Rating Magic Balloons.MoH

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MOH: Allied Assault Objective 5on5 Ladder
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27.06.06 Elite Assault Shooters Detail
25.06.06 HERITAGE 5on5 Detail
25.06.06 The Gladiators Detail
21.06.06 Cavaliers Detail
18.06.06 legends of clan enigma Detail
18.06.06 REpresent's Detail
16.05.06 Nemesis gg az na ty dvere. Detail
12.05.06 Taktical gg :) Zase někdy :D Detail
10.05.06 inteRaction ' Sennheiser gg Detail
01.05.06 Cavaliers gg hra 6vs6 se nám libi :) Detail
29.04.06 fighters for right Thing gg Detail
29.04.06 REpresent's gg Detail
28.04.06 Kokosy a Banany gg a adeon se uz i krotil :) Detail
21.04.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
20.04.06 3vs3 TDM gg pohoda :) Detail
18.04.06 The Gladiators at cypher newhinuje jak maly dite, jinak gg :) Detail
17.04.06 Cavaliers gg Detail
17.04.06 Elite Assault Shooters nebejt conera tak gg Detail
17.04.06 REpresent's gg Detail
16.04.06 Kokosy a Banany gg Detail
16.04.06 Deadly Lightning gg Detail
14.04.06 TTC gg Detail
11.04.06 The Gladiators gg jen by to chtelo se sklidnit priste. Detail
10.04.06 NecroRaisers.moh gg, přiště dodržte dohodu :P a Ciro ty linuj :P Detail
06.04.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
27.03.06 Cavaliers gg dobrej match 6vs6 :) Detail
26.03.06 Psycho Strikes.MoH gg Detail
14.03.06 Pixel Warriors MoH gg bez kecu, pohoda Detail
08.03.06 Elite Assault Shooters gg Detail
07.03.06 Cavaliers gg nice chovani Detail
05.03.06 NecroRaisers.moh gg až na whinera ralpha Detail
23.02.06 3vs3 TDM gg Detail
19.02.06 REpresent's prej adeon whinoval, nevim nehral sem :P Detail
10.02.06 The Gladiators gg Detail
09.02.06 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
05.02.06 Deadly Lightning gg Detail
31.01.06 REpresent's gg Detail
30.01.06 Black Skunks gg až na blanta Detail
22.01.06 REpresent's gg Detail
21.01.06 NecroRaisers.moh gg Detail
16.01.06 Cavaliers gg :) Detail
16.01.06 The Gladiators gg, škoda kecu Detail
16.01.06 TTC gg Detail
10.01.06 REpresent's gg, bez kecu pohoda :) Detail
08.01.06 82nd Devils Brigade BB byl v klidu ale smith .... Detail
23.12.05 Warrior Brothers cassidy nezklama, je to prostě whiner jako prase ach jo .... Detail
12.12.05 Elite Assault Shooters gg Detail
11.12.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
11.12.05 CaNaBiS ClaN škoda kecu a ty bazuky buni Detail
30.11.05 REpresent's hrozne rozkouskovana hra, samej w8 :X Detail
19.11.05 deAd-clAn gg, bez kecu, paráda :) Detail
13.11.05 82nd Devils Brigade gg np Detail
08.11.05 uNik0rn ' 5on5 Detail
17.10.05 Phyrexian gg np Detail
09.10.05 Nemesis Detail
06.10.05 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
28.09.05 The BARRACUDS Detail
26.09.05 SkyRiders dikes Detail
21.09.05 26.brigade Detail
25.08.05 3vs3 TDM Detail
25.08.05 assiduous runner Detail
22.08.05 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
18.08.05 The BARRACUDS gg Detail
19.07.05 Bangkok Pandas Detail
18.07.05 3vs3 TDM gg Detail
17.07.05 Elite Assault Shooters gg, a to bylo nejdu ;oD Detail
11.07.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg, nice oponent, perfekni chovani. Detail
01.07.05 82nd Devils Brigade nebýt narážek tak very gg. Detail
29.06.05 Bangkok Pandas nice game, bez vulgarit a narážek Detail
19.06.05 Bullet proof Devils 5on5-A gg Detail
19.06.05 Kapitani gg Detail
05.06.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
29.05.05 r3volution gg Detail
25.05.05 South Park Reloaded gg Detail
23.05.05 Deadly Lightning gg Detail
17.05.05 inteRaction ' Sennheiser gg, nice oponent. Detail
