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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 ESL Pro Series Season IX Faza grupowa
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23.11.14 Black Ravens EPS Detail
23.11.14 Ziomki ziomeczki Detail
20.11.14 HyperShots Detail
26.10.14 Dobry&Gaming Detail
26.10.14 CL@N B@N@N Detail
19.10.14 HAXCONmemoriable.pro Detail
15.10.14 HyperShots Detail
08.10.14 Ziomki ziomeczki Detail
01.10.14 HAXCONmemoriable.pro gg Detail
22.09.14 Black Ravens EPS Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 ESL Pro Series Baraże EPS
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28.08.14 MISZCZOWIE GRY gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ESL One Cologne 2014 Open Qualifier
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22.07.14 ColdAsIce Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ESL One Cologne 2014 South-East Qualifier
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14.07.14 snT Detail
14.07.14 --- gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 ESL Pro Series Faza grupowa
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25.06.14 myRevenge e.V. PL Detail
24.06.14 x-kom team Detail
17.06.14 Dobry&Gaming Detail
11.06.14 Ziomki ziomeczki Detail
07.06.14 Team AGG Detail
02.06.14 Virtus.pro gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 ESL Pro Series I turniej kwalifikacyjny
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26.05.14 JUST DO IT.csgo Detail
26.05.14 Dobry&Gaming Detail
25.05.14 O mnie sie nie martw Detail
25.05.14 31337.eSports Detail
25.05.14 BezSpiny Detail
25.05.14 Team-ph0bia gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One EU Qualifier #2
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22.02.14 momo momo momooo Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One EU Qualifier #1
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18.02.14 ASES Club Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One Polish Regional Final
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10.02.14 Virtus.pro EMS gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One - IV Tura Kwalifikacyjna
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07.02.14 Slavic Flavor gg Detail
07.02.14 Uno Punto Secundo Detail
06.02.14 WEGE RAP gg Detail
06.02.14 SWVGFLVCKO Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One - III Tura Kwalifikacyjna
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31.01.14 Polskie Boty Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One - II Tura Kwalifikacyjna
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22.01.14 ALSEN-Team.pl Detail
22.01.14 KOSIORY Detail
21.01.14 vac my life Detail
21.01.14 The H1gh Life Detail
21.01.14 ELOELOELO Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One - I Tura Kwalifikacyjna
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10.01.14 EYE OF HORUS Detail
10.01.14 Dynowskie Klimaty Detail
10.01.14 SzoszoN Gaming gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 A-Series
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02.12.13 Team Wild Fire Detail
28.10.13 tempse gg Detail
24.10.13 PANGAFETT gg Detail
21.10.13 -/-/ gg Detail
23.07.13 Team-Authentic gg Detail
22.07.13 SUPERVILLAINS gg Detail
15.07.13 abitus Detail
12.05.13 haxxitas Detail
15.04.13 Wild-Play e.V. Detail
14.04.13 Infused UK Detail
01.04.13 God LAN Detail
26.03.13 worth it .eu Detail
24.03.13 MTeaM Detail
14.03.13 Cock is not chicken Detail
12.03.13 Team Menace.fi Detail
11.03.13 x6tence .CS:GOGO Detail
10.03.13 WesternWolves Detail
07.03.13 dominators.en.linea Detail
28.02.13 Karont3 e-Sports Club Detail
17.02.13 IZIPIZi Detail
12.02.13 Live Free Or Die Detail
12.02.13 mousesports Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 5on5 Autumn Cup 2013 #4
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27.11.13 toss the turtle german online skill !! Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 Autumn Cup Series Finał 2013
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25.11.13 ALSEN-Team.pl gg Detail
24.11.13 The H1gh Life Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 Autumn Cup Series #3
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19.11.13 TAPPED OUT Detail
18.11.13 Anonymous gg Detail
17.11.13 PNEUMTECH.pl gg Detail
17.11.13 Mixowe Boty Detail
17.11.13 Essentiale Forte Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 Autumn Cup Series #1
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10.11.13 ALSEN-Team.pl gg Detail
10.11.13 Sztos gg Detail
10.11.13 KOTY gg Detail
10.11.13 ICY BOX FRIENDS gg Detail
10.11.13 Sklad Wegla i Papy gg Detail

CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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25.07.13 BURN! gg Detail
22.07.13 ayoLO gg Detail
19.07.13 GAMEPARADISE Detail
10.07.13 The Show Must Go On Detail
10.07.13 K:. r u s h gg Detail
06.07.13 DKNNNNNNNNNN Detail
06.07.13 Mumble HIGHER. Detail
06.05.13 AVION Detail
25.04.13 Lilla Lady Detail
24.04.13 sex sells Detail
24.04.13 hELL is auch nicht letzter Detail
26.03.13 iN MeMoRy oF DNZ Detail
25.03.13 xSPÜRHUNDE Detail
25.03.13 GESICHT GESICHT Detail
15.03.13 WILD BEASTS Detail
15.03.13 baLLi Detail
14.03.13 xSPÜRHUNDE Detail
12.03.13 Live Free Or Die Detail
12.03.13 13ad Detail
12.03.13 MIXIOR Detail
12.03.13 highrollers Detail
11.03.13 GESICHT GESICHT Detail
10.03.13 PEW PEW Detail
08.03.13 WILD BEASTS Detail
08.03.13 69ersss Detail
08.03.13 MAG 7 Detail
07.03.13 SELFMADE Detail
07.03.13 Gingers are fucked Detail
07.03.13 Outlandish Detail
07.03.13 Bregenz Detail
06.03.13 immer schön nabs reinholen Detail
06.03.13 MAJIN.GG Detail
05.03.13 SELFMADE Detail
05.03.13 high as fuck Detail
04.03.13 Team-Authentic Detail
04.03.13 TEAM.1NET Detail
04.03.13 VIRU VOLVES Detail
04.03.13 Sledzie Z Texasu Detail
04.03.13 KEYBOARD Detail
03.03.13 Na lutsch aN deiNeN fiNgerN Detail
03.03.13 TRW.csgo by Gejmplejesport.pl Detail
03.03.13 gastarbeiter Detail
02.03.13 mapclean9rs 5n5 Worst server i\'ve ever played, 1 big lag Detail
02.03.13 Flashbanged II Detail
02.03.13 Outlandish Detail
02.03.13 Live Free Or Die Detail
12.02.13 AU WiRE Detail
07.02.13 Mineralwasser 1Liter Detail
30.01.13 CEST NOUS Detail
27.01.13 U383RKR455 Detail
27.01.13 G-TOWN Detail
27.01.13 tyska sväng Detail
23.01.13 HACK.ENERGY Detail
10.01.13 PANDAVILLAGE Detail
09.01.13 13th Division Detail
09.01.13 clownfische Detail
07.01.13 LIONS int Detail
07.01.13 ladder Detail
06.01.13 1schussgefahR Detail
19.12.12 dakine Detail
12.12.12 WILDSKILL GAMING Detail
11.12.12 Five FAAPS Detail
30.11.12 West Coast Pirates! Detail
29.11.12 firstroundsaver Detail
29.11.12 DiBS Detail
29.11.12 TroLLings Detail
28.11.12 crap Crew Detail
28.11.12 Young Money Cash Money Detail
27.11.12 ZeNet Detail
26.11.12 TEAM LEVEL 6 CSGO Detail
26.11.12 Gummibärenbande!! Detail
25.11.12 eVolutionNetwork Detail
25.11.12 Polandddddddddd Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CM Storm Go4CSGO Cup #52 - 14/07
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14.07.13 GUN BROS !!!!! Detail
14.07.13 GRABBARNK1NG gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CM Storm Go4CSGO Cup #51 - 07/07
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07.07.13 ancients Detail
07.07.13 Team WUZUP Detail
07.07.13 0GC Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CM Storm Go4CSGO Cup #50 - 30/06
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30.06.13 sprinterlol Detail
30.06.13 Experience of Addicts Detail

CS:GO Open Ladder 3on3 Europe
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27.04.13 How I met your Head Detail
27.04.13 3on3 der Vatikan Detail
02.03.13 namesacni by Falco.tk AUTO LAMERS xD Detail
02.03.13 kmx Detail
01.03.13 ARD Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO 5on5 Finał Styczeń 2013
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30.01.13 JAZDAJAZDA Detail
29.01.13 Klan Arona Detail
28.01.13 Global Elite Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO 5on5 #5
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22.01.13 Kololowe Kledki Detail
22.01.13 onepointsix.cup Detail
22.01.13 Klan Arona Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO 5on5 #4
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18.01.13 hheueue Detail
17.01.13 Byle Do Piatku! Detail
17.01.13 Global Elite Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO 5on5 #2
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10.01.13 Klan Arona Detail
10.01.13 opor jakis Detail
10.01.13 Goodfellas Detail
10.01.13 AMNESIA CS:GO Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO 5on5 #1
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06.01.13 AMNESIA CS:GO Detail
06.01.13 FFTEAM.pl Detail
06.01.13 CuRRahee! Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive IEM Poland III tura kwalifikacyjna
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19.12.12 BenQ DELTAeSPORTS.COM Globus Detail
18.12.12 Kitowcy aTTacK Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive IEM Poland Your Road to Katowice - II tura kwalifikacyjna
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11.12.12 TBA Detail
10.12.12 AWEngers Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive IEM Poland I tura kwalifikacyjna
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03.12.12 MaxFloPlaY IEM Detail