Rating cnxn-King Hawkz

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Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 2on2 S&D Ladder
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09.03.13 DeeezyLo xV #godconnection Detail
24.02.13 Ch4oZ and BreZzZe DubZ Detail
13.02.13 q9 Backen-Klatschen Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) 2on2 Monday Night of S&D KW 5
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28.01.13 plan-B DSicK & DTrix Detail
28.01.13 MuecKe & LucKey Detail
28.01.13 CuuBa & SteeeVe Detail
28.01.13 Paiin & HydraXx Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 2on2 S&D Ladder
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20.09.12 F/A NOOBS gg Detail
13.07.12 Black & Yellow Detail
15.06.12 SP gg Detail
09.06.12 FreezZy&Crusher echt kanpp vorallem die entscheidungs map :D Detail
06.06.12 XTream Team gg Detail
06.06.12 ArmyofTWO gg Detail
03.06.12 xx1706 Profisxx Detail
02.06.12 XTream Team gg Detail
28.05.12 ArmyofTWO pünktlich,nicht geflamt,nett,und es hat spaß gemacht :D Detail

Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 2on2 TDM Quick Cup KW38
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19.09.12 JaMM // LNTC GG Detail
19.09.12 Cherry / SkyK gg Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 2on2 S&D Sommer Cup '12
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28.07.12 What you gonnnnnna do. Detail

Germany Uno (360) 2on2 Sommer Cup 2012
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22.07.12 ZR Flower Power Detail

Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 2on2 S&D Gaming Night #6
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25.05.12 Bogy isn huansn Detail
25.05.12 Team.Crystal gutgespielt :D Detail