Rating Ketchup

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder Old
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31.05.06 RdK Clan Detail
17.05.06 La Mitica GG raga Detail
16.05.06 Apocalypse Now - Team C.S.S. Detail
10.05.06 Inferno eSports Detail
24.06.05 A.S. Elite Predators Detail
14.06.05 Novum eXemplum Offensionis gg ragazzi..a presto la rivincita ;) Detail
06.06.05 VagrantS Detail
01.06.05 Associazione CRY Detail
31.05.05 A.S. Elite Predators brutti gayazzi alla prox ;) Detail
31.05.05 A.S. Elite Predators brutti gayazzi alla prox ;) Detail
25.05.05 Headshot Clan Detail
24.05.05 Black Lions CSS Team By Pc-power.info Detail
23.05.05 Sixth Sense Detail
16.05.05 Team ArtiC.Syn - xRent.it Detail
11.05.05 VagrantS Detail
11.05.05 Unearth Gaming Detail
09.05.05 We Can't Die ciao ragazzi ..gg e alla prox.. Detail
05.05.05 adrenalinE Detail
05.05.05 adrenalinE Detail
04.05.05 AgonyRealm.CSS Detail
02.05.05 Brotherhood Of Steel gg. ai ns avversari corretti come sempre...e vaff al ns server che ci ha mollati in mezzo alla cw... Detail
26.04.05 tci ..gg.agli eda ( ovvio ) ma un bel gg anche ai ketchup Detail
25.04.05 1337 pRo SkiLL Detail
20.04.05 La Mitica Detail
20.04.05 vD I.A. Detail
18.04.05 Headshot Clan asd..che sudata.....tanti errori da entrambe le parti..asdasdas Detail
13.04.05 Sixth Sense Detail
12.04.05 Imperial Legion Rulez Detail
11.04.05 1337 pRo SkiLL ...asd per un round..... Detail
07.04.05 VagrantS Detail
04.04.05 KiLLeR kLaN gg a tutti per simpatia Detail
21.03.05 nF Psi Team Detail
16.03.05 Brotherhood Of Steel Detail
16.03.05 Brotherhood Of Steel Detail
25.02.05 Headshot Clan Detail
16.02.05 Team illusion Detail
11.02.05 eLiTe NiNe CSS 5on5 inactive Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Spring Cup 2006
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20.04.06 BlackBoys Detail
19.04.06 change.it Detail

Counter Strike: Source 5on5 Spring Cup CS:S 2005
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01.03.05 VagrantS Detail
01.03.05 VagrantS Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
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09.12.04 S.E.A.L. clan gg.. la rivincita quando sistemiamo il clan Detail
03.12.04 TGM Sharks Detail
30.11.04 Smurfs gg... abbiam ogiocato di merda cbble Detail
24.11.04 Paura e Delirio bravi e simpaotici... psylo troppo sculato lui e fastweb!! grrrr!!! Detail
17.11.04 Specialotti corretti.. gl per il futuro Detail
12.11.04 dontexist.it Detail
08.11.04 Gli Ultimi Guerrieri Detail
04.11.04 Royal Navy gg.. alla prossima!!! Detail
02.11.04 Darkness SQuad CS:GO Detail
27.10.04 Doh Clan gg.. bella cw.. soprattutto gl hf per il futuro!!! Detail
27.10.04 Pietravalle Clan Soldiers Dovrebbe essere giusto... Detail
20.10.04 G.I.S. Detail
19.10.04 cSc team closed Detail
11.10.04 Royal Navy Detail
13.07.04 TheShop Detail
12.07.04 SilverHawks Team pRo bella parita.. molto equilibrata peccato abbiano giocato un po in 4 Detail
28.06.04 suBBisci Detail
24.06.04 T.2D Detail
08.06.04 Darkness SQuad CS:GO Detail
07.06.04 Imperial Legion Rulez - close Detail
02.06.04 Band of the Hawks Detail
24.05.04 Calo di Tensione Detail
19.05.04 Paura e Delirio Detail
12.05.04 Brotherhood Of Steel Detail
11.05.04 TGM Sharks Detail
05.05.04 Infinity StylerS Detail
03.05.04 The w4nteds Detail
03.05.04 AssaulT Detail
28.04.04 Zero Gravity Detail
28.04.04 Ultras.69 Detail
26.04.04 Royal Navy Invicible Detail
21.04.04 United Clan CS Z Detail
19.04.04 digitaldevils Detail
09.04.04 Black Panthers Detail
08.04.04 AssaulT Detail
17.03.04 Calo di Tensione Detail
10.03.04 dontexist.it Detail
25.02.04 sluup.it - B Team gg Detail
04.02.04 guNNers ragazzi.. ping di merda.. giornata no di alcuni membri del clan... gg a voi... pero ci avete beccato prorpio nella giornata no ( io e come se avessi gicoato con voi) Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup #1
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26.11.04 as-OnFire.Europa Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup
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29.09.04 oldstyle.IT gg raga.. davvero simpatici Detail