Rating The Nerds

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World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #82
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10.12.13 Szopy Pracze Wymiatacze Detail
10.12.13 MBrothers Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 140
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08.12.13 Happy Tree Friends_T1 Detail
08.12.13 V Batalion Remontowy Detail
08.12.13 Volpi Del Deserto-Team Omega Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #81
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03.12.13 Psyho_le Detail
03.12.13 1 Korpus Pancerny Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 139_2
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01.12.13 Schlechtwetterfront-Rising Detail
01.12.13 NLBE White Lions Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #80
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26.11.13 DEVILS Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 138
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24.11.13 Beaverboard Squad Detail
24.11.13 Protinus ad Infernos Detail

Wargaming.net League Europe Bronze Series
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21.11.13 Alpha.LV Detail
20.11.13 ONS Detail
18.11.13 Drooling Leprechauns Detail
13.11.13 RivetingTV Detail
12.11.13 YOLO Detail
11.11.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
07.11.13 Super Pazie Detail
06.11.13 Drooling Leprechauns Detail
04.11.13 Orbis non sufficit Detail
30.10.13 Fatal error Detail
29.10.13 eXile Detail
28.10.13 The Seven Resurrected Detail
27.10.13 Pumba Bull Detail
20.10.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
17.10.13 Alpha.LV Detail
15.10.13 Jesus Love Us! Detail
14.10.13 Fatal error Detail
10.10.13 Why you HEFF to be mad!? Detail
07.10.13 Running away rules Detail
06.10.13 Taktical Turtle Detail
03.10.13 Jesus Love Us! Detail
02.10.13 Super Pazie Detail
30.09.13 Tacticus Detail
29.09.13 DURE Detail
26.09.13 Fatal.UK Detail
24.09.13 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
23.09.13 Weekend WarriorZ Detail
19.09.13 Hodors 7 Detail
18.09.13 G-F Division 13/7 Detail
16.09.13 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
12.09.13 Happy Tree Friends_T1 Detail
11.09.13 The Misfit Brigade Detail
08.09.13 Why you HEFF to be mad!? Detail
04.09.13 ONS Detail
03.09.13 Xel Naga Core VII Detail
02.09.13 Bad Pistolz Detail
01.09.13 Panzer Fist Detail
29.08.13 Paprike RED_S Detail
27.08.13 The Smurfs Detail
26.08.13 Fun WoT Detail
25.08.13 Szczury Tobruku Detail
21.08.13 UTOPIA Detail
20.08.13 Strafe Korps Detail
18.08.13 SBP 3 Detail
15.08.13 Alpha.LV Detail
12.08.13 Why you HEFF to be mad!? Detail
11.08.13 Xel Naga Core VII Detail
30.07.13 Bad Pistolz Detail
29.07.13 Why you HEFF to be mad!? Detail
25.07.13 Strafe Korps Detail
24.07.13 Xel Naga Core VII Detail
23.07.13 SBP 3 Detail
22.07.13 Panzer Butterfly eSports Detail
17.07.13 Team Trickjump Detail
16.07.13 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail
15.07.13 Xpain Detail
11.07.13 ONS Detail
10.07.13 Panzer Fist Detail
09.07.13 Chimera Detail
04.07.13 Routrings Detail
03.07.13 Why you HEFF to be mad!? Detail
02.07.13 FreeFall Detail
01.07.13 Beaverboard Squad Detail
27.06.13 Alpha.LV Detail
26.06.13 DB Gaming Detail
24.06.13 Cavaliers BLU Detail
19.06.13 Duke Hetzers Detail
17.06.13 UTOPIA Detail
13.06.13 Baltic Rush Detail
12.06.13 Elite War Chickens Detail
11.06.13 The Big RED 1 Detail
30.05.13 Super Pazie Detail
28.05.13 ONS Detail
27.05.13 noobs.ins!de Detail
22.05.13 FreeFall Detail
20.05.13 Anguis In Herba Detail
16.05.13 TTeam#WoT.Bravo Detail
14.05.13 The Homicidal Maniacs Detail
13.05.13 Baltic Rush Detail
09.05.13 Puulaaki Detail
08.05.13 USSR ESport Detail
06.05.13 -BKP- 7 vs 7 Detail
29.04.13 2-BAD-1 Detail
25.04.13 Pain Syndicate Detail
19.04.13 Wuestenfüchse Detail
17.04.13 ORNE Detail
10.04.13 I GPZ Detail
04.04.13 Hellno Kitty Detail
03.04.13 66 ton BIGOS-u Detail
29.03.13 Hungaryan Team Players Detail
28.03.13 eXile Detail
27.03.13 Mieszac Beton Team Detail
21.03.13 Brothers in Arm-DCA 7vs7 Detail
18.03.13 Lietuvos Tanku Divizija Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #79
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19.11.13 Mieszac Beton Team Detail
19.11.13 Kutang-Klan Masters Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 137
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17.11.13 Happy Tree Friends_T1 Detail
17.11.13 CichoCiemni Detail
17.11.13 Cor Leontis Lions Club Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #78
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12.11.13 Elite Steel Battalion Detail
12.11.13 ORLIK Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 136
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10.11.13 Kazna Kru Detail
10.11.13 Orbis non sufficit Detail
10.11.13 RORB-LPM Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #77
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05.11.13 Routrings Detail
05.11.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
05.11.13 B4ndit4S Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 135
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03.11.13 Gogo Pover Rangers Detail
03.11.13 White Wolves Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #76
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29.10.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
29.10.13 Virtuti Militari_7team Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 134
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27.10.13 Lazy Swine Detail
27.10.13 --FOCA-- Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #75
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22.10.13 TheOthers - Zero Squad Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #74
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15.10.13 OUTCAST Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 132
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13.10.13 Bright WoT Squad Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #73
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08.10.13 RIP United Forces Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 131
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06.10.13 Evil Panda Squad Detail
06.10.13 Wardogz Detail
06.10.13 Deutsche_Front_Elite 7on7 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Testcup Series #1 - Westfield
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01.10.13 Penta Sports.Wot Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #72
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01.10.13 FAME! Detail
01.10.13 1_BW: Psycho Fans Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 130
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29.09.13 The A+ Team Detail
29.09.13 Inquisition - ESL team Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Testcup Series #1 - Mountain Pass
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24.09.13 Strzelamy za JedeN Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #71
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24.09.13 Szczelamy Za Zer0 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Testcup Series #1 - Sacred Valley
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17.09.13 eSuba.INTEL Detail
17.09.13 Gat Demecz Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #70
