Rating dontexist.it

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created to rating comment match
10.03.05 suBBisci clan molto leale. aa raga Detail
03.03.05 Smurfs Detail
15.12.04 oldstyle.IT Detail
11.11.04 Ketchup molto leali e simpatici! Detail
20.05.04 Royal Navy Invicible gg :) Detail
19.05.04 i Ribelli Detail
17.05.04 TeamOnu Detail
12.05.04 Italian Death Squad gg :) Detail
10.05.04 The w4nteds gg :) Detail
04.05.04 7 siNs gg :) Detail
03.05.04 no oNe Detail
27.04.04 FCA cordiali e corretti !! Detail
26.04.04 AGdC - Back in Action Detail
19.04.04 The Untouchables Detail
14.04.04 Darkness SQuad CS:GO Detail
12.04.04 AssaulT Detail
07.04.04 Brotherhood Of Steel gg :) Detail
31.03.04 7 siNs Detail
29.03.04 CncC ClaN eXplosiVe Detail
17.03.04 The w4nteds Detail
15.03.04 SWAT Center mfps Clan - Italy Detail
11.03.04 AF Detail
10.03.04 Ketchup Detail
19.02.04 cinQ-iT Detail
11.02.04 guNNers gg raga, molto corretti e bravi Detail
10.02.04 aNp Crew bravi :) Detail
05.02.04 X.Net.Pr0 Puntuali anche se cerano problemi prima, good skill !! alla prossima :-) Detail