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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Monthly Finals April 2013
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07.05.13 BK-LAN 10, CXT 17 Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO March Final
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16.04.13 HEADSHOTBG CS:GO Detail
15.04.13 ProN00BZ Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 A-Series
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14.04.13 King Cobra Detail
08.04.13 HLNDA Detail
07.04.13 Splendid.Gaming Detail
28.03.13 Team EXHILARATE Detail
26.03.13 DOX-SERV.COM Detail
24.03.13 INMORTAL.csgo Detail
24.03.13 MTeaM Detail
19.03.13 HG.Fuse Detail
10.03.13 The Only Best Detail
10.03.13 WesternWolves Detail
04.03.13 SPEEDCLICK.pro Detail
28.02.13 MARIO BRO Detail
25.02.13 6cf w4rr10r5 Detail
21.02.13 Rasta.Xd Detail
19.02.13 E-Frag.net Detail
17.02.13 GU1LTY Detail
17.02.13 noMERCY Detail
14.02.13 YOLOLOLOL? Detail
10.02.13 Rasta.Xd Detail
10.02.13 Turbololki.csgo Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #39 - 14/04
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14.04.13 qsdfghjk Detail
14.04.13 iNcentive Detail
14.04.13 Romanian Elite Detail
14.04.13 EPIPHANY interarctive Detail
14.04.13 Velocity-eSports CS:GO Detail
14.04.13 Mixxeria Go4Go Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #38 - 07/04
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07.04.13 PUSHKILO Detail
07.04.13 eEriness E-Blue Detail
07.04.13 NR.SKZ Detail
07.04.13 netkingZ! Detail
07.04.13 haxxitas Detail
07.04.13 NIE DO WYJEBANIA Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #36 - 24/03
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24.03.13 mixen! Detail
24.03.13 3NZI Detail
24.03.13 AT Gaming The Mighty Ones Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO March #4
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17.03.13 RTS A-series Detail
17.03.13 rAge-team BUL Detail
17.03.13 TeamOxygeN CS:GO Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #35 - 17/03
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17.03.13 se mi puta Detail
17.03.13 CoroDailex Detail
17.03.13 trollControl Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #2
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10.03.13 Etaoin Shrdlu Detail
10.03.13 ProN00BZ Detail
10.03.13 UNDERGAME Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #34 - 10/03
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10.03.13 CS:GO LadderTeam Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS February Finals
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09.03.13 Mango Detail
09.03.13 CyberShot cs Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #1
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08.03.13 HostileFire Detail
08.03.13 HEADSHOTBG CS:GO Detail
07.03.13 RTS A-series Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Game Ninja CSGO Final
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26.02.13 mobsters Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS #3
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12.02.13 5KingZ Detail
12.02.13 BROND@4173 Detail
12.02.13 Shtoto Znaem Karati Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO January Final
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09.02.13 Smash The Dunce Detail
09.02.13 The Show Must Go On Detail
09.02.13 existent5 Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #9
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06.02.13 Smash The Dunce Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Game Ninja CSGO #1
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02.02.13 RTS A-series Detail
02.02.13 Spindermani Detail
02.02.13 The Show Must Go On Detail
02.02.13 PATKA Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #7
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31.01.13 LETS GET PANIC Detail
31.01.13 Smash The Dunce Detail
31.01.13 Five Warriors Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #28 - 27/01
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27.01.13 POP0P Detail
27.01.13 4ERTEMKI Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #6
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26.01.13 RTS A-series Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #5
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25.01.13 Smash The Dunce Detail
24.01.13 RTS A-series Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #4
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19.01.13 The Show Must Go On Detail
19.01.13 existent5 Detail
19.01.13 PATKA Detail
19.01.13 Spindermani Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO #3
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18.01.13 Smash The Dunce Detail
17.01.13 The Show Must Go On Detail
17.01.13 LETS GET PANIC Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO January #2
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13.01.13 Smash The Dunce Detail
12.01.13 existent5 Detail
12.01.13 FUCK THIS SHIT! Detail
12.01.13 ineedJuice Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive GOBG4CSGO January #1
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10.01.13 Smash The Dunce Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS December #8
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06.01.13 ROCKSTAR Detail
06.01.13 PURPLEHAZE Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS December #7
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03.01.13 waracdemyy Detail
03.01.13 BROND@4173 Detail
03.01.13 5KingZ Detail
03.01.13 Grand Five Stars Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS December #5
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28.12.12 prostosheguvashtitese Detail
27.12.12 UNDERDOGS Detail
27.12.12 YMCMB Detail
27.12.12 CyberShot cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS December #4
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23.12.12 ACCESS DENIED! Detail
23.12.12 Smash The Dunce Detail
23.12.12 C6opKaTa Ha DexteN Detail
23.12.12 5KingZ Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS December #3
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21.12.12 overd0ze CUP Detail
20.12.12 PURPLEHAZE Detail
20.12.12 Sticky Bandits Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GOBG4CS December #2
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16.12.12 CyberShot cs Detail
16.12.12 overd0ze CUP Detail
16.12.12 Art of Execution Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GameHost Qual
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11.11.12 ENTOURAGE cup Detail
10.11.12 UmadBro - Gaming Detail
10.11.12 Smash The Dunce Detail
10.11.12 Grand Five Stars Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GoBG4CS 5on5 #45
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28.10.12 kia kaha Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GoBG4CS 5on5 #44
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25.10.12 pro100 Detail
25.10.12 United Bulgaria Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GoBG4CS 5on5 #43
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21.10.12 pro100 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GoBG4CS 5on5 #42
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18.10.12 kia kaha Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GoBG4CS 5on5 #41
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14.10.12 COMPLEX GAMING Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 GoBG4CS 5on5 #40
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12.10.12 YMCMB Detail
12.10.12 Smash The Dunce Detail
11.10.12 NeutonBG Detail
11.10.12 Expand Your Mind Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS May Finals
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31.05.12 pewpew Detail
31.05.12 UNDERDOGS Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS May 26
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24.05.12 pro100 Detail
24.05.12 DeF Jem Records Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS May 25
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20.05.12 Ooh Wee Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS May 24
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17.05.12 Ooh Wee Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS May 23
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13.05.12 waracdemyy Detail
13.05.12 Easy Made Detail
13.05.12 Make 2 Win @ 5on5 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS May 22
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11.05.12 WICKED Detail
10.05.12 E-FRAG.BG Detail
10.05.12 wAR ACADEMY Detail
10.05.12 archers Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS May 21
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06.05.12 Smash The Dunce Detail
06.05.12 ludax Detail
06.05.12 glutnicata Detail
06.05.12 Addictive Vibration Inside Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS April 20
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29.04.12 GameHost Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS April 19
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26.04.12 Smash The Dunce Detail
26.04.12 make.believe Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS April 18
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22.04.12 reflex Cup Detail
22.04.12 2EASy4 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS April 14
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08.04.12 ludax Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS March 12 v2
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31.03.12 ludax Detail