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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
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15.10.04 reLax - team mix Detail
08.10.04 Valverde e.Sports Management Detail
16.09.04 Black-Death me sembra siano questi i risultati ma nn me ricordo Detail
15.06.04 7 siNs gg Detail
10.06.04 TheShop Detail
17.05.04 Esercito dell'Apocalisse Hellspawn Squad gg molto corretti Detail
13.05.04 AF gg molto corretti Detail
13.05.04 implacable team Detail
10.05.04 Royal Navy Invicible molto corretti :) Detail
07.05.04 The Untouchables gg molto corretti Detail
06.05.04 Paura e Delirio Detail
03.05.04 Calo di Tensione gg :) Detail
26.04.04 TGM Sharks qualche problema col quinto player :( Detail
23.04.04 Brotherhood Of Steel ottimi avversari per correttezza :) Detail
18.04.04 Ketchup simpatici :) Detail
10.04.04 reLax HQ - old style Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup
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29.09.04 Doh Clan gg sarà per la prossima Detail