16.05.05 Warrior Brothers gg, thx. ;oD Detail
28.04.05 Deadly Lightning gg Detail
15.04.05 Meal of Honor Masters gg, thx. ;oD Detail
14.04.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg, díky za neustálý w8. Detail
11.04.05 inteRaction ' Sennheiser gg a díky za w8 a za players Detail
05.04.05 globalMasters GG thx, nice game, BROKYYYYYYY ;oD Detail
25.03.05 Nekro raiders GG, Rush mode ON ;oD Detail
25.03.05 r3volution Detail
24.03.05 Meal of Honor Masters gg, pohoda. Detail
19.03.05 82nd Devils Brigade gg, pohoda. Detail
18.03.05 Phyrexian.aim_pls gg, pohoda. Detail
16.03.05 Warrior Brothers gg Detail
15.03.05 Pixel Warriors MoH GG, pohoda, až těch lagů ;o( Detail
10.03.05 Black Skunks GG perfektní chovaní soupeře. Detail
05.03.05 CrazyKillers GG perfektní chovaní soupeře, počkali. ;oD Detail
04.03.05 extreme skillers legion GG vše v pohodě, počkali atp. Detail
27.02.05 Pixel Warriors MoH GG, pohoda, supr chovani. Detail
21.02.05 Phyrexian.aim_pls GG vše v pohodě, počkali atp. Detail
17.02.05 Black Skunks Detail
15.02.05 r3volution Detail
13.02.05 The BARRACUDS GG, pohoda, supr chovani. Detail
06.02.05 extreme skillers legion Pohodovej zápas. Detail
26.01.05 r3volution gg počkali, bez řečí, pěkný. Detail
23.01.05 Born to Survive.MoH GG, počkali, mají naváděné NADE ;o) Detail
21.01.05 extreme skillers legion Gg, povolili nám i BARED members, díky. Detail
19.01.05 Black Skunks GG, pohoda, supr chovani. Detail
18.01.05 inteRaction ' Sennheiser GG, DA hrajou i takticky ;o)) Detail
16.01.05 Warriors of the World GG vše v pohodě, počkali atp. Detail
07.01.05 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
05.01.05 Black Skunks Detail
04.01.05 film action Brothers Detail
03.01.05 inteRaction ' Sennheiser urcite GG thx Detail
02.01.05 Funkers Detail
02.01.05 uNik0rn Detail
27.12.04 film action Brothers Detail
26.12.04 Warrior Brothers Detail
21.12.04 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
12.12.04 Warriors of the World Detail
18.11.04 film action Brothers Detail
18.11.04 genetiX.moh Detail
16.11.04 Warrior Brothers Detail
30.10.04 The BARRACUDS Detail
25.10.04 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
15.10.04 genetiX.moh Detail
17.06.04 82nd Devils Brigade 4na 5 Detail
16.06.04 E-Rencontre MOHAA Detail
03.06.04 Komedy Team.MoH gg Detail
02.06.04 Meal of Honor Masters Detail
31.05.04 E-Rencontre MOHAA Detail
20.05.04 Easy Company cz Detail
10.04.04 Special allied Squad 3na5,nadavky apod. Detail
07.04.04 Born to Survive.MoH Super kluci diky za GG Detail
06.04.04 Military Committee.Premiership Detail
01.04.04 Warrior Brothers Diky za moc peknej zapas bez problemu diky Detail
28.03.04 Allied Killers neustale cekani na hrace Detail
18.03.04 Drachen von Klosterle Detail
14.03.04 Warriors of the World GG diky za cekani Detail
12.03.04 CZech Elite Soldiers Detail
09.03.04 E-Rencontre MOHAA Detail
05.03.04 NEVIM NIC Detail
04.03.04 Impossible to delete this team. diky kluci GG Detail
02.03.04 eXcelleNt nadavky Detail
01.03.04 Special allied Squad GG kluci Detail
29.02.04 1st Brno Students Army GG Detail
23.02.04 KAKL Detail
19.02.04 CZech Elite Soldiers diky GG Detail
16.02.04 r3volution Zapas se odehral velice dobre,a protihrac se choval ferove :-D diky Detail
15.02.04 Army with Machine Guns Nechtely nas nechat hrat v 6 i kdyz sme si vzdy nekoho killovaly!!! Detail
13.02.04 Defex Detail
12.02.04 eXcelleNt Detail
09.02.04 1st Brno Students Army Detail
05.02.04 82nd Devils Brigade Detail
03.02.04 Warrior Brothers Detail
25.01.04 E-Rencontre MOHAA Detail
20.01.04 TORTUGA Diky :-DD Detail
19.01.04 Totalne Homosexualni Cano Detail
25.12.03 Revolution - premiership team Detail

