legends EU West 5on5 Old Ladder
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13.05.12 Unknown Visibility Squad 1 Detail
22.04.12 Digimon Bruisers Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #16 (Sabato 12 Maggio)
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12.05.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
12.05.12 da cancellare ffs Detail
12.05.12 Mushrooms Everywhere Detail
12.05.12 HeX Team Italia Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #15 (Sabato 5 Maggio)
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05.05.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
05.05.12 da cancellare ffs Detail
05.05.12 Need Name Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Monthly Final April (Mercoledì 25 Aprile)
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26.04.12 Team MADE in ITALY Fire Detail
25.04.12 QC Gaming LoL Team Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #86 (Sun 22.04.12)
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22.04.12 Humiliated and Destroyed Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #14 (Sabato 21 Aprile)
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21.04.12 NextGaming Detail
21.04.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
21.04.12 HandLess Rage Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #13 (Sabato 14 Aprile)
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14.04.12 eXplosion eSports Detail
14.04.12 Crystal Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #12 (Sabato 7 Aprile)
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10.04.12 QC Gaming LoL Team Detail
07.04.12 Team MADE in ITALY Fire Detail
07.04.12 QuiD Oxide Team Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Monthly Final March (Lunedì 2 Aprile)
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03.04.12 eXplosion eSports Detail
02.04.12 QuiD Oxide Team Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #11 (Sabato 31 Marzo)
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31.03.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
31.03.12 QuiD Oxide Team Detail
31.03.12 Ninja Mafia Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #10 (Sabato 24 Marzo)
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25.03.12 Team MADE in ITALY Fire Detail
24.03.12 NextGaming Detail
24.03.12 Weedparty Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #82 (Sun 25.03.12)
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25.03.12 Cronix Gaming Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #81 (Sun 18.03.12)
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18.03.12 SleepingTeam Detail
18.03.12 Plüschability Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #9 (Sabato 17 Marzo)
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17.03.12 NextGaming Detail
17.03.12 Steel Retarded Team Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Qualificazione EPS VIII Cup 4 Online
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15.03.12 Reset Gaming Detail
14.03.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
14.03.12 Nova Electronics Sports Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #8 (Sabato 10 Marzo)
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10.03.12 eXplosion eSports Detail
10.03.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
10.03.12 Giovani della Versilia Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Cup Qualificazione EMS X ( Domenica 04 Marzo)
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04.03.12 in memory of deadCrew Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #7 (Sabato 03 Marzo)
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03.03.12 eXplosion eSports Detail
03.03.12 Matti come il Fuoco Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #6 (Sabato 25 Febbraio)
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26.02.12 ITF.EU Detail
25.02.12 eXplosion eSports Detail
25.02.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
25.02.12 15/03/2012 19:08 Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #4 ( Sabato 11 Febbraio)
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11.02.12 Nova Electronics Sports Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Jungle Cup #3 (Giovedì 02 Febbraio)
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05.02.12 Tt eSPORTS it Detail
03.02.12 Team MADE in ITALY - PRO Detail
02.02.12 QuiD buddy Team Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #75 (Sun 05.02.12)
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05.02.12 Kanelbullar Detail
05.02.12 My Way to Rage Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #74 (Sun 29.01.12)
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29.01.12 Solid Detail

League of Legends GoIT4LoL Cup #2 (Sabato 28 Gennaio )
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28.01.12 Surrender is not a crime Detail