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ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #29 - 27/10/13
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27.10.13 MaxFloPlaySM Detail
27.10.13 Fusion Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #3
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25.09.13 NotEvenClose Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #24 - 22/09/13
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22.09.13 PyRoGEN.LDLC SM Detail
22.09.13 TOTOLAND Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #2
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18.09.13 eSuba.INTEL Detail
18.09.13 SixSense.SM Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #23 - 15/09/13
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15.09.13 FM eSports PT Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #21 - 01/09/13
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01.09.13 FMeSports.SM Detail
01.09.13 3Guys Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #19 - 18/08/13
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18.08.13 1 Man Team Detail
18.08.13 NOVOS.Blood Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #7
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14.08.13 MaximumKraft.SM Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #18 - 11/08/13
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11.08.13 AERA-eSport SM Detail
11.08.13 0kashi.Psi Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #5
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31.07.13 Epic-eSports SM Detail
31.07.13 Zero.Shootmania Storm 5on5 gg Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #6
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12.06.13 Ninjassss Detail
12.06.13 Traxion Detail
12.06.13 ManiaStream Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #4
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05.06.13 Bisounours Detail
05.06.13 SuceMonBoule Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #9 - 02/06/13
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02.06.13 Choops.SM Detail
02.06.13 norsksvenskan Detail
02.06.13 Golden.Oldies Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Final #2 - 31/05/13
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01.06.13 PyRoGEN.LDLC SM Detail
31.05.13 Lets have some FUN ! Detail
31.05.13 n!faculty * Shootmania gg Detail
31.05.13 Dignitas.SM gg Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #2
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29.05.13 FMeSports.SM Detail
29.05.13 norsksvenskan Detail
29.05.13 Bicky Burger gg Detail
29.05.13 cromignons gg Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #8 - 26/05/13
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26.05.13 Grow uP Gaming Detail
26.05.13 bITCHES Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #6
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22.05.13 BROCHACHONACHO Detail
22.05.13 uLegend gg Detail
22.05.13 cRazY KiLLerS Detail
22.05.13 SuceMonBoule gg Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #7 - 19/05/13
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19.05.13 Dignitas.SM Detail
19.05.13 OLD.GF-Gaming.sm Detail
19.05.13 Vengeance eSports Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #5
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15.05.13 In Memory Of Energetic Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #6 - 12/05/13
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12.05.13 n!faculty * Shootmania gg Detail
12.05.13 SwissBulls Detail
12.05.13 Nameless SM:Elite Squad Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #4
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08.05.13 Legendary Detail
08.05.13 Dark lords of SPAM Detail
08.05.13 Grow uP Gaming Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #5 - 05/05/13
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05.05.13 TCM gaming no respect Detail
05.05.13 Wish I Could Remove This Detail
05.05.13 Mix Fun Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #3
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01.05.13 arnletoto Detail
01.05.13 Swagseries gg Detail
01.05.13 E-SHOCK.Sm gg Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 ESL Series
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29.04.13 n!faculty * Shootmania gg Detail
29.04.13 1 Man Team Detail
22.04.13 n!faculty * Shootmania Detail
22.04.13 QuiD.sm Detail
16.04.13 EasyFix.it Detail
02.04.13 EasyFix.it gg Detail
02.04.13 EasyFix.it gg Detail
25.03.13 in Memory of ShootMania Detail
20.03.13 in memory of BSE-Gaming nice Detail
12.03.13 EasyFix.it Detail
05.03.13 Swiss Bulls gg Detail
27.02.13 jusTice.Sm nice Detail
26.02.13 jusTice.Sm Detail
18.02.13 Swiss Bulls super ! Detail
10.02.13 Karont3 OLD Shootmania Detail
24.01.13 zero/Shootmania Detail
21.01.13 The Riddle Detail
15.01.13 EasyFix.it Detail
14.01.13 Rocket League Peng. Detail
13.01.13 logiX e.V. Detail
10.01.13 QuiD by shootmania.it gg Detail
08.01.13 The Riddle Detail
07.01.13 Swiss Bulls gg Detail
06.01.13 In Memory Of Audere Semper.SM Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #3 - 21/04/13
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21.04.13 Team Dignitas Shootmania Detail
21.04.13 fugitive.elite Detail
21.04.13 LUTKI Crew Detail

ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #1 - 07/04/13
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07.04.13 against All authority.SM Detail
07.04.13 Bazingamix Detail
07.04.13 IMNOTCREATIVE Detail
07.04.13 starz! Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #73
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04.04.13 mix!faculty Detail
03.04.13 against All authority.SM gg Detail
03.04.13 Addict.Gaming Sm2 Detail
03.04.13 starz! Detail
03.04.13 Team-Batsig eSports Detail
03.04.13 Bicky Burger Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #71
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01.04.13 arnletoto gg Detail
31.03.13 Les baies gg Detail
31.03.13 Cryum.EVO gg Detail
31.03.13 tEik Detail
31.03.13 Addict.Gaming 1 Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #65
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17.03.13 idk about the name Detail
17.03.13 Cryum Origin Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #62
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10.03.13 Swiss Bulls Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Ladder
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24.02.13 The Avengers sehr nett :) Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #55
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20.02.13 ZioKe gg Detail
20.02.13 zureboiis Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #37
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19.02.13 logiX e.V. Detail
19.02.13 logiX e.V. Detail
19.02.13 wassn da los Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #53
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17.02.13 Legendary Detail
17.02.13 Wish I Could Remove This Detail
17.02.13 Masters.sm Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Winter League Playoffs
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17.02.13 FMeSports.SM Detail
07.02.13 ShutDown Esports Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #51
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11.02.13 Karont3 OLD Shootmania Detail
10.02.13 Buykey eSports only flame ! bad team Detail
10.02.13 Imaginary Gaming EU Detail
10.02.13 - dMb Detail
10.02.13 Paragon eSports - Orange (old) Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #35
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31.01.13 Death Energy Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 2013 Series Cup #2
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30.01.13 In Memory Of Audere Semper.SM Detail
30.01.13 - dMb Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #48
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24.01.13 ePz.sm Detail
23.01.13 Awsomniac Detail
23.01.13 Death Energy Shootmania Detail
23.01.13 imaGine AIGHT Detail
23.01.13 former RAEP Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #46
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20.01.13 against All authority.SM Detail
20.01.13 equal Detail
20.01.13 former RAEP Detail
20.01.13 synergy Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Winter League 2013 Groupstage
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20.01.13 fenneks Detail
20.01.13 AerO-Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #45
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16.01.13 Fureur SM (Mix) Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #43
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13.01.13 myRevenge e.V. Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #42
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09.01.13 Karont3 OLD Shootmania Detail
09.01.13 SwedishAimers Detail
09.01.13 myRevenge e.V. Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #41
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06.01.13 ComboCrew Detail
06.01.13 Sycorax Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #39
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30.12.12 EasyFix.it Detail
30.12.12 War Legend Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #37
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19.12.12 RoughNex by CMStorm Detail
19.12.12 Poke.sm Detail

Shootmania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #31
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18.12.12 Swiss Bulls Detail
18.12.12 WennsMalSchnellGehenMuss gg wp Detail
18.12.12 Swiss Bulls Detail
18.12.12 ahaboy Detail
18.12.12 Rocket League Peng. gg wp Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #35
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12.12.12 DERPOBUS Detail
12.12.12 WunderbareWeltdesSchwellsaft Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #33
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05.12.12 FMeSports.SM Detail
05.12.12 CMC2 Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #31
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28.11.12 AVENUE Esports - HYPE SM Detail
28.11.12 SwedishAimers Detail
28.11.12 zero/Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #27
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14.11.12 SwedishAimers Detail
14.11.12 eMatiC. Gaming Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #19
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13.11.12 h3h3h4h4h0h0 Detail
13.11.12 Swiss Bulls Detail
13.11.12 h3h3h4h4h0h0 Detail
13.11.12 fenneks.ShootMania Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #17
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08.11.12 Swiss Bulls Detail
08.11.12 zero/Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #25
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07.11.12 No.Aim gg wp Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #14
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29.10.12 EYES ON U Detail
25.10.12 Vination eSports e.V. SM Detail
25.10.12 EYES ON U Detail
25.10.12 Vination eSports e.V. SM Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #23
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28.10.12 against All authority.SM Detail
28.10.12 Audere Semper eSport Team 2 Detail
28.10.12 EasyFix.it Detail
28.10.12 MAR Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Ladder Old
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22.10.12 Swiss Bulls Detail
11.09.12 unfohäige armins Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #13
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21.10.12 Vination eSports e.V. SM gg Detail
21.10.12 LeiSuRe.Practice Detail
21.10.12 Memoryssss Detail
21.10.12 Vination eSports e.V. SM gg Detail
21.10.12 zero/Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #12
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18.10.12 Swiss Bulls Detail
18.10.12 KICKAAAASS Detail
18.10.12 logiX e.V. Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #11
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11.10.12 logiX e.V. Shootmania Team 2 Detail
11.10.12 logiX e.V. Shootmania Team 2 Detail
11.10.12 zero/Shootmania Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #19
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07.10.12 EasyFix.it gg wp ;) Detail
07.10.12 Yllumatis.Lu2 gg wp Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #18
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05.10.12 iPlayNAKED Detail
05.10.12 Karont3 OLD Shootmania gg wp ;) Detail
05.10.12 CMC gg wp ;) Detail
05.10.12 logiX e.V. gg wp Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #15
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27.09.12 EasyFix.it gg wp Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #8
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26.09.12 EYES ON U Detail
26.09.12 zero/Shootmania Detail
26.09.12 PZGGPZ Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #13
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20.09.12 against All authority.SM Detail
20.09.12 MooMooFarm Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #5
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09.09.12 4Kings.sm Detail
09.09.12 Swiss Bulls Detail
09.09.12 asx eadw dc Detail
09.09.12 N4s3nbÄr3n h4b3n l4ng3 N4s3n Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #9
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06.09.12 AVENUE Esports - HYPE SM Detail
06.09.12 D&R.Shootmania #Esport Detail

ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #7
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29.08.12 ABSOLUT JAMBON gg ;) Detail
29.08.12 slukaminsad gg ;) Detail
29.08.12 Rail.Fever gg ;) Detail

ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #4
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26.08.12 EYES ON U Detail
26.08.12 Fast2Kill Detail