MOH: Allied Assault Objective 5on5 PS #2 play-off
created to rating comment match
18.06.06 Deadly Lightning Detail
04.06.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail

MOH: Allied Assault 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
18.05.06 The Gladiators Detail
11.05.06 inVerse.moh gg, konečně v plným počtu Detail
01.05.06 inVerse.moh naucte se pocitat a nekecejte .... Detail
16.04.06 Kokosy a Banany gg, neberte alzir priste cya :P Detail
25.03.06 The Gladiators gg, ale moc nejdu Detail
19.03.06 inVerse.moh Detail
09.03.06 The Gladiators gg Detail
08.03.06 inteRaction ' Sennheiser gg Detail
05.03.06 3vs3 TDM gg ale dargo nemusi whinovat :D Detail
21.02.06 legends of clan enigma gg Detail
01.02.06 Psycho Strikes.MoH gg Detail
31.01.06 inVerse.moh gg Detail
30.01.06 Elite Assault Shooters gg škoda keců conera Detail
26.01.06 Phyrexian.moh gg Detail
25.01.06 The Gladiators gg Detail
01.01.06 GOOSEFLESH gg Detail
12.12.05 eXclusiveAttack -FANClub- gg np Detail
09.12.05 CaNaBiS ClaN gg ale ty kecy Detail
05.12.05 Fragged by gg np Detail
02.12.05 Warriors of Honor Detail
13.11.05 hmmFerYn total lamed, total gamezoned Detail
04.11.05 Fragged by gg Detail
03.11.05 assiduous runner gg až na ten 13ti minutovej kemp :X Detail
23.10.05 Bangkok Pandas Detail
22.10.05 The Gladiators dikes Detail
22.10.05 3vs3 TDM dikes Detail
13.10.05 hmmFerYn dikes Detail
09.10.05 3vs3 TDM huba plná keců a stejně máte hajzly na chodbě :D Detail
03.10.05 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
06.09.05 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
25.08.05 Elite Assault Shooters Detail
23.08.05 Trance Power gg Detail
17.08.05 Achtundachtzig gg .-) Detail
16.08.05 3vs3 TDM Detail
15.08.05 NEVIM NIC Detail
05.08.05 Nekro raiders gg Detail
30.07.05 Black Skunks 3on3 Detail
25.07.05 assiduous runner Detail
20.06.05 Solid Riders gg Detail
19.06.05 82nd Devils Brigade Detail
15.06.05 South Park Reloaded gg, thx. ;oD Detail
11.06.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
05.06.05 r3volution Detail
04.06.05 Cast-iron Boar gg Detail
01.06.05 Nekro raiders gg Detail
30.05.05 inteRaction ' Sennheiser gg Detail
26.05.05 South Park Reloaded Detail
24.05.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
25.04.05 inteRaction ' Sennheiser gg, nice oponent. Detail
21.04.05 1st Brno Students Army gg, thx. ;oD Detail
15.04.05 South Park Reloaded gg, nice oponent. Detail
01.04.05 The BARRACUDS gg, nice oponent. Detail
11.03.05 Crime Scene Invastigation GG perfektní chovaní soupeře. Detail
09.03.05 Warrior Brothers gg, jen škoda těch keců Detail
06.03.05 1st Brno Students Army GG perfektní chovaní soupeře. Detail
21.02.05 Crime Scene Invastigation až na to čekání a VOTOvání ;o( Detail
14.02.05 NEVIM NIC GG, pohoda, ušlo. Detail
14.02.05 26.brigade GG perfektní chovaní soupeře. Detail
12.02.05 Dark Riders GG, pohoda, supr chovani. Detail
10.02.05 uNik0rn GG perfektní chovaní soupeře. Detail
08.02.05 1st Brno Students Army GG, pohoda, supr chovani. Detail
04.02.05 Born to Survive.MoH GG, pohoda, supr chovani. Detail
03.02.05 Deadly Lightning GG, pohoda, supr chovani. Detail
03.02.05 The BARRACUDS GG perfektní chovaní soupeře. Detail
23.01.05 Nemesis Detail
22.01.05 Warriors of the World gg, až na pár hlášek. Detail
13.01.05 Pixel Warriors MoH GG perfektní chovaní soupeře. Detail
10.01.05 Funkers GG, ušlo to. Detail
22.12.04 CCCP.Moh Detail
21.12.04 film action Brothers Detail
29.11.04 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
27.11.04 inteRaction ' Sennheiser Detail
16.11.04 film action Brothers Detail

MOH: Allied Assault Objective 5on5 Premiership #2
created to rating comment match
14.05.06 Cavaliers gg Detail
08.05.06 Black Skunks gg buni :) Detail
01.05.06 NecroRaisers.moh gg Detail
26.04.06 Kapitani gg. Detail
16.04.06 inteRaction ' Sennheiser gg Detail
09.04.06 3vs3 TDM gg a Shorty, Línuj !!! Detail
02.04.06 The Gladiators gg spameři Detail
26.03.06 Pixel Warriors MoH gg skoda tech w8tu :) Detail
19.03.06 Bangkok Pandas škoda whinu Detail

MOH: Allied Assault Objective 3on3+ Ladder
created to rating comment match
05.03.06 The Gladiators gg was a fun Detail

Medal of Honor Objective 5on5 Premiership
created to rating comment match
17.03.04 Warrior Brothers Detail
18.02.04 TORTUGA GG Detail
11.02.04 Honorary Team Detail
06.02.04 Revolution - premiership team Detail