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17.09.13 Who Cares? Detail
17.09.13 Felo de se Division Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #69
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10.09.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
10.09.13 1 RBP Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 127
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08.09.13 Kazna Kru Detail
08.09.13 Xpain Detail
08.09.13 PMHC Hussars Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #68
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03.09.13 Routrings Detail
03.09.13 Achtung! PMHC Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Testcup Series #1 - Port
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03.09.13 Gat Demecz Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #67
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27.08.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
27.08.13 L-B-P & 1ZBPJ Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Testcup Series #1 - Fjords
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27.08.13 Penta Sports.Wot Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 125
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25.08.13 Happy Tree Friends_T1 Detail
25.08.13 Lazy Swine Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #66
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20.08.13 1 Sojusz Braci Pancernej Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Testcup Series #1 - Cliff
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20.08.13 Xpain Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 124
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18.08.13 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #65
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13.08.13 Ashes of Sins Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 123
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11.08.13 PZK Panzerknacker Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #63
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30.07.13 1 RBP Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #62
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23.07.13 FAME! Detail
23.07.13 Silesian-Band-of-Brother Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 120
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21.07.13 QSF Go4WoT Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 119
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14.07.13 BiA Hot Seven Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #60
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09.07.13 Lord of the Potatos 7vs7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 118
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07.07.13 Lemming Train Detail
07.07.13 2B: 2nd Wave Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #59
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02.07.13 Beaverboard Squad Detail
02.07.13 Wojownicze Bobry Ninja Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 117
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30.06.13 The Homicidal Maniacs Detail
30.06.13 1-PBP TEAM Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #58
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25.06.13 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail
25.06.13 1 RBP Detail
25.06.13 Vae Victis Detail
25.06.13 WPZ Tank Team Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 116
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23.06.13 BiA Hot Seven Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 115
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16.06.13 eSuba.INTEL Detail
16.06.13 Canards d acier Detail
16.06.13 Odem Mortis - Auri sacra fames Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #56
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11.06.13 S-D Lamy Detail
11.06.13 Snowy Weather Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 114
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09.06.13 FANG Detail
09.06.13 Wo ist die kokosnuss 2014 Detail
09.06.13 Swedish Viking Go4WoT 1st Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #55
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04.06.13 S-D Lamy Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #54
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28.05.13 S-D Lamy Detail
28.05.13 RANDOM BEGINNERs Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 113
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26.05.13 Strafe Korps Detail
26.05.13 Cool Bastards Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #53
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21.05.13 GC4F Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 111
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12.05.13 Baltic Rush Detail
12.05.13 TrOll Gunn3rs Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #51
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07.05.13 Super Pazie Detail
07.05.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
07.05.13 Golden Morons Squad Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 110
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05.05.13 The True Hools Detail
05.05.13 Srpska Garda Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 109
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28.04.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
28.04.13 HIENA Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #49
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23.04.13 1DPGN Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 108
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21.04.13 - Exceptional Tank Driver- Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #48
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16.04.13 Koksy Papaja Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 107
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14.04.13 Rush N Glory Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #47
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09.04.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
09.04.13 RIP United Forces Detail
09.04.13 -BR-C- Awesome 7 on 7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 106
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07.04.13 SLF scum Detail
07.04.13 peculiar gaming e. V. Detail
07.04.13 2SBP Szeregowiec Dolot 7vs7 Detail
07.04.13 Routrings Detail
07.04.13 Magyar Ludovika Harcosai Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #45
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06.04.13 Ludzka Stonoga Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #46
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02.04.13 eXpendable Squad Detail
02.04.13 Brygada_PPBB Detail
02.04.13 OPposition Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #45
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26.03.13 Panzer Fist Detail
26.03.13 2Easy Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 103
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24.03.13 The A+ Team Detail
24.03.13 Lietuvos Tanku Divizija Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #44
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19.03.13 Who Cares? Detail
19.03.13 X-RAY Detail
19.03.13 SBP 3 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 102
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17.03.13 BAN tim Detail
17.03.13 Puulaaki